A young Valentine is speaking to someone filming him as he moves forward with his handgun drawn. He wears a smart red jacket.


Valentine (whispers): Of course we have to be very quiet now because behind that door over there is what we believe to be a laboratory where illegal drugs are being manufactured. (Holds up three fingers) OK, now we go on three… two… one… Go!


He kicks down the door and enters a laboratory where a lone scientist type works.


Valentine: Freeze, KGB!


Wimpy Scientist: I surrender, I surrender!


A key turns in a lock, in a door. On the back of the door is taped an Aerosmith poster. It’s Valentine, entering a room which has him on TV.


Valentine: Hey honey, I’m here, and oh look… for some reason, I’m also there. (Points at TV)


Elli is setting the table.


Elli: Did you know that Hagen has every single episode of your show on laser disc. He lent it to me. He must have a crush on you. (Giggles)


Valentine turns off the TV.


Valentine: Brings back memories…


Elli: Dinner is served. (Curtsies) Now what’s so special about today that requires such an elaborate setting?


Valentine gets down on one knee and pulls a little box from his pocket.






Valentine and Elli are now eating.


Elli: I didn’t say no, I just said I’d think about it.


Valentine: I’ll tell you something Elli. That sounds like no to me.


Elli: When you do things like leave in the middle of the night while I’m sleeping, desperately seek to hide our relationship from others, and most importantly of all, not tell me you’re still married, I have a hard time believing you take us seriously.


Valentine: Hey, who told you that? I annulled that marriage years ago, you know.


Elli: That’s not the point; you never even told me that you were married in the first place. And what about everything else? I feel like you’re ashamed of me. Do you know how that feels? Three years! And you’re still this way! Why?


Valentine: Man, the way you women always go on, I thought you’d love this! I don’t need this. I thought tonight would be really good, really special, but you had to go and mess it up with your drama again!


Valentine gets up and jumps on the couch.


Valentine: I’m gonna watch myself on television.


Elli: Yeah, that’s it, run away and sulk again instead of talking with me.


Valentine lights a cigarette.


Elli: Don’t you dare smoke in my living room!


Valentine jumps back up and exits, slamming he door behind him as he goes.





Two men wearing full body leather armour are sparring with katanas. One is clearly attacking a whole lot more than the other. After a series of brutal attacks, the attacker tears the armour.


Vahe: Man, alright, that’s enough! You win, calm down!


They stop, sit down and remove their masks (They being Vahe and Valentine)


Vahe: Something bothering you?


Valentine: Not really. Just stupid things


Vahe: Woman troubles?


Valentine: Something like that.


Vahe: Well then, let Vahe the tender bartender help you solve them.


Valentine: Thanks, but the tender bartender can’t be of much help right now. This is a marriage thing.




Vahe: Congratulations!


Valentine: Nah. Can you believe it, she rejected me. Well… “Think about it”. Honestly, I thought she’d be ecstatic.


Vahe takes a swig of his energy drink.


Valentine: Really, I suppose that’s not what’s really bothering me right now though… Really, I was thinking of Su.


Vahe: Ah…


Valentine: Everything about Su… the KGB, the syndicates, my father, Sha’arad, all that went on during that time. I’d have to tell her, wouldn’t I?


The men sit in silence.





Elli is exiting her apartment. Up to her comes a short hyperactive guy.


Baxter: Hi, Elli!


Elli: Hi there, Baxter!


Valentine comes up the steps. Elli spies him.


Baxter: Have you had a chance to look over that block ownership proposal yet?


Elli: It seems like a good idea. I’ll make sure to sign it.


Baxter: Excellent! And er, have you given any more thought to that date?


Elli (strikes an alluring pose): Well, I might just give in to your charms.


Baxter smiles goofily and jogs off.


Valentine: Oi, oi! What the hell was that all about?


Elli: Jealous?


Valentine: Of that runt? Hardly.


Uncomfortable silence


Valentine: Elli, I’m-


Elli: Sorry. Me too. You were trying to take a step forward and I flew off on my own frustrations. Even though you’ve never been as open with me as you should have, it’s just because there’s probably a lot in your past you’re uncomfortable with sharing. But you want to try and make it work. Right?


Valentine: I don’t think I need to say anything more.


Elli: Let me see that ring again.


Valentine puts the ring on Elli’s finger as she smiles.


Valentine: Come, I’ll drive you to work. (they walk) So, who was that guy?


Elli: Baxter? He’s another tenant in this building.


Valentine: What’s that proposal thing he was talking about.


Elli: It’s a plan for the tenants to buy out this apartment block from SataM, the corporation which owns it.


Valentine: You don’t need that though. When we are married, you would live in my house, right?


Elli: I guess so. But it would still be good to have my own property. With the influx to the city, rentable housing is turning from a commodity to a necessity.


They enter the lift.


Valentine: Most country folk live in the slums though.


Elli: Well, Baxter says that on root net growth and common inflation perfunctory principle, the property value will sky rocket from independent ownership giving a surplus gain on top of filling the remaining flats. He knows a lot about this kind of business, he’s a financial planner for EmeraldChaos.


Valentine: That doesn’t sound… Hm?


Elli: What’s up?


Valentine: Nothing. I thought I remembered something.


The lift opens back up and they exit.





Valentine is at the bar with Armside.


Armside: Man, I can’t believe you’re marrying Elli! How crazy is that? How long have you been tagging her for?


Valentine: Three years.


Armside: That the truth? Holy shit, partner, I can’t believe I never picked up on that! Now that I think back, there’s always been chemistry, a certain je ne sais quoi, but I assumed it was just you being your natural self! You’ll hit on anything that walks on two legs! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!


Valentine: How many have you had?


The answer is… half a bottle of beer.


Vahe: Scotch on the rocks and a strawberry daiquiri, easy on the daiquiri.


He slides the drinks over to Valentine and Armside respectively.


Vahe: I couldn’t help but overhear, you overcame your troubles, Valentine?


Valentine: Nice going, Lieutenant Loudmouth (slaps Armside on the back of the head)


Vahe: Hey, congratulations! What did the office think?


Valentine: Most of them were pretty shocked. (Quick flashes of Armside, Remington, and Hagen looking extremely shocked and surprised) But Lydia kept yelling. (Lydia bouncing up and down looking happy)


Armside slurps his drink.


Armside: Wow. You can really taste the strawberries.


Valentine: Matt… If I said… If I said “SataM” and “EmeraldChaos”. What would you think?


Armside suddenly look serious.


Armside: Red Swallow.


Valentine: Yeah.


Armside: That’s a thing of the past. Why do you bring it up now?


Valentine: Life… is a never ending series of complications.








Remington is at the computer while Valentine watches pensively.


Remington: What was his name?


Valentine: Kenneth Baxter.


Remington: Baxter… Baxter… Yeah, here he is. He’s been with Emerald for almost twenty years now. Pretty high level too.


Valentine: Man, he’s worth enough to buy out that block ten times over!


Remington: Valentine, if I stay on their network for too much longer, I’ll be detected.


Valentine: It’s ok, pull out. I know what I needed to know.


Elli enters.


Elli: Marco, I- is that Baxter?


Remington logs off from the Emerald network.


Elli: I told you there’s nothing going on, I was just teasing you.


Valentine: I know, I know.


Elli eyeballs Valentine.


Elli: Here’s a copy of the block proposal.


Valentine takes the sheaf of papers from Elli.


Valentine: Ok! Nick here knows everything there is to know about the finance world (slaps Remington on the back)


Remington: Yeah, because that’s really why I work here.


Valentine: We’ll get the best deal for you.


Elli: Ok.


She exits, feeling very much more suspicious than when she entered.





A shot of Valentine driving too fast at night





Valentine bangs furiously on a door eventually opened by Baxter.


Valentine: Red Swallow.


Baxter tries to shut the door, but Valentine barges into it, knocking Baxter back. Valentine enters and shuts the door quietly behind him. Baxter sits on the floor and holds his bleeding lip.


Valentine: Once upon a time, I knew a fellow called Yukio who told me about a great scam he had running. You see, he was the boss of a large, powerful syndicate named Red Swallow. One of the corporations controlled by Red Swallow would buy up slum properties in the numbered sectors, clean them out and rent them as affordable accommodation. Another of the corporations owned by the syndicate would then send representatives to make contact with the tenants on the property with a win-win ownership proposition, the only catch of it being that from the information they gave as part of the deal, it was possible to use their signature traces to clean out banks under rival ownership, then siphon the haul into a phoney charity. When that was finished, the poor chumps who lived in the building were left destitute when their assets got seized by the parent corporation, and the slum was torched to remove the evidence… Nice, huh?


Baxter: Who are you and what are you accusing me of?


Valentine: I didn’t accuse you of anything, I was just telling a story. Which I’ll continue. Normally, I’d be very much against this sort of thing. But the money from the charity eventually found its way into the defence sector of the government, and was used to fund the Knight Bridge Guard, of which I was a part.


Baxter’s hand slowly creeps towards an open drawer.


Valentine: But, as all good things tend to, the scams had to abort when other sectors of the government caught wind of what was going on and ordered an investigation. But it seems that it never really stopped after all…


Baxter: I don’t understand what you’re saying.


Valentine: Don’t play games with me, you little shit headed idiot!


Valentine grabs Baxter by his collar and pins him to the wall but Baxter was able to pull something from the drawer, which he holds out, presses a button on and speaks into.


Baxter: Red Alert, Sector DS-88! Repeat, Red Alert, Sector DS-88!


Valentine: Shit!


Valentine throws Baxter to the ground and runs out the door down the stairs, gunning down two advancing goons, gets in his car and scrams.





Remington is working at the computer Valentine is loading guns. Elli pops her head round the door.


Elli: Marco, can I talk to you in private for a moment?





Elli: What do you have to say for yourself?


Valentine: About what?


Elli: You know full well about what! You broke Baxter’s jaw and accused him of-


Valentine: I barely touched that moron!


Elli: He’s pressing charges.


Valentine: That guy is a snake in the grass, Elli, you can’t trust him at all.


Elli: I already told you, I was just-


Valentine: I know! It’s not about that!


Elli: Then what is it about?


Valentine: I- I can’t tell you. I don’t want you involved in it. Please, you have to promise me you won’t sign that deal he’s pushing.


Elli: I already did.


Valentine: Shit! (Punches the wall)


Elli: Marco! Tell me what’s going on!


Valentine: I have to go.


Elli: Don’t you dare leave! You have to talk to me, open up! If you leave now, I might as well give you this ring back!


Valentine seems to think, but then leaves.





Valentine is driving too fast again. Remington is with him.





The sun does not shine in this dark place. Valentine and Remington lie in wait as Baxter approaches carrying a briefcase. When he gets close enough, they pounce. Valentine pins his arms and Remington (who has slipped on brass knuckle gloves) breaks his jaw (for real this time) followed by a blow to the abdomen and two hard punches in the ribs.


Valentine: Where are the documents for the Dobuita Sector 88 block deal? In your briefcase?


Baxter shakes his head “no”.


Valentine: Don’t tell me you already processed them.


Baxter shakes his head “yes”.


Valentine: Is Yukio still Red Sparrow’s boss?


Baxter shakes his head “no”.


Valentine: Do you know what happened to him?


Baxter shakes his head “no”.


Valentine: Alright. You’re free to go…


Baxter seems to relax, but then notices that Remington has handed Valentine a handgun. Valentine holds the gun in Baxter’s hand, and places it to his head.


Valentine: …To Hell.







Valentine: Trust. I may not tell you everything. Some things, you won’t want to hear. But the most important thing is you know that you will always be able to trust me.


Elli is standing next to the window looking at a large pile of rubble.


Elli: It was not possible for me to foresee Baxter committing suicide and my building getting bombed.


Valentine: I warned you. It’s your own fault that your stuff got destroyed.


A pause of silence as Elli tilts her head.


Valentine: Let’s go home.


Elli gets in the car.


Valentine: You can’t change what happened in the past. You just have to draw a line under it and know that… know that… know that I’m always right!


Elli: What kind of selfish crap is that?


Valentine: Have I ever been wrong?


Elli: Plenty of times!


On they bicker…





Episode Seven preview

Valentine: Kids! These days, they think they know everything and that they are always right! Was I like that when I was a kid? Well, I definitely am now. But can I overcome my own prejudices and join in their fun…? Ha! Fat chance. Next episode, Rock in a Hard Place. You’ll want to cover you ears for this one.