The Folktale Gazette

Subject Area of Focus: 6th through 8th Grades  Literature - Folk Tales

Integrated Multidisciplinary Subject Areas: Technology, Language Arts, Social Studies, Drama and Art

Purpose of the Unit (identify California standards)  Reading Standards:word analysis, fluency, vocabulary development 1.0, reading comprehension 2.0, literary response and analysis 3.0, Writing Standards: writing strategies, 1.0, writing applications 2.0 
Students will develop literacy, communication, and technology skills as they explore the world of literature through folktales.


Needs Improvement. Satisfactory. Good. .Exceptional
Can state plot, setting and characters of a folktale Identifies less than two story elements Names, but does not explain in complete sentences Student is able to identify all story elements  Able to identify all elements in detail 
Understands the meaning of a folktale Unable to explain the folk tale Can give limited explanation of plot Can effectively summarize folk tales  Clearly explains and summarizes a folk tale and identifies the moral 
Demonstrates the ability to retell a folktale Rewriting lacks meaning and has more than 10 errors Rewrites the story with few errors Rewrites the folktale using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling  Rewrites a folk tale using the conventions of language and interpreting the story in a cohesive manner 
Researches the Internet for folktales around the world Needs to locate resources Can use sites from at least two countries Locates and uses 5 sites  Effectively uses many resources to locate stories from many countries 
Creates a folktale of their own Needs improvement in creating an original folktale Creates story using at least two elements Demonstrates correct order and structure  Successfully creates an original story based on information 

Outline of the Unit:

 Lesson 1

Provides opportunity for students to sequence and illustrate folktales.

 Lesson 2

Research folktales from around the world and create an original tale.

 Lesson 3

Understand components of technology use in the classroom in both
Spanish and English.

 Lesson 4

Write an editorial from the perspective of a folktale character.

 Lesson 5

Write an essay celebrating the life of a folktale character.

 Lesson 6

Produce a word search from a list of vocabulary from specified folktale.

 Lesson 7

Creating scripts and masks to perform a folktale.

 Lesson 8

Making crossword puzzles online from vocabulary and definitions relating to folktales.


Time line for Planning & Implementation:

 August: Lesson plans and links
 September: Classroom use of The Folktale Gazette
 October: Continue submitting project ideas and material. Meeting TBA
 November: Classroom use Internet Institute Meeting Nov. 2 Tuesday
 January: Meeting for collaboration
 February: Collaboration for competition
 March: Internet Innovator Award Competition

 Lesson 1

 Lesson 3

 Lesson 5

 Lesson 7

 Lesson 2

 Lesson 4

 Lesson 6

 Lesson 8

Collaborative Team

We, the Folkind, believe that our Unit of Study will make a positive contribution to student learning, and promise to fulfill our commitment to each other and implement this project by March 1, 2000. In addition, we will each present our Unit to our respective schools.




 Betsy Plunkett Lagunita
 Taunya Abaya Gambetta
 Kathleen Hudgens Harden
 Rafaela Gonzales Los Padres 

 Copyright July 1999,