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The False Prophet Muhammad

Chapter Six:

Verse. 101: The Jews that I had been speaking with were the descendants of Isaac. When it was clear to me that they had broken their Covenant with the living God, I then began to search out the descendants of Ishmael who was the first-born of Abraham. These Ishmaelites are today’s Arabs. Many of the descendants of Ishmael had converted to a religion called Islam and they now gave their worship to a pagan moon god called Allah. They followed another false Pretender to my Throne who called Muhammad. Islamic experts that I had met on the internet taught me all about the religion of Islam. The Muslims had revealed to me in their claims however that Moses and Isaiah had written about Muhammad in their Prophetic writings in the Old Testament. They claimed that their self-appointed false Prophet Muhammad was that very Prophet that the living God had promised Moses he would raise up and this was who Muhammad has claimed himself to be. They also said that Muhammad had said that he was the very last Prophet to come from God and that any other Prophet claiming to have come from God was a liar who must be put to death. This made it seem certain that no Prophet would appear to any Muslims claiming that he was God’s Prophet because if he did then the Muslims would certainly kill him. They would kill any Prophet who comes from the living God because they are fanatically brainwashed in their beliefs with the attitude of either follow Islam or die. They are idolaters of Muhammad and their holy book called the Koran. A book they claim came from God brought by an Angel called Gabriel.

Verse. 102: I replied by saying that the living God of Abraham and of Moses has said that we must not follow false prophets or worship false God’s. If someone came along and said that he was a Prophet from God, then the living God says that we must demand proof of their claims. According to the Old Testament law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 Verse 15, which you know is a witness law that is designed to determine matters of the truth especially with regards to statements that could be deemed as being blasphemous or sinful, two or three witnesses are enough and would establish the matter as being true or not. So I demanded to know what proof did Muhammad have that could prove that he really was a Prophet from God and specifically what proof they had that he was that Prophesied Prophet that the living God had promised Moses he would raise up. I did not reveal to the Muslims that I already knew what their replies would be for my conversations with Muslims had caused me to be very well informed, to the claims in the religion of Islam.

Verse. 103: The Muslims replied by telling me of how Muhammad had an encounter with the Angel Gabriel in a Cave. They also explained how Muhammad had believed that he had gone mad and had climbed up a Mountain to kill himself when this Angel Gabriel had appeared and told Muhammad that he was that very Prophet that God had promised Moses he would raise up. There are no witnesses to this event. It is all just on the word of the claims of Muhammad himself. This truly made my anger blaze for I had politely asked the Muslims for proof of Muhammad being a Prophet from God and they replied by telling me that Muhammad has said that this Angel Gabriel had appeared to him on a Mountain and told him so. There are no witnesses to this event. Deuteronomy law Chapter 19 verse 15 establishes that the claims of Muhammad are not true. Moses brought down the Deuteronomy laws from the Living God himself. Muhammad has no witnesses to back up his claim. The congregations should have accused him of blasphemy, which is a crime of iniquity and sin. He is guilty of that crime because he just does not have any witnesses to establish his word as being true. It is forbidden for Muslims to dispute the claims of Muhammad upon the threat of death. Therefore, they remained silent and their children became ignorant and brainwashed to the flaws in their religious beliefs. Muhammad has no proof to back up his claims of being God’s Prophet and his Testimony is not true in accordance with Old Testament law, which is God’s law.

Verse. 104: I shall briefly write here some statements given to me by the Muslims on the internet about how their self-appointed false Prophet Muhammad began to believe that he was that Prophet that God had promised Moses he would raise up as a Savior to those Jews. All the descendants of Abraham are Jews and Muhammad was of the descendant of Ishmael the first born to Abraham. Statements about Muhammad are usually full of idolatry, error and religious ignorance. These are brief statements given to me by Muslims regarding the history of Muhammad and his encounter with this Angel Gabriel. According to Muslim historians, Muhammad was born in the deserts of Arabia on April 20th 571. When he was 40 years old, he would often disappear from his family home to visit a small Cave in the Mount An Nour. They say that the Angel Gabriel had appeared to Muhammad one day while he was in this Cave, and he began to squeeze Muhammad until he recited out the verses of the Koran. Muhammad had been sitting in meditation and a loud booming voice cried out and told him to read. Muhammad was shocked and afraid as he thought he had been alone. He replied I am one of those who cannot read, after this Muhammad was violently grabbed and squeezed and then set free, the voice repeated read. Muhammad could only give the same answer; I am not one of those who can read.

Verse. 105: This was repeated for some time until eventually Muhammad said what shall I read. The voice then forced Muhammad to narrate orally what was to become the Muslims Koran. This event caused Muhammad to tremble with such fear that he ran back to his wife, his wife tried to soothe him down but Muhammad was very upset, so they both went to a cousin of Muhammad’s wife. He was called Waraqa bin Nawful bin Asad al-uzza, apparently Waraqa was a blind old man who had embraced Christianity in the pre Islamic period. When Muhammad told Waraqa what had happened in the cave, Waraqa said that was the Angel Gabriel who is entrusted with the divine secrets that Allah had sent to Moses. Waraqa then warned Muhammad that anyone having such a vision, would be cast out by his people, but should Muhammad decide to reveal his vision to his people, then he Waraqa would strongly support him, Waraqa however died a few days later.

Verse. 106: Afterwards Muhammad was heard to say, I have never abhorred anyone more than a poet or a madman, I cannot stand looking at either of them so I will never tell anyone of my revelation instead I will climb up a Mountain and throw myself off it and die. He then climbed halfway up the Mountain to kill himself. Muhammad then claimed that he suddenly heard a voice from the sky calling him. Muhammad said he looked upwards and he saw the Angel Gabriel in the form of a man putting his legs on the horizon. The sight of the Angel Gabriel caused Muhammad to forget his suicide and when he returned home to his wife, he told her what he had seen. Muhammad’s wife replied it is a propitious sign pull yourself together for I swear by Allah you are the messenger for this nation. She then went to her cousin Waraqa, and informed him of what Muhammad had been saying. The Christian Waraqa said I swear by Allah that he has received the same Angel Gabriel that was sent to Moses. Muhammad is the Prophet of this nation so go tell him to be patient. Muhammad’s wife returned home and told Muhammad what the Christian Waraqa had said. Muhammad realizing his own madness went several times up to the top of a Mountain with the intent to throw himself off. However, each time he claimed that the Angel Gabriel would appear before him, now saying oh Muhammad you are indeed Allah’s messenger in truth. This would then calm Muhammad down and he would then return home to his wife to tell her about it. After that his strange visions became stronger and more frequent and eventually Muhammad claimed that the Angel Gabriel would appear to him in human form and would talk to him directly telling him what Allah wanted him to do. Then one day Muhammad said, he arose up to Heaven where the Muslims God Allah himself gave him his prayer. After that, Muhammad went out into the Muslim world calling on people to follow his god Allah.

Verse. 107: This was how the fabricated religion of Islam was founded it would seem. The congregations had no choice but to follow Muhammad’s religion for they were under a threat of follow Islam or you will die. That was the evidence that Muhammad gave to the Muslims to lay his claim to being that Prophet that God promised Moses he would raise up. The Arabs that Muhammad had related his stories to were simple and religiously ignorant people who had previously been giving their worship to a pagan moon god called Allah. It is odd also that the Christian Waraqa’s very own Christian religion believed that Jesus was that Prophet that God had promised Moses he would raise up. Yet Waraqa had just led Muhammad to believe that he was that Prophet instead. Waraqa had pointed out that people would condemn Muhammad for being a blasphemous lunatic if he ever revealed his crazy visions to them and his people would cast him out. To overcome that problem Muhammad and his followers invented a new law to help Muhammad raise himself to power, they all decided that anyone who profanes their Prophet Muhammad and will not follow his religion of Islam, then they must be put to death. Therefore, everyone was too afraid to stand against Muhammad’s lunacy and cast him out, the rest of Muhammad’s life is Muslim history and today his followers are full of idolatry for Muhammad.

Verse. 108: This was what all Muslims believe is the proof that they have that Muhammad was that Prophet sent from God based on this encounter with this Angel Gabriel who they say grabbed hold of Muhammad and squeezed him in a Cave forcing Muhammad to recite and remember all the verses of the Koran. The Koran was claimed by Muhammad to have been written down as from the word of the mouth of this Angel Gabriel and that is whom the Muslims swear is the author of the contents of the Koran to this very day. They insist that Muhammad was illiterate and could not read or write in order to pacify the claims made by others that Muhammad wrote out the Koran himself. However, the real reason they why they claimed Muhammad was an illiterate man and why they invented this tale of the Angel Gabriel appearing in a Cave to cause Muhammad to recite those verses that exist in the Koran was because of the obscure Prophecies of Isaiah. Isaiah 29:11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: Isaiah 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. Isaiah 29:13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

Verse. 109: This book spoken about by Isaiah was purely conceptual and not a real thing. Muhammad and his conspirators used this Old Testament statement from Isaiah to make a proclamation that this conceptual book and talk of an illiterate man was the Koran and Muhammad. They used the Christians Angel Gabriel as being the one who delivered the book to give a sense of religious authenticity. Isaiah had not been speaking of a real book but of something that was like a book as a way of expression. Examine the Old Testament text in its full content and you will see the Islamic deception. Furthermore, the Islamic experts who taught me all about the religion of Islam bragged as idolizing Muslims do about how trustworthy Muhammad was. Muhammad was a trader and they said he was so trusted that others came to him and left their books with him to tally up for them. So clearly, as any stock taker or accountant will say that you would have to be able to read and write to be able to do that task. Waraqa bin Nawful bin Asad al-uzza was a Christian believer and it is clear that Christianity had spread across the Middle East. To be a Christian believer Waraqa would have access to a Bible and even to a Preacher. Muhammad’s own claims came directly from the Old Testament without which he would have no claims to being that Prophet of Deuteronomy at all. The Koran has 11 chapters dedicated to glorifying Jesus of the New Testament. It is obvious that he knew of the Old and New Testament text. To the scholarly mind, it is clear that long after Muhammad had died, others wrote the Koran.

Verse. 110: Muslims claim the Koran is a divine revelation and the words in the Koran came from God through this Angel Gabriel. Muhammad’s followers committed the text of the Koran to memory, and then as instructed by Muhammad, they put them into writings onto bits of wood and skins and anything at hand. Muhammad died in 632. After the battle of Al Yamamah in 633 Umar inb al Khattab, who later became the second Caliph, he said to the first Caliph Abu Bakir, that because of the loss in that battle they were in danger of losing Muhammad’s proclamations as they were mainly enshrined in their memories. Aby Bakr recognised the danger and entrusted the task of writing out the Koran to Zayd ibn Thabit, who was the chief scribe that Muhammad had frequently dictated to during his lifetime. A final authorized text was prepared and completed in 651 during the Time of Uthman the third Caliph. This has remained the text of the Koran in use ever since. Still Muslims however claim that the contents of the Koran came from God through this Angel Gabriel.

Verse. 111: The law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verse 15 already proves Muhammad is a liar and a fraud and presumptuous to think he could speak in God’s name. The Text of the Koran is full of errors and does not correspond with the original statements of the Old or New Testament and 11 Chapters of the Koran glorify Jesus as being the Prophet that Jesus had claimed himself to being. Muhammad even believed in Jesus and he believed that Jesus was the Prophet that Jesus was claimed to be. Yet, this same Angel Gabriel appeared to authenticate the birth of Jesus. Who in later life as an adult, Jesus claimed himself to be that specific Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verse 15/18 Prophet that the living God promised Moses he would raise up. Jesus had said in John Chapter 5 Verse 46. for had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me. Verse 47: But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words. This claim by Jesus to being that Deuteronomy Prophet of the Nation of Jews was the reason why they called Jesus the King of the Jews.

Verse. 112: Muhammad did not know that Jesus had claimed himself to being that Deuteronomy Prophet because Christians often talk of Jesus as being the son of God. Muhammad was claiming himself to being the very same Prophet that he unwittingly believed Jesus as being, which is why 11 Chapters of the Koran glorify Jesus. The very same Angel Gabriel that Muhammad claims appeared to him had originally appeared first to authenticate Jesus as being that Prophet of the nation.. How illogical is that then. This is one of the biggest errors in the word and thoughts of Muhammad and in 11 Chapters of the Koran. Furthermore, according to the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verse 15 the claims of Jesus are also not true for few realize that Jesus also does not have any witness Testimony to back up his claims either. John Chapter 8 Verse 17: Jesus said to the Jews. Also in your own law it is written, the witness of two men is true. Verse 18: I am the one who bears witness about myself and the father who sent me bears witness about me. The disciples of Jesus had already claimed using the Angel Gabriel that Jesus was the Son of the God and Jesus was naming God as being his other witness. However as God could not be produced to give any Testimony for Jesus, then it was only his own Testimony and his own Testimony is not acceptable by religious law and cannot be established as being true. The words of the Koran stand against Deuteronomy law, which Moses brought down from the God.

Verse. 113: I shall be speaking on those matters of the deceptions of Jesus and Christianity later on. It is very clear that Muhammad has been caught in between a Rock and a Starjade place. There has been much talk from people about this Angel Gabriel. Whom they claim appeared to give authenticity to Jesus and Muhammad. Yet, the laws of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verse 15 show that both Jesus and Muhammad are frauds. Neither of them have witnesses to back up their blasphemous claims. Therefore, I think we should examine the origin of this Angel Gabriel so we all know exactly where this indecisive fabricated Angel Gabriel is coming from. Then you can understand this matter more fully.