Age: 18
Involvement in Guiding: Brownies: 11 years, from Brownies to Rangers.
Memorable Activities: Byron Bay Muster, "Ships Ahoy".
Favourite Joke: Ahahah - ow.
Favourite TV Show: Ally McBeal.
Favourite Campsite: Greenpatch
Favourite Craft: I can't cook - toast is as extensive and exciting as I get. Favourite craft would be something bought - no hassle - and I could always say I did it myself.
Camping Advice: Don't sleep with your head facing down a hill = cherry head and severe headache. Avoid locking possums and other Australian Wildlife (including hungry boys) in the food tent = no breakfast.
Signature Phrase: "hang on!".
Worst Habit: Verbal Diarrhoea - everyone will agree. When I finally put a sock in it - the SMS messages rake up my phone bill
Main Ambition: Be a doctor, write a book, have some kids, travel, get married and love every moment of it.
Favourite Colour: RED!!
Pets: Dog - called Bonnie - Golden Cocker Spaniel.
Comments about every one else: As the baby of hte group, I have to say these guys are great! They all look after me, set me striaght, and help me get my head out of the clouds. A special thanks to Les for being my Rangers Driver until I got my licence. *hugs*