Adventures of Maelorwen & Magean
Episode 4

The sun was shining outside and Magean was making plans in his tower room for the evenings festivities. "I'm not very good at this planning, I really need Maelorwen's help," Magean said to himself. Just then, Grainne walked in.Grainne
"Ahhhh, Grainne, I need your assistance, could you please find Maelorwen and tell her I need help planning this evenings event," requested Magean. "You know, Grainne, it's such a relief that we found Prince Morus so fast. It's wonderful that we'll be able to celebrate and relax tonight around a big fire, with lots of music and food," continued Magean.
"Magean, you know the gypsies are camped right outside the castle wall, everyone enjoys their stories and such, perhaps after I get Maelorwen, I can invite them," stated Grainne.
"Brilliant idea! Find Maelorwen and then invite the gypsies. The more the merrier I always say!" Grainne turned and walked out the door. Magean sat at his large table and continued to make a list for the celebration. He mumbled to himself as he did so, "Ale, I'm sure the cook has taken care of that, we'll have plenty. Well, maybe I should remind her, no, she'll remember. Smart lady that cook. Keeps us well fed. Always has fine food, she also picks out the best people to help her. Knows just what we always have in our storage..." Magean's ramblings were cut short by a scream.
"Grainne, what is it?" questioned Magean as he jumped up running towards the door. "Grainne, is Prince Morus missing again?"
"Oh, no, Magean, this is much, much worse!" Grainne stammered.
"Well, spit it out, if it's bad, we must deal with it quickly."
"Magean, I can't find Maelorwen."
"Grainne, that is ridiculous, you know Maelorwen is here somewhere," Magean stated matter of factly.
"Magean, she's not here!" exclaimed Grainne.
"Where have you looked?"
"I looked in her room and she's gone."
"In her room? Just because she's not in her room doesn't mean that she is gone."
"Her room, it's a shambles, it's just wrecked, it's....there''s a rope...right there...right out the window," cried Grainne.
"Aaaaaaaagh! NO! Not Maelorwen!" yelled Magean. "Grainne notify all of the Wizards, Sorceresses, Princes, Princesses, spirits, tell everyone that has ever been in the Land of Enchantment! We need their help! Maelorwen must be found!" ordered Magean. "The gypsies, tell the gypsies. I'll tell the gypsies, they can help too. You round up everyone else! NOW!"
Magean ran out of the castle and through the gate, the first gypsy he saw was a fortune teller.Fortune Teller
"Maelorwen is missing and we need your help. We need all of the gypsies to help!"
The entire gypsy camp agreed to help look for Maelorwen. Grainne had notified everyone else. The search has begun!

Maelorwen is missing and we need your help. You have probably noticed that every page where Maelorwen used to be is now a broken image. Please help us find Maelorwen. The search will be a long difficult one. The clues should help you find her.

Clue 1. She is not located at 4 Kids Land of Enchantment's site. She is located on one of the adoptee's pages.
Clue 2. Maelorwen still has not been found, she is in despair.
Clue 3. Maelorwen remembers the fresh smell of grass, so she must have been walked through the glade.
Clue 4. Wall hangings hide secret passages.

You may still read previous episodes.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

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