Alaina's World On the Web...
Welcome to my web page...This is a great place for you to keep updated on my life and my adventures...
To get to my pages, just click on the pictures below...
To get to my brother's web on his picture to the right...
The page about me being a toddler
The page about me and my Pop
The page about the fall in Vermont
The page about my friends
The page about Halloween
The page about the Holidays
The page about me being a Big Sister
The page about my summer so far.
The page about some more of my summer.
The page about when I was almost 2. The page my new baby brother.
The page about the winter.
The page about Christmas 2000.
The page about what we did this fall.
The page about my 3rd Birthday!
The page with a few good pictures from April 2001
Thank you for visiting and check back soon for new pages!!!