Welcome to my Guestbook!

Erika Silvermoon - 10/09/00 21:00:38
My URL:http://www.egroups.com/group/ReikiClasses
My Email:erikasilvermoon@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: I had it bookmarked
Do you believe in fairies?: OF COURSE! :)

Hiyas Tracy... I am one of your former students! How have you been doing? I wanted to let you know that I started an online Reiki course, it is in the spirit of how you did yours! You can find it at : http://www.egroups.com/group/ReikiClasses Anyone can join! Have a good day *hugs* Blessings to all, Erika Silvermoon

Nancy - 09/17/00 19:10:01
My Email:sage0585@aol.com
How did you find this page?: looking for answers
Do you believe in fairies?: yes

nice web site~

Majiklmoon - 08/19/00 00:31:55
My URL:http://www.majiklmoo.com
My Email:webmistress@majiklmoon.com
How did you find this page?: webring
Do you believe in fairies?: yes

Merry Meet Tracy What an astounding amount of infomation. I love your site! I have bookmarked it and I will be back again. Bright Blessings Majiklmoon

Diva Melisende - 08/06/00 12:48:40
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:divinity@divinediva.org
How did you find this page?: Webring

Greetings, The Chairwomen of Divine Diva of the Web wish to formally extend to you an invitation to visit our site at: http://www.divinediva.org We are a small, and relatively new Women's group who stick t gether through thick and thin, offer advice to one another and just generally "be there" for each other. We also support worthy causes such as Domestic Violence, The Fight Against Cancer, Animal Cruelty, The fight against Child Pornography, Internet Harra sment, and many more. We feel it is vital to interact with women on Common Ground....the Internet. Although we have many different interests and ideas...we still have one thing in common....THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Please accept this letter as a formal inv tation to view our site. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance and you will receive a personalized membershi logo to place on your website. If our entry in your guestbook has offended you in any way, please accept our apologies, and feel free to delete our entry. We look forward to hearing from you!

Remember, you do not have to be a woman to stop by and visit (only to join).
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as one.

Divine Diva of the Web does NOT discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs or Creed. We Welcome the Diversity!!!!
~ Coming soon ~ a webring from Divine Diva's designed especially for and maintained by Men!!

Scarlet - 07/19/00 16:30:34
My Email:NWScarletW
How did you find this page?: surfing
Do you believe in fairies?: yes i do

Lovely site! I had a nice visit and will come back. Thank You

Spiritwyse - 04/17/00 11:57:28
My URL:http://bnsa.com/spiritwyse
My Email:spiritwyse@bnsa.com
How did you find this page?: through the rings
Do you believe in fairies?: yes

Hi; I just started a new webring for new age, new world or new thought websites. The ring is for sites containing anything new age! This can be anything from astrology to zen to divination to wicca. After visiting your site I'd be very pleased if you would consider joining the ring. A new mindset is upon us - join in the new awakening! Visit The Spiritwyse Webring http://www.bnsa.com/spiritwyse/ring.html

Lady Cheetahkat - 04/17/00 01:48:10
My URL:http://digitaldelilah.com
How did you find this page?: Reiki Ring
Do you believe in fairies?: Yes!

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our webring! http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Majiklmoon - 04/10/00 22:26:21
My URL:http://www.majiklmoon.com
My Email:Majiklmoon@aol.com
How did you find this page?: webring
Do you believe in fairies?: yes

Merry Meet Tracy, I just wanted to tell you how wonderful I found your page. It is quite obvious to see how much time and effort you put in to it. I have bookmarked it and will be back often Bright Blessings-- Majiklmoon

Lorianne MoonFaery - 03/05/00 11:25:48
My URL:http://www.moonfaery.com/me
How did you find this page?: Tarot Ring
Do you believe in fairies?: most certainly

Your site is wonderful, you're wonderful. Thank your for your help and friendlyness. I'm sure going to visit often, I'll link to your site also.
Lorianne aka MoonFaery

Tammy - 02/25/00 03:16:11
My Email:tlr@planetcable.net
How did you find this page?: Tarot Web Site
Do you believe in fairies?: Yes, I do.... I am just WAY FAR AWAY from being able to see them!

WOW...Thank you so much Tracy... you have developed an incredible site; it is very easy to see that it is a true labor of love. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your knowledge with all of us.... Blessed Be

Erika Silvermoon - 02/23/00 21:39:03
My URL:http://zap.to/mysticalshadows.com
My Email:mysticalshadows@mindspring.com
How did you find this page?: Im in your online Reiki class!
Do you believe in fairies?: Of Course!

I loved your site, you have so much info. that its amazing. It will take me a few weeks to go thru it all LOL I love it! Keep up the good work! :)

Vinca - 02/17/00 13:42:03
My Email:vinlave@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Reiki
Do you believe in fairies?: Yes

Congratulations! you are doing an excellent job and many people is learning and growing through your page.

Aislinn - 12/09/99 22:04:22
My Email:aislinnAcie@aol.com
How did you find this page?: surfing
Do you believe in fairies?: Maybe

Beautiful graphics.

April Lynn Sosnowski - 11/21/99 06:49:14
My Email:zippynziggy@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: browsing on internet
Do you believe in fairies?: I believe in anything that can tell me the future

I would love to know what my future holds. I believe in a lot of stuff.

Gail - 09/17/99 16:03:46
My Email:atm@hto.net
How did you find this page?: Tarot Chat List
Do you believe in fairies?: Yes! And many other things as well!

Congratulations Tracy! This is a wonderful site! I'll stop bye often! Gail

FLORENCE - 08/22/99 23:46:00
My Email:rop43777@mail.telepac.pt
How did you find this page?: beautifull
Do you believe in fairies?: yes and no


v - 07/29/99 21:18:07
My Email:5kittys@cheerful.com
How did you find this page?: search engine
Do you believe in fairies?: dont know


StarLyte - 07/27/99 18:09:42
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/postmodern/586/
My Email:Just_StarLyte@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: webring
Do you believe in fairies?: I believe in a lot of things

Found your site today. Every once in a while a person runs up on a site that is a jewel of a find. Your site is one of those. You've done a wonderful job and have a lot of information on your site, it's truly something for one to come back to.

Anonymous - 07/19/99 00:00:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/ccachick
My Email:wicca.chick@angelfire.com
How did you find this page?: webring
Do you believe in fairies?: hmm... you'll have to get back to me on that.

I really like your site, and Im jealous how its gotten so many hits! I just started a site of my own and its tough to get traffic to the site! I really admire the way you've done that and if you have any pointers for me, please email me!

Maria - 07/10/99 19:33:48
My Email:marylab@cyberserv.co.za
How did you find this page?: AllThingsTarot
Do you believe in fairies?: Yes

Very Good site. Thank you Tracy for all the hard work you have put into it, that others can benefit from it. Well done!

Astra - 07/08/99 14:20:35
My Email:Lasson@TCSN.net
How did you find this page?: Luck
Do you believe in fairies?: Yes

Thank you for the helpful info. I promise to visit often.

The Ancient One - 07/06/99 13:21:22
My URL:http://www.channel21.com/members/oblio
My Email:ancient1@rocketmail.com
How did you find this page?: fate
Do you believe in fairies?: i believe in possibilities

ONCE WHILE OUT A WALKING / IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD / I SPIED A LITTLE GIRL / MADE OF BALSA WOOD / THE WIND HAD SWEPT HER AWAY / AN UNSUSPECTING LOAD / THEN LEFT HER LYING FACE DOWN / IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD / THERE WERE HOLES IN HER CHEEKS / WHERE THE TEARS HAD BROKEN THROUGH / AND HER HANDS REACHED OUT FOR MERCY / AS IF SHE ALWAYS KNEW / THAT THIS IS A WORLD / WHERE IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU'RE GOOD / CAUSE YOU'LL ALWAYS GO TO HELL / WHEN YOU'RE MADE OF BALSA WOOD //////// Greetings from The Ancient One. My name is Micheal.The above is a poem about prejudice dedicated to all those brave enough to follow their path in the face of opposition.Thanks for signing my guestbook.Try my friends site www.bardic.on.ca .He made my site in about five minutes just for fun.

The Ancient One - 06/11/99 17:00:13
My URL:http://www.bardic.on.ca/ancient
My Email:ancient1@rocketmail.com
How did you find this page?: fate
Do you believe in fairies?: i believe in possibilities

Greetings from The Ancient One . My name is Micheal. I am a psychic/metaphysical practitioner in canada.Tarot is one of my specialities.My compliments on your site.Very positive.

rose - 04/29/99 22:25:36
My Email:ggg@northlink.net
How did you find this page?: all things tarot
Do you believe in fairies?: sure

its been booked marked looks very informative thanks rose

Ravi - 04/06/99 19:47:39
My Email:KRCReddi@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Reiki newsgroup

You have a very nice site. The music and colors/graphics are very soothing and comforting. thanks Love and Light Ravi

Lynnaea of Moonglade - 03/27/99 01:44:40
My URL:http://www.witchhaven.com/moonglade
My Email:moonglade@twlakes.net
How did you find this page?: a link on a posting
Do you believe in fairies?: Of course, some of my best friends are the wee ones.

Beautiful site, I love the graphics. Keep it up.

Sheri - 03/26/99 21:45:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/howodd
My Email:SM13mass@aol.com
How did you find this page?: through a webring
Do you believe in fairies?: umm... sure! but they cant write notes on big paper cause they arent big enough

You have a really cool site! Im building a site of my own.. and I know it can be hard to come up with ideas for it!

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