
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have taken the time to learn more about Spina Bifida and our family. Nick is now 12 and is doing remarkably well. I have spoken with and received literally hundreds of telephone calls and emails from parents and family members from all over the world since the creation of our site, all desiring more information about Spina Bifida and perhaps a glimpse into what the future holds for their child.

I believe that the best course of action as a parent is to fully educate yourself and your family about Spina Bifida. My purpose is to encourage other parents to not think of this as a negative situation. I realize that is hard to imagine, especially in the beginning, but remember I too was there myself. However, now 12 years later, I know that through all of the challenges we have faced as a family, we are the better for it. I believe with all of my heart, that my son and your child, are beautiful gifts from God. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of having Spina Bifida, I have discovered countless GREAT things that have come of my son being born with Spina Bifida. One of the great things about my son is Spina Bifida. That is just part of who he is and I wouldn't want to change anything. Again, while most of you can't fathom such an idea, the day will come when you will see it also.
