Meet The Leaders


Hawkeye (Scouter Ray)

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Scouter Ray has been the Beaver Leader for the past 2 years. As well as being a Beaver Leader he helps out at the Scout Section in a Leader Capacity.

Wolf Cubs

Akela (Scouter Bill)

Scouter Bill has been with the 17th since Noa built the Ark. He is a very dedicated Leader.

Scouter Bill also helps run the Scout Program with Scouter Chris. Bill's vast knowledge is very helpful to Scouter Chris and he uses Scouter Bill as a resource for Scout related matters.


Scouter Dave

(Picture to come later)

Scouter Dave has started up the Venture program this year. He and 6 former Scouts are trying to make it a go. Everyone at the 17th is hoping that from this small group a big Company will Grow.

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