My first introduction to the 'game' was at 17.  I was still a virgin.  I met the Alchemist at college.  He challenged my every belief at the time.  And while I was awe struck by his life philosophy, I found myself both attracted to and repulsed by his very nature.   It began with 'games' of Dominance and submission and moved into bondge and discipline.  I found my training to be extremely arousing.  He went from being my first Dom to my first Lover. 

When that ended I entered into a purely vanilla relationship with the Captin.  I was horrified by straight vanilla sex.  Having only one situation to base bedroom antics on was not a good thing. 

I needed time to think about my sexuality.  I choose to be celibate for the next three years.  Those were very long years.  They ended when I met the Poet.  He was a Lover in the true sense of the word.  With him I would go from sub to sWitch and back again.

Then there was the Jester.  He was eager to Top.  Unfortunately his idea of what 'play' should be, was very different from mine.  We were unwilling to see the other's point of view.  He just thought pain was pain and I would take it all.  I thought he lacked self control.  I was unable to truely surrender to him.  Instead I enhanced my role as a sWitch.

Lastly there was the Knight.  He was a Masterfull Dom.  He was a brilliant man who had played the 'game' long enough to know how.  Full control in every scene, very communicative, pushed boundries but not too far or too soon.  Yet true to form, the transient nature of a Knight leaves one feeling lonely more often then feeling coupled.  My search continued.

Then a Prince entered my life in diguise.  And as I slowly unmask the inate potential of this Prince I am in awe, and quite speechless. 

As you can see my experience has been situational and often times colored with emotion..  I have never felt like a member of the BDSM community.  The knowledge I have was received tailored to and by  specific individuals.  I am unable to separate my emotions from the 'play'.

The websites I will be listing I picked because they are informative.  That is the first step.   What has prompted me to write this is image and education.  I dislike the negative conotation that comes with the 'scene'.  So I guess you can say I am out and proud about one of the most  theraputic things in my life.  Secondly if you are looking to get into the scene then do it.  Get informed and be Please Be SAFE, SANE, AND CONSENSUAL  at all times!