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Welcome all! You've entered my raccoon realm! My name's Melissa and my favorite animal is the raccoon (and it has been for who knows how long) so I decided to put up a little webpage about them. Hope you like it! Well just browse around and have fun! And if you're doing a report for school you're in the right place :o). Step this way.....

I will probably no longer be updating this site (wow i started this page when I was like, 13 and now I'm almost 20), but i will definately still keep it up! I have a new website that I will be updating more often, though. So come check it out, sign the guestbook and what not. Melissa's Menagerie

***NEW!! Jan '04*** Calling ALL pet owners!! Nows your chance to join a great All-Pet forum filled with other fun-loving pet owners like yourself! Please come join us at*~*EXOTIC PET HAVEN*~*

I help moderate these forums, and once you sign up (everything is free! free signup, posting, classifieds and everything!) make sure to introduce yourself, and tell them that "Melle" got you to join please! :) See you there!

*This site is a Geocities Featured page!*

Whenever you see this:

It will take you back here.

The #1 Rule you MUST follow is: Do NOT take ANY of the graphics off this page that are mine! That's the reason for the "No Right-Click" thing. Every graphic on this main page is not for anyone else to take. Sorry if I'm sounding mean, I really don't mean to! I just worked real hard to make these graphics and I really dont want to see anyone else take credit for them or use them in any graphic collections (believe me, it has happened before). Thanx a bunch!! :o)

This page may take a minute to load, but as they say, Good things come to those who wait! :)

Anyway, enough with that stuff, just scroll on down and browse through these pages I've made and HAVE FUN!

"Raccoon with Marigolds"

©Copyright Ed Sharp

View older guestbook entries.

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