The Prehistoric Period


As the part that the man can see from a piece of ice over the water surface forms a small part of it thus the age that followed the writing invention (what we call The Historic Age ) forms a short period of the whole history of Syria and the Syrians .

The dawn of history had risen in this country at the beginning of the third millennium Before Christ following the writing invention in the adjacent civilization cradles in southern Mesopotamia and Egypt and his spread from these centers . The prehistoric period which we depend in our information about her on the ancient monuments instead of the written documents, goes back to tens thousands of years during the new stone age ( Neolithic ) and the early stone age ( Paleolithic ) that preceded him .And the archaeological excavations in the last century in the unknown deserts in northern and eastern Syria informed us about the secrets of the forgotten ancient civilizations and shows , without any doubt , that this reign which archaeologists have ignored for a long time was more advanced in ancient times than what we have thought. All of that made Syria a paradise for the archaeologist

One of the them has said : " Under each hill in Syria there is an ancient city ".   



The oldest remains : the stone equipment that the Syrian man have used since a million years in The Great River Valley ( North of Latakia ) – The first stone age


Animal toys made from clay found in Tell El-Ramad dates from 7th , 6th , and 5th century B.C.





Last updated 03 November 2002 By Jan Joury , See References
© 2003 National Museum Of Damascus