~* VirGinIa`z PrOfiL3 *~
  My Nam3~ Virginia Lei
BirThdAy~ 24th May
      SeX~ Female
   LoCaTiOn~ Darwin
                  NasH~ Chinese/Timorese
          NuMbEr~ 0413130799 / 0422040254
  sIbBliNgZ~ Chris (17)
  ScHoOL~ Sanderson High School
FuTuR3 AmBitIonZ~ Accountant? Not sure....oh...to             succeed!

    ~* FaVoUrItEz *~
    FoOdZ~  Chinese foods and Subway
           Colorz~ Bl
      MoVi3~ The Lord of the Rings and Crazy/Beautiful
        TyPe Of  sOnGz~ R&B
  SoNg~ ?
       sPoRtZ~ Basketball ( tHiS cHiK IsH rEaLly GoOd In        BaSkEtBaLL~!! WhOaH~!!)
   SuBjEcTz~ Maths and Physical Education
    HaNgOuTz~ ? (dIs OnE Iz A cAs ChIk ToO..JuZ lIke    AvE~!! tSk TsK tsK)

  FuNnY fWeNz~  Graiza, Eunice, Jessirie and Indah!
   IdEaL BoYFwEn~ Sweet, cute, nice, with a body, has style      ummm....almost perfect!
       FuTuRe HuSbAnD~ I don’t F***en know!!
  BeSt fw3nZ~ Joann and Amanda...
             KyOooOoOoOoOoTiEz~ J...... im not saying
      I would just like to say that J...... is sec-c....but im not          telling you’se who!! :P

~* BaCk To Fw3N PrOfiL3z *~