In Memory Of Our Tiny Rosebud
And Little Angel

Aaron Michael Benchabbat
"Shining Light Who is Like God"
(The meaning of his name)

Click on right star to see a picture of our special angel.
Click on left star to listen to the little song Mark sang to
Aaron before he was born and the first time he held him.

September 2, 1999 - September 2, 1999
Length: 8.5" Weight: 9 oz.

Dear Friends and Family,

The day we lost Aaron was the
most tragic day of our lives. We
miss him every moment of every day
and grieve over not only what was,
but what should have been.
This site is a special place we created
in his memory to share with you.
We hope his little spirit touches your heart
today. Quotes that have touched our hearts
or expressed our feelings can be found here
and are a reflection of our love
for our precious Aaron.
Stay as long as you would like and please
sign our guest book. We appreciate all of
your prayers and thoughts. . .we feel
them in those difficult moments when a
source of courage, strength and healing
comes from outside of ourselves
and gets us to the next moment.

Love & Peace to our family and friends,

Edie & Mark Benchabbat
(Mommy & Daddy to Aaron, our first child)

Aaron, you graced our lives
for a moment in time
but your baby footprints
have been imprinted on
our souls for an eternity

Aaron's tiny footprints

You should have a softer pillow than my heart.
(Lord Byron 1788-1824)

A mother's love does not
stop after her baby is gone. . .
it continues to grow -
more and more each day
and her only peace in that
her baby is asleep
in the arms of an angel.
Mommy to Aaron

Grief is not measured in the time you've
known someone but the emotional investment
you had in that relationship. . .the decision to
become a mother and father is the largest
emotional investment two people can make
and the pain from that loss will last a lifetime.

The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882)

Oh sweet Aaron -
our first Thanksgiving was so very hard.
All of our blessings we're suppose
to be thankful for today are
pale in comparison to our loss of you.
We would give back every single blessing
in our lives to feel the pure joy of birth
instead of the tragedy of death,
to hear you cry and hold
and rock you for just a moment.
To look into your tiny eyes
and make that connection
that only a parent can make,
to know that you feel our
love and to hold your
tiny hands in ours -
we would give back every
single blessing, including
our own lives for that one moment
of peace with you.
You will be in our hearts
forever and ours lives
will not be complete until
we hold you again in heaven one day.
Love mommy & daddy

The Tiny Rosebud

The master gardener from heaven above
Planted a seed in the Garden of Love
And from it there grew,
A rosebud small
That never had any time to open at all. .
For God in his perfect and all-wise way
Choose this rose for his heavenly bouquet
And great was the joy of this tiny rose
To be the one our Father chose
To Leave earth's garden for one on high
Where roses bloom always and never die.
So while you can't see your precious rose bloom,
You know the great gardener from the upper room
Is watching and tending this wee rose with care,
Tenderly touching each petal so fair.
So think of your darling with the angels above,
Secure and asleep and surrounded by love.
And remember God Blessed
And enriched your life too
For in dying
Your angel
Brought heaven closer to you.

From: When You Lose a Loved One
Written by: Helen Steiner Rice

The fragrance always stays
in the hand that gives the rose. (Hada Bejar)

The decision to have a child
is to accept that your heart will forever
walk about outside your body.
Katherine Hadley

Life & love are all there is.
Everything else is 'surface ditties."
(Ruth Banick)
What she said she learned after losing a child.

Each day I love you more. . .
Today, more than yesterday. .
. And less than tomorrow.
(Rosemonde Gerard)

A mother understands
what a child does not say. (Proverb)

"No light that was born in love
can ever be extinguished."
Our tiny "shining light" will
lead the way to peace.

We wish you and your family
peace this holiday season.

Mommy's Christmas Present from Aaron

Christmas Eve Night 1999

I had a series of back-to-back dreams
that showed me how to incorporate my
profound loss into my life mission.
Society doesn't deal with death very
well...And the loss of a baby is not
dealt with, or talked about at all.
We want to pretend it doesn't happen.
However, there are many mothers & fathers
that suffer in silence either because others
don't know how to help or end up trying to help
with comments and actions that really hurt and
end up delaying the healing process.

My new life mission is to bring the issues of
pregnancy loss and grief to a level of consciousness
in mainstream America. This includes
helping others understand our issues, struggles and
challenges related to grief and healing,
as well as providing information and resources
to help friends and family provide
support for those that
grieve in misunderstood silence.

I plan to diversify my consulting business
to include working with doctors, nurses
and hospitals in creating a supportive and loving
environment for parents that experience pregnancy
or infancy loss, including miscarriage.
I also received a host of others ideas that
will be stored away in Aaron's
memory box until I'm stronger.

Aaron, Thank You for my special present,

A vision of my future and ideas on how to
move forward with you in my heart.

Merry Christmas my sweet Angel.
I got your message - loud and clear.

Love Mommy



Christmas 2001 - Another year with empty arms

This year was still hard but we faced it with hope
instead of hopelessness. After infertility, we grieved for our
future children and our Aaron as our first AND only child.

We are able to laugh without
feeling guilty. Mommy can play with other babies and
feel good most of the time. We are moving
out of limbo and actively involved in the adoption process.
Aaron is working hard at finding us a family
with a little help from God and the prayers
of family and friends. We are survivors. . .
and moving out of limbo feel good.

The only way to honor Aaron is to
Honor the life we have left to live.
By doing this, we let his light shine
through our eyes and spirit and soul.

Merry Christmas Little One