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Animal Crackers

In today’s world there are many acts taking place that can be considered cruel, inhumane, and just plain evil spirited. Some of these acts are disgusting, perverted, and totally horrifying. However, by far the most atrocious is that of cruelty to other creatures. There are many things that can be interpreted as cruelty such as: not feeding a pet; committing physical harm; and verbal abuse. While some of these acts seem very terrible for any human to instill upon defenseless creatures, I have seen an act that is so putrid and vomit enticing that you would think any logical person could not bare to witness such an act. Yet this act is a common practice among adults and children too.

What is this grotesque act that we often take part in as a "civilized" society? If you haven’t guessed already, and you probably haven’t, it is the act of decapitating cute little creatures with one gigantic bite and eating the rest of the body raw after masticating and swallowing its head. I can tell right now that you’re in denial and don’t admit to participating in this abhorrent act, but I know that you’ve at least witnessed this act and done nothing about it.

This act, however, is just an end to these creatures’ miserable lives. Since the day they were born they have lived their short lives being herded together and kept in small boxes without light, objects we creatively call cages. Then these creatures are shipped out and sold for little money to us, the public consumers, where they will be released for the first time only to meet their hideous demise in our salivating mouths of doom. It seems fitting that such a horrible end should come to such a horrible life.

This act is just down right wrong and should be stopped by all means possible. Our government hasn’t done anything about this problem and never will either; that’s why it is up to you and me to bring attention this unjustified infringement upon these creatures’ natural right to live in peace and freedom. Remember this starts with you ending in accepting this act and educating others. Together we can stop animal cracker abuse.

All items are copyright of Seth Johnson and may not be reproduced
for use on the internet without written consent. © 1998