2 Corinthians 13:14

forty-five degrees
the light shines from above
what they see is an image
an image of love.
they're drawn to His presence
but they don't even know it.
all they know is i'm Christian
and i want to show it.

i want to be like a mirror
pointed right up at You
so when they see my reflection
they know that i'm being true.
i want to always be right by Your side
so when ‘im up on stage
i've got nothing to hide.

forty-five degrees and i don't deserve
the image You give me
of the Lord i serve.
i want them to see that
i'm a product of grace
and it's cause of Your Spirit
that i seek Your face.

i want to be like a mirror
pointed right up at You
so when they see my reflection
they know that i'm being true.
i want to always be right by Your side
so when i'm up on stage
i've got nothing to hide.

you've go to know that i've fallen
you've got to know that i sin
you've got to know that perfection
it doesn't come from within.
i want to be like a mirror
pointed right up at You
so when they see my reflection
they know that i'm being true.

© 1997
