~* Links *~
~* Todd Leong's Website *~
~* Jezery Dilag'z Website *~
If you are a friends of mine..and you want your website to be put on my links..feel free to email me..
At.. filo_girl86@hotmail.com and tell me aightz...-ladahz-
~* Back to Home Page *~
~* Farhan's Website *~
~* Phillip Lay's Website *~
~* My sweet ass friends and their webpages *~
~* Funny ass Websites...so hillarious..you HAVE to see these websites aye *~
~* Lil boy's dream of having a girlfriend *~
~* Azn Prince..Looking for his princess.. *~
~* Sexy Filo chick..Check me out!! *reow* *~
~* Victoria Galang'z Website *~
~* Patricia Galang'z Website *~