
Here are some great sites listed in categories for you to visit. Next to each link is a number of stars, which is my rating of the link. A scale is below. Email me if you have anymore links! Don't forget to finish browsing through my site before you click on one of the links though *s*


5 [*****] Excellent
4 [****] Good
3 [***] Average
2 [**] Passable
1 [*] Terrible

Free Homepages

[*****] Yahoo!Geocities

[****] Fortune City

[***] Xoom

[***] Angelfire

[**] Internations

Free Email

[*****] Yahoo

[****] Hotmail

[****] Mail dot Com

[****] Iname

[***] Start

Homepage Resources

[*****] The Mousepad

[*****] Enchanted Forest Community Center

[****] The Font Factory

[*****] Candyland


[*****] The Site Fights

[*****] Disney Online

[*****] Blue Mountain Greeting Cards

[*****] Purple Moon

[*****] Meg's Place

Domain Hosting

[*****] Communitech

[***] Hypermart

[***] Virtualave

[***] Webfomations

[Home] [Yahoo!Geocities]

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Please do not steal this background or logo
without asking me.

Any content used from other sites are listed here.