Age: 18
Involvement in Guiding: Brownies: Been a Guide for 11 years.
Memorable Activities: Muster 1995 at Byron Bay.
Favourite Joke: Sorry, I can never remember jokes.
Favourite TV Show: Ally McBeal, Providence.
Favourite Campsite: Glengarry (Sydney).
Favourite Craft: I am not good at craft but enjoy making anything which looks good and is colourful.
Camping Advice: When raining make sure all tents are zipped up!! Make sure you check other's tents around you.
Signature Phrase: "Just do it!!" and "let's go clubbing".
Worst Habit: Keeping my room tidy and getting stressed out with the HSC
Main Ambition: To succeed in what I do best, travel the world, have fun and enjoy life.
Favourite Colour: That's hard, PINK!!
Pets: A cat called Pompom, dog called Cherry and both are very, very cute and cuddly.
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