Hey, welcome to my page.. hope you're having a good summer..

My summer's been good, I don't want it to end! Lately I've been working
on a site for Lillian, go check it out!

If you're still here, might as well say hi to you! - Lillian, David, Jennifer, Katie, Caroline V, Neil, Chris, Marcus,
I know I'm forgetting people

Hey to some old friends that I haven't forgotten! - Christanna H, Caroline V, Jessica D, Brittany O, Ani V, Elizabeth C,
Bryan, Greg, Tyler M, JJ... miss you all!

And hey to all those camp people - Lillian, Kelly, Suzanne, Paul, Sean, Daniel, Patrick, Peyton,
Phaedon, Audrey, Jill, Bridget, Caroline, Alicia, and of course, Steven (aka St. Even!)

Sorry about all the pop-up ads... just... kill them. Violently. With fire. And...

IM me: SilverTabby16

This page last updated on: August 9th

Thanks for coming!

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