Your photos, artwork and logos SCANNED at reasonable prices
by RedheadFox@aol.com


(click on the underlined text to see examples)

Display your child's artwork as Windows wallpaper!

Share photos with online family and friends!

Use family photos to create persoanlized slide show screen savers in Windows '95 or '97!

Import pictures of school functions into PTA newsletters!

Preserve old, tin-type family photos safely and clearly forever!

Print your child's team picture on a t-shirt for a
one-of-a-kind coach's gift!

Have your business or school logo scanned for
importing into all your desktop publishing!

These are just a few of the ideas of things that can be done with scanned images. Photos, artwork, company letterheads or school logos can be turned into computer images for use in any of the above suggestions! Virtually anything that is flat and has good contrast can be scanned for use in your computer applications, including desk-top publishing!

Last year, I turned 12 of my kindergarten students' drawings into a keepsake calendar, just by scanning them and importing them into Print Shop Deluxe. My Windows '95 screen saver is a collection of 35 of my favorite family photos. Using Canon's T-Shirt Transfer paper, anything that can be scanned can be printed on t-shirts, sweatshirts, or virtually any cloth item! And of course, you can always just use them to exchange with your online friends!

Photos or images up to 8"x10" can be scanned in color or in black and white.

Almost any format available, including BMP, TIFF, GIF and JPG.
(For other formats, please inquire.)

Cropping done for you! Just tell me if you want only the head shot, or if you want someone cut out entirely (get rid of the ex in all your old pictures ;)), and I'll take care of it for you!

Scanned images will be returned via e-mail
(If no e-mail account is available, images will be returned on floppy disk at a small additional charge.)

Original photos will be returned if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included with your order.

Click here for Prices and Ordering Information.

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