Session Start: Sun Oct 10 18:27:26 1999
 and ___GAME ON___
<^Ismall^> ---Fallen Angels?  So what ya sayin?
<^^^Venus^> ---I like it
 You all are chillin in your houses when you see the news on the trid 
 it is talking about the new Russian offensive into Europe 
* ```Kitten kicked back in her sofa, watchin the news.
 and how it is meeting with no resistance 
<```Kitten> "GO RUSKIES!"
 like the Blitzkriegs of the 2nd world war 
<^Ismall^> "Fraggin wars, have they not learned!"
 and there is knowledge of a new secret weapon 
 an Electron Bomb 
 you turn your trid off 
* [^^Silver^^] watching the trid from his desk
 to a knock at the door 
 "hey Pita, you gonna get that?"
*** ^Ismall^ is now known as _Pita_
<_Pita_> "Nope you get it, I'm busy... Sorry"
* [^^Silver^^] goes to the front door and looks out the peep hole
*** _Pita_ is now known as ^Ismall^
<[^^Silver^^]> "Who is it"
<```Kitten> "Come in, its open!" Holding a pistol on the door, using the sofa for partial cover.
* ^Ismall^ goes to the door and commands Padre to see who it is."
*** Shattered-Soul has joined #sixth_world
 ---what the hell? 
 heh...ima little late...
* Darius_the_Grey gets up and gets the door
 2 guys with suits walk into your house Kitten 
* ^^^Venus^ goes to the door and caustiously opens it
 "I already gave at the office"
<^^^Venus^> "Hello"
 ---ok this is how it is going to be 
<```Kitten> "Good day gentlemen.  I don't normally work from my office, but you can stand right there, close the door and tell me what it is you want."
 ---just like a meet and they are saying the same thing to each of you 
* ^Ismall^ answers the door when he knows what is waiting.
* [^^Silver^^] opens the door with a gun drawn
 ---soooo paranoid what have I ever done?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Come on in but keep your hands where I can see them
 "We want you for a job"
* ^Ismall^ opens the door halfway 1 "Yes, how may I help you?"
<```Kitten> ---Paranoid heck, she just wants to shoot em if they turn out to be Jehova's witnesses!
 ---this is being said to each of you 
<^Ismall^> "What sort of job?"
<^^^Venus^> ---obviously a good job on your last campaign :)
<```Kitten> "That is nice."
<^Ismall^> "And for whom?"
 "yes I am listening"
<^^^Venus^> "How can I help you?"
 "Your government is calling you"
* Darius_the_Grey plays with is new 'toy' while they are talking
<[^^Silver^^]> "Government, which one?"
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<^Ismall^> "My Government heh?"
<^^^Venus^> "And what do they want?"
<```Kitten> "Not my government good sir."
 "Well, a government"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What exactly do they want?"
 "Obviously you have heard of the new Russian offensive"
<```Kitten> "Ok, I have no qualms working for 'a' government."
<[^^Silver^^]> "The government wants a government, can I see some badges?"
 "And we want to hire you all to stop it"
<^Ismall^> "uhhhm, yeah...?"
<^Ismall^> "So we just walk in and say stop and they'll listen to us?"
<^Ismall^> ---errr me
 "let's see, when the last time I flew a plane or drove a tank... oh yeah never"
* [^^Silver^^] laughs out loud
<[^^Silver^^]> "yeah right"
<```Kitten> "Exactly why would I want to stop a WHOLE Russian offensive?   Sounds like a suicide mission to me."
 "No, We want you to take the prototype for their new weapon"
<^^^Venus^> "I may be good, but I can't stop them alone"
 "And then assasinate the new Russian premier"
 "A team is being assembled for this endeavor"
<[^^Silver^^]> "now that I can do"
 "What do you say?"
<^Ismall^> "Hmmmm, so one man is going to go in and take their new weapon AND kill their premier?"
<^^^Venus^> "Well with a team, I might be able to help"
<```Kitten> "Must be one helluva team.  Ok, kill some government type and steal some plans to a new 'master' weapon.  What exactly do I get out of this?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "depends, exactly what is the pay?"
 "You will be supplied equipment to pull it off and you will be paid 1,000,000 nuyen for succesful completion"
<^Ismall^> ---woops didn't see that team thing
<^^^Venus^> "how big will this team be, too big it gets messy"
 "5 people"
 "hmmm, sounds like a plan"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm in when do we leave"
<^Ismall^> "1,000,000 each?"
<```Kitten> "The team will get 1 mil, or each?"
<^Ismall^> "That is with 6 zero's right?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "is that in yen?"
* ^Ismall^ starts thinking very hard then looks around at his house, then thinks again.
<```Kitten> "Interesting proposition.  Very well, I will give you a list of what I need after you give me the details."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Ok, you got the info we'll need or do we need to meet for info and whatever else"
 "You will be assembled at the compound"
<^^^Venus^> "Ok, I guess I'll help"
<^Ismall^> "Kodi, you keep the house in order while I'm gone, I may be gone for a while...hopefully I'll be back as soon as possible."
 "And will learn more then"
<^Ismall^> "Ok, I'll help."
<[^^Silver^^]> "When do we leave"
 "We will take you there now"
<^^^Venus^> "ok, let me grab my gear"
 "okay. let me get my deck"
 ---we will say you all end up there 
* Darius_the_Grey packs his deck, grabs his sword and HK
<[^^Silver^^]> "Ok, let me make one phone call
<```Kitten> "Ok, let me get dressed into something more appropriate."
 We will be pausing for a few moments 
* [^^Silver^^] calls Jared Blackstone and tells him to watch his house for him he'll be out of town on business
* Darius_the_Grey lovingly pats his new deck on the way to the 'compound'
<[^^Silver^^]> ---You really like that deck you acquired don't ya
* ```Kitten gets dressed into black combat fatigues with charcoal grey battle harness and pistol belt along with jungle boots and black cap. She has a knife, pistol, a few ammo pouches and a small first aid kit. Tucked in her pockets are some black grease, a personal comlink, a black hair clasp and other 'essentials.'
 ---yup, a fairlight x is a 5 million nuyen piece of hardware, it's worth more than my sword
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<[^^Silver^^]> ---I thought you would like it that is why I threw it in for ya :)
 --many thanks
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* ^Ismall^ gets his gear ready, prepares his staff, instructs Padre to keep watch, and kisses Kodi on the forehead.
<```Kitten> ---you guys still there???
<^Ismall^> ---yup
 ---of course with all the crap I have done to it, it is now a 6 mill peice of hardware, so that makes worth more than... everyone here!
<```Kitten> ---oh good....
 ---where oh where is CB?
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6 ( 9 4 8 2 )
 sorry had to break the monotony
*** CorruptGM has joined #sixth_world
 ---sorry bout that 
 ---bout damn time
<[^^Silver^^]> ---np
 where were we?
* ^Ismall^ gets his gear ready, prepares his staff, instructs Padre to keep watch, and kisses Kodi on the forehead.
* Darius_the_Grey lovingly pats his new deck on the way to the 'compound'
<^Ismall^> ---I was, but then I woke up
* [^^Silver^^] calls Jared Blackstone and tells him to watch his house for him he'll be out of town on business
* ^^^Venus^ is 5'5" 105lbs elven female, long brown wavy hair with blonde highlights, dark brown eyes. She is currently wearing a football jersey that comes down below her blue jean shorts, white bobby-sox and sneakers
 >>>Ok No problem 
 ---Dar you want to make a call?
 ---ummm, why would I?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Thanks
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>CLICK
 ---you said you did before I think 
 ---what number jersey? 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---That was me
<^^^Venus^> ---I don't know just a jersey
* [^^Silver^^] Is 6'2" tall, short silver hair and eyes.He is currently wearing a white sleaveless shirt, black jeans and tennis shoes. He seems to have a constant mischevious look on his face, with the way his eyes seem to glint. When he moves he seems to move with grace and fluidty. He has no obvious cyber that you can see, except for his datajack.
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 ---we will say it is number 73 
* Darius_the_Grey is about 5'10" and human, he has obvius cyber eyes and sports a datajack and is dressed in a nice dark gray suit, with an old black long coat. The hilt of a sword can be seen just peeking out from under his coat. A black raven is perched on his shoulder, surveying it's surroundings.
* ^Ismall^ is a tall, slender elf with strawberry blonde hair. He is immaculately groomed, hair always tied back in a ponytail and braided with what appears to be some sort of claw braided in the end of it. He wears a poets shirt (ruffled), vest, trenchcoat, and a wide brimmed top hat to hide his eyes which are the most beautiful shade of indigo that anyone will ever see.
 you all arrive at the compound 
<^^^Venus^> ---Why 73?
 go through a series of gates 
 ---it is my number 
* Darius_the_Grey looks at all the gates
 and arrive inside an office with real military types 
 "pretty secure joint here"
<^^^Venus^> ---oh, well in that case ok :)
 you are invited to sit down 
* Darius_the_Grey sits
<```Kitten> Kitten stands just under 2 meters tall, she has medium length blonde hair, which is 
<```Kitten> immaculatly combed and her brown eyes could melt the strongest negotiator.  She wears a 
<```Kitten> black armored, denim jacket, a brown shirt buttoned only with the bottom 3 buttons.  
<```Kitten> Each of her hands have a tatoo on their backs, and each finger has a silver ring of 
<```Kitten> differing designs.  Around her neck is a CSA Dog Tag, although she looks to be too young 
<```Kitten> to have ever been in the CSA. 
<```Kitten> (for pic:
 "hey, nice medals, what that one for?"
* Darius_the_Grey points to the chest of one of the guys
* [^^Silver^^] has a seat smiling at Kitten as he does
 "That was for a small altercation in the balkans"
<```Kitten> ---real military guys?  Like there are fakes? hehe
 "Well you all know why you are here"
<```Kitten> "Hi there Silv."
 "Now what would you like to know?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hi back"
 ---there are fakes in this world 
* Darius_the_Grey tries to get his sword and his deck to arrange neatly as he sits, realizing it won't work, he sets the deck down sideways and props his elbows on it
<[^^Silver^^]> "What method of insertion are we going to be using"
 "Low Altitude Insertion by parachute"
<^^^Venus^> "cool, we get to jump from the heavens"
<^Ismall^> "You mean jump out of a plane?"
* Darius_the_Grey looks around the room, noting we are mage-heavy
<^Ismall^> "Why not just go in by boat?"
<```Kitten> "Whoa, no-one said anything about flying."
<[^^Silver^^]> "joy, what equipment will we be carrying?"
 "a p-p-p-p-p-lane?"
 "No we cannot use a boat"
 "And we have specially designed things for your assignment"
<^Ismall^> "Frag, I don't mind planes its just jumping out of one that is flying that bothers me, but for a mill I'll try it."
<^^^Venus^> "Oh, come on, just think of it as riding with the gods as your protector"
 "wait a second here, you expect me, to get in a plane, and then, just when I feel safe in it, you want me to jump out?"
<^^^Venus^> "I could push you out if you like" *smiles*
 ---fear of planes and mages are just too freakin common round here 
 "great, just fragging great, now I remember why I join the cor...err shadows"
* ^Ismall^ shakes his head and looks at the rest of the team.
<[^^Silver^^]> "what kind of 'things' "
<^^^Venus^> ---hey this mage isn't scared, she thinks it's cool
 ---Just once I want to see a character afraid of chairs 
<^Ismall^> ---how many mages do we have here?
<^^^Venus^> ---oh, yeah, that's real scary :)
<^Ismall^> ---I never sat down
 ---but I don't count I now a decker
* Darius_the_Grey puffs his chest
 "Things that are specially designed for your mission"
 "Do we have your agreement?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "can we  look them over before we leave?"
 "wait, I get use my own deck right? I don't have some cheap military Radio Shack one?"
 "Yes they will be issued to you"
<^^^Venus^> "I think we need a little more info right now?"
* ^Ismall^ hesitates for a second then smiles evily 1"Yes."
 "And you are all allowed to take one personal item"
* ^Ismall^ looks at his staff
* Darius_the_Grey looks at this sword and his deck
 "eeny meenie miney mo"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What kind of weaponry are we to be issued?"
 "catch a grunt by the toe"
<```Kitten> "Sure, as long as you supply any extra gear I think I might need to finish your wet-work."
<^Ismall^> ---Staff Description:  Skull of eastern dragon, basilisk eyes in skull with
<^Ismall^> tentacles from a illithid, beak of a cockatrice, feathers from a
<^Ismall^> feathered dragon, and scales from all types of dragons, with a claw
<^Ismall^> from each attached.
 "if he hollers let him go"
<^^^Venus^> "Will we have accessible medical help?"
 "I want to look at what you give are gonna give us first"
 "You will be issued a special rifle for the task, it is a prototype each a special issue pistol or 2 if required"
<[^^Silver^^]> "me too"
<^Ismall^> "I've got my item right here."
 "C rations for 7 days"
 "a full medical kit"
 "And uniforms and IDs for the various places you will be infiltrating"
 "okay, then, I guess I'll leave my sword, but I want you guys to drop it off at my place, give it to someone there named Pita"
<^^^Venus^> "In that case I'm in, don't mind jumping outta planes, just don't like dying"
<^Ismall^> ---hehe yeah, she's cleanin up after you right now
<[^^Silver^^]> "what kind of ammo"
 "and I want two pistols"
 "Again specially designed"
<```Kitten> "I'm bringing my own side-arm.  It is tried and true, no offense, but being a military man yourself you can understand the peace of mind of having your own side-arm on your hip."
 "Uranium tipped, Magnesium powered"
<^Ismall^> ---whats the default for guns?
<[^^Silver^^]> "well I  didn't bring anything with me so I'm in"
<^Ismall^> ---don't have that...hehe
<[^^Silver^^]> "Show me where we get our stuff at"
 "Ok then"
 "Any other questions?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "none right now"
<^Ismall^> "Yes if we would rather not use guns may we take a sword of our choosing?"
 "We do not have any swords on hand"
<^Ismall^> "I have one, but I'll not depart from my staff."
 "In the company we have never had much use for them"
* ^Ismall^ pulls out his sword
 "Well this once we will make an exception"
 "Come with me and you will recieve your equipment"
* ^Ismall^ nods in acceptance
* [^^Silver^^] gets up and follows
 he walks you all to a lab/depot type place 
* ^Ismall^ follows
* Darius_the_Grey follows
<```Kitten> "Very well."
*** CorruptGM is now known as ```MrR```
* ^^^Venus^ follows and looks around at everything
<```MrR```> "Greetings, you can call me Mr. R"
 "nice place here, I blew a place like this up once"
* ^^^Venus^ trying to take in everything
<```MrR```> "It is my job to give you what you need"
* ```MrR``` picks up a knife"
* ^Ismall^ looks around
<```MrR```> ---think a James Bond place 
<```Kitten>  "Yea, ok, Mister R, whatever."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nice place Mr. R, what you got for me?"
 ---we can keep our locks right?
<```MrR```> ---yep
<```MrR```> "This looks like a standard combat blade"
<^^^Venus^> "But..."
<^Ismall^> ---double phew...what he said twice
<```MrR```> "But on the end it has a digital compass"
 "wait! I have seen this trid!"
<```MrR```> "And you flip this button and it has a sophisticated GPS"
<^^^Venus^> "cool"
<```MrR```> he puts it down and picks up a pair of shoes 
* ^Ismall^ looks at it and mumbles something intangible
 "hey! phone shoes neato!"
<```MrR```> "These are the combat boots you will be wearing while in the bush"
* Darius_the_Grey picks one and
 "come here agent 99"
<```MrR```> "you press down on the toe and a blade pops out"
<```MrR```> "You pull off the heel like so"
<^^^Venus^> "I won't have to wear a hat will I?  all this hair won't fit under a little hat"
* Darius_the_Grey drops it 1"ahhh almost cut off my ear!"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nice!"
* ```Kitten shakes her head at the boots....
<```MrR```> "And it is a block of a derivitve of C 12"
<```MrR```> "Just pull the pin and throw"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Venus' hair
<```Kitten>  "Ahh, I shall miss the good ol' days where my boots were boots and my knives were knives..."
<```MrR```> "No hats, except for when you dive"
<```MrR```> "Your suits are military grade light body armor"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Is that in both shoes?"
<```MrR```> "Yes"
 "you know, I have a good question, how are we gonna get out?"
<^Ismall^> "Hmmm, explosive boots, what happens if we get the pin caught in the bush?  Kablooey? Asta la Bye bye?"
<^^^Venus^> "man this is like a fun house, it's great"
<```MrR```> "The pin is under the heel"
* [^^Silver^^] nods his head
* Darius_the_Grey looks for the military guy that hired us
<```MrR```> "You will be leaving by submarine and inserted by plane"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Excellent, what else"
<^^^Venus^> "we get to ride in a sub, oh this keeps getting beter and better"
* ^Ismall^ says to himself 1k"Hmmmm, from one extreme to the other."
<```MrR```> "Now there is the sniper rifle for the assasanation"
 "subs, that's better, I can handle that"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Now this I have been waiting for"
* ```MrR``` opens a case
<```Kitten> "Please tell me its a standard MA 2100"
<```MrR```> "This rifle is called the NDR"
* [^^Silver^^] looks on with a gleem in his eye
<[^^Silver^^]> "NDR?"
 "hmmm, guns"
<```MrR```> "That is short for the Neuron Disprupting rifle"
<```MrR```> "Just aim this at the targets head and pull the tripper"
<```Kitten> "Yea, shoulda known better to ask.  Why give us anything normal.  Let me guess, you guys are the US-Army?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "KEWL!!"
 "I much prefer the Nueron Destroying Spell"
<```MrR```> "It sends an invisible wave into the brain that causes a massive anurism"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Silent?"
<```MrR```> "Target dies within seconds"
<```MrR```> "Totally"
 "remember guys, everything we have, they migh have"
<^Ismall^> "No chance of survival?
<```MrR```> "None"
<^^^Venus^> "ok, guns aren't really my thing, is this easy to use?"
<```MrR```> "But there is a catch"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What about sidearms?"
 "or they could have worse things, like Lyle Lovett CDs"
<```MrR```> "We are supplying 2 power packs"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Who?"
<```MrR```> "But each power pack is good for 2 shots"
<^Ismall^> "So each person only has 4 shots?"
<```MrR```> "You will be supplied with only one rifle"
<```Kitten> "Golly, Darius, but if they do they are probably trained in how to use it all."
<```MrR```> "Now for the pistol"
 "this would be true"
* ```MrR``` pulls up a standard sized side arm which has many innovations on it
<```Kitten> ---This guy is an engineer isnt he?
<^Ismall^> ---hmmmm, an arm...I can use an arm.
<```MrR```> "This has a 25 shot clip we can do this because the rounds are small in size"
<```MrR```> ---yes he is 
<```Kitten> ---Engineers Motto:  If it doesnt work, tinker with it.  If it does work, it doesnt have enough special functions.
<^^^Venus^> "ok, this I like"
<```MrR```> "It has a Smartlink a built on silencer and doubles as a small radio for communication"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What kinda damage are we talking about?"
<```Kitten> ---hate to do this, but I have to go AFK...."When mother nature calls, even kings must obey."
<```MrR```> ---s'ok
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
<```MrR```> "Now that is all you will be recieving from me" 
<```MrR```> "Your ids and suits will be given when you arrive at the plane"
<^^^Venus^> ---well please by all means answer
<```MrR```> he stands aside to let you take it 
<```MrR```> "Please take 3 pairs of shoes"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Uh, we can have two pistols
<```MrR```> "Right"
<```MrR```> "And oh I almost forgot"
 "yaeh, I am gonna need two pistoleros"
<^^^Venus^> "how do you know our sizes"
<```MrR```> "I have a watch for each of you"
<```MrR```> "They have a cutting laser and a small real time radar system"
<```MrR```> "We dont that is why we have so many sizes to choose from"
* ^Ismall^ takes the watch
* Darius_the_Grey grabs his stuff and looks for a bag or something to put it in
* [^^Silver^^] takes 3 pairs of shoes, a rifle w/power paks, 2 pistols w/4 clips each, a knife, and a watch
* [^^Silver^^] looks arounds for holsters
<```MrR```> there is a bag with each of your names on it 
<[^^Silver^^]> "What about holsters?"
* ^Ismall^ looks at the bag... then looks at his satchel...then puts his satchel in the bag with his name on it.
* Darius_the_Grey grabs his bag, and an extra pistol
 "I am ready to rock"
<```MrR```> "Holsters are inside"
<```Kitten> ---back
* [^^Silver^^] takes a bag and loads everything into it and looks for clothes to change into
<```MrR```> ----clothes are in the bag
<```MrR```> ---as well as medical supplies food IDs and different uniforms 
* ^^^Venus^ grabs everything he told us to and puts it all in the bag with her name on it
<^^^Venus^> ---does it have our street names or regular names
<```MrR```> ---call signs 
* ```Kitten attempts to hold on to all the gear they are giving her, wondering if she will figure it all out by the time they land in Russia some 8-11 hours from now.
* ```MrR``` points you all out to your transport craft
*** ```MrR``` is now known as CorruptGM
<```Kitten> ---call signs?  What, this is the Air Force? hehe
* ^Ismall^ goes to the transport craft somewhat reluctantly
<^Ismall^> ---nope Navy
 ---nope I mean you are Kitten and Ismall and you get the idea 
<```Kitten> ---ah, code names. 
* [^^Silver^^] helps Kitten load up her stuff and walks with her to the transport
<```Kitten> ---just giving you a hard time CB
 it is a sleek looking little bird where the skin never meets with a curve 
 it is black and fast looking 
<```Kitten>  "Great, just what I gear." 
<```Kitten> ---Did they take our old gear and I missed it, or do I still have everything I came in?
* ^^^Venus^ thanks Mr.R and goes to the transport and gets in making sure not to sit on her hair
 ---they have all cept the stuff you kept
 the pilot is waiting for you
 "Hop on, it is going to be a fun ride"
 "yeah I bet"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hey just think of it as one great big adventure before your vacation"
* Darius_the_Grey can hardly contain his excitement
 "You are going to be inserted into the Siberian Sea"
 "umm, into the sea? like we gotta land then swim"
 "we will come to 100 feet you will strap your suits on and jump"
 "A Zodiak will be dropped with you"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Do we have wet suits?"
 "Dry suits"
<^Ismall^> "Swim?"
<^^^Venus^> "This is going to be so much fun and we get paid to boot"
<```Kitten> ---I didnt understand that....what gear did they take from us? (aka, do I still have my trail mix and other gear I brought?)
 "No a Zodiak is a raft"
 ---you got to keep one thing and that is the pistol you kept 
* [^^Silver^^] takes out his dry suit
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where can I change at"
 "And you will also have low altitude chutes"
<```Kitten> ---oh, ok.  
* ^Ismall^ grins 1 "Why right here."
 "Those are not the most comfortable things in the world so dont put them on until it is time"
 he gets on the plane 
<[^^Silver^^]> "okay, these bags are waterproof aren't they"
 "Of course"
* ^^^Venus^ follows him onto the plane
 you all pile on and the plane starts up 
<^^^Venus^> "Come on"
 and it takes off smoothly 
 you all notice that it the engines do not make a sound 
 ---RP time 
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Kitten and smiles reassuringly
* Darius_the_Grey goes into the plane
<[^^Silver^^]> "You okay?"
* ^Ismall^ doesn't notice that the engines make no sound because he hasn't been around a plane before.
* ^^^Venus^ goes and looks out the window
<```Kitten> "Yea, I'll be fine...I just hate planes, but at least I get to think about the rush of jumping out of one."
<^^^Venus^> ---this does have a window doesn't it
* Darius_the_Grey notices no windows
 "good deal, I won't be able to tell how high up we are"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hey don't worry about it. This is a first for me too"
<^^^Venus^> ---ok she doesn't look out the window, how bout a door or something to look out
 >>>I reccomend getting some sleep you will need it 
 ---there is nothing to look out 
* ```Kitten starts to assemble her combat package, neglecting to check the chutes since she has no idea if they are put together right or not. Then moves the ammo for her real pistol into the pouches on her new gear.
<[^^Silver^^]> "If you need a shoulder Kitten, mine is open" 
* Darius_the_Grey tries hard to sleep, that failing he casts increase reflexes upon himself till he passes out
* ^Ismall^ checks his gear in his satchel
 >>>from here on out we are on our own strict radio silence 
<```Kitten> ", how do i sleep knowing that I am 30,000 feet up and could plumet to a feiry messy death at anymoment if the workmanship of this plane is shoddy?"
* ^^^Venus^ finding nothing to look out she finds a small corner to lay in
<^^^Venus^> ---using her bag as a pillow
* ^Ismall^ sleeps after checking everything and putting his hat on
<[^^Silver^^]> "Just let me pull on all this gear"
* Darius_the_Grey passed out from drain
 --after getting into his combat gear
 you are sleeping peacfully 
* [^^Silver^^] goes abut checking his gear and strapping everything on
<```Kitten> ---Dang, too bad I aint a magic thrower....good idea Dar.
 ---hehe good thing I regain a point every ten minutes sleeping
 ---we ready for the action now?
<^Ismall^> ---I guess
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sure, why not
<```Kitten> ---I suppose
 "Ok it is time to go"
* Darius_the_Grey gets up
 "Put the chutes and suits on now"
* Darius_the_Grey dresses
 "okay it's this pin I pull right?"
* [^^Silver^^] pulls on the suit and chute and then helps Kitten into hers
 you feel the plane making a gentle descent
 "Now pull that as soon as you hit air"
 "Or it is all over"
* ^^^Venus^ puts on everything
* ^Ismall^ wakes up, dresses out, and asks 1"How does this thing work?"
* ```Kitten double checks Silver's chute, and waits for him to do so to hers.
* [^^Silver^^] proceeds to check Kittens chute once more
 "It is time to go wheels up"
<```Kitten> "Easy, jump, count to 4 and pull the pin."
<^Ismall^> "Easy?"
 the back hatch opens slowly
 "Count to 1"
<^Ismall^> "Jumping has never been my strong suit."
 you notice you are about 100 feet off the water 
* Darius_the_Grey holds on to something until he is told go
<[^^Silver^^]> "oboy, we are really doing this"
<```Kitten> "EVERYONE GOT YOUR WILLS UPDATED I HOPE?" shouted over the wind-noise.
 a light turns amber 
 then  yellow 
 then green 
* Darius_the_Grey runs out jumps and pulls the pin on 1
* [^^Silver^^] goes jumps and pulls the pin
<^^^Venus^> "Yeeha"
* ^Ismall^ waits for everyone to jump then holds his nose and jumps counts to one and pulls the pin
* ```Kitten grabs onto the lower hatch, and backflips out of the plane, spinning in the air before stabailzing and pulling the pin.
* ^^^Venus^ jumps and pulls the pin at the right #
<^Ismall^> "*#%&*%$%^$#$%^$%^$%^&&%$$^&%$%^#%^&$^&$&"
 ---you do what? 
<[^^Silver^^]> "SHOW OFF!!!!!"
<```Kitten> ---who me?  Grab the rim of the lower hatch with my hands, and flip out using my stomach muscles to come into a spread-eagle position to slow my descent and pull the pin.
 you do a half flip 
 put the chute and it jerks you hard 
<```Kitten> ---what is the point of an athletics skill if you never use it? 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee
 then the chute slows you for about 3 seconds 
 then it comes loose and you hit the water 
 body all 
<```Kitten> --that is how I have to jump out of the bomber if it goes down.
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d
<```Kitten> 10d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```Kitten 10d6 ( 1 16 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 3 7 1 3 15 1 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 10d6 ( 4 3 11 4 1 5 5 4 5 5 )
<^^^Venus^> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus^ 5d6 ( 5 3 4 2 7 )
<^Ismall^> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^Ismall^ 6d6 ( 5 5 3 2 7 5 )
<```Kitten> ---granted my survivability is like 25% at best.....
 you all hit the water at about 75 mph
 and it hurts 
 but no damage 
* ^Ismall^ flounders big time
* ^Ismall^ is fighting the water and starts bobbing
 the water is rather rough and you see a little box with a pull chord on it 
* [^^Silver^^] shucks out of the jump gear and looks for the Zodiac
* ```Kitten uses her hand razors and slices all the strings on her chute.
 "oouch---oof---(gurgle) (gurgle) (spit)"
* Darius_the_Grey pulls that cord
* [^^Silver^^] swims to the box and pulls the chord
 Darius pulls the chord and the zodiak inflates 
* ^^^Venus^ pulls off the chute and swims to the zodiak
* ^Ismall^ gets the parachute off and gets in the Zodiak
* Darius_the_Grey tries to climb into the Zodiac, pulling his deck behind him (I assume it was tied to me?)
* ```Kitten gets into the zodiak, and drags her chute in as well.
 ---yeah your gear was tied to you 
* [^^Silver^^] pulls himself into the Zodiac and helps anyone else in
* ^^^Venus^ pulls herself into the Zodiak
 there is no motor on it 
 but there are oars 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Now that was fun!!"
* ^Ismall^ smiles 1"Well ladies row us ashore."
* [^^Silver^^] laughs out loud and grabs an oar
* Darius_the_Grey tosses Ismall an oar
 "we row in shifts, so noone tires out"
* ^Ismall^ looks at the oar.
 9-10 foot waves crash over the raft occasionally 
* ^Ismall^ watches the others row so he knows how
<^^^Venus^> "wow, that was so much fun, I'm gonna have to do that again, only learn to land better"
 "yeah, I might get to like flying, just so I can jump out"
* [^^Silver^^] proceeds to row
* Darius_the_Grey helps Silver
 roll intel all 
<^Ismall^> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^Ismall^ 6d6 ( 9 1 1 3 9 3 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 8d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 8d6 ( 1 1 1 5 5 2 4 13 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 2 5 5 5 4 4 )
<```Kitten> "Does anyone know if we are A) rowing in the right direction and B) moving forward?
<```Kitten> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```Kitten 5d6 ( 3 4 4 5 9 )
<^^^Venus^> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus^ 5d6 ( 1 4 7 1 2 )
 "hey, I am just rowing, we gotta hit land eventually"
 you all notice a patrol boat about 50 feet off going slow cause of the surf 
<```Kitten> "Not if we go north."
 "umm, guys, that would be bad way to go"
<[^^Silver^^]> "SSHHH!"
<```Kitten> "Hmm, lets take out the patroll boat, it has a motor.
* ^Ismall^ hits his lock
* [^^Silver^^] shifts to lowlight
* Darius_the_Grey whispers 1"hold on a sec"
<```Kitten> "And no one ordered a TOW....what's wrong with you all?"
<```Kitten> ---above is whispered
* Darius_the_Grey tries to quietly go over the back and paddle under water
<[^^Silver^^]> brb
 ---which of course, would be silent
<^^^Venus^> ---back
<[^^Silver^^]> ---back
 you go over and paddle slowly 
<^Ismall^> ---that is lock 1
 --I paddle away from the PT boat
 ----did we get extra uniforms?
 you guys dont go anywhere cause of the conflicting forces 
* ^^^Venus^ goes astral
 ---yes they are all in the bag 
* Darius_the_Grey whispers 1"Silver (pant) come here (pant)"
 Venus roll str 
* [^^Silver^^] rolls overboard and goes to Dar
* ^Ismall^ shispers someone take the oar
<^^^Venus^> 3d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus^ 3d6 ( 4 3 10 )
<^Ismall^> ---errr whispers
*** KatoBrave has joined #Sixth_World
* ```Kitten holds Venus's body so it doesnt get washed overboard.
 you are in astral and a big wave hits and washes your meat body over the side 
 Hey Chummers!
 "wrap some spare uniforms (pant) around the oars, it'll keep them (pant) silent"
 "better yet, go get her (pant pant)"
<```Kitten> ---if you say it before the GM does it still count? 
 ---nope the roll is actually when it happened 
* [^^Silver^^] swims after Venus
<```Kitten> ---dang it.....
 you get up to her unconcious bod and pull her back to the boat 
* Darius_the_Grey tries to tell someone to wrap the oars in a whisper
* ```Kitten helps silver get her and himself aboard.
*** KatoBrave has left #Sixth_World
<```Kitten> "Trust me, in waves like this if you aint yellin, they prolly wont hear you."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Could someone hold her on board, pleas?"
<```Kitten> "I got her."
* ^^^Venus^ comes back
 --yeah but I barely enough breath to speak, let alone speak, keep in mind I am pushing a five-man Zodiac with my feet
 you are moving away from the PT slowly 
 Darius roll willpower 
<^^^Venus^> "hey there are 6 people on board, 3 in the pilot house and 3 are below"
* [^^Silver^^] gets in the Zodiac and proceeds to row
<```Kitten> "I still say we take the boat, change into Russian Naval Uniforms and drive home with some 'malfunction'"
<```Kitten> ---that is the boat's home, not ours.
* Darius_the_Grey climbs into the Zodiac after they are far enough away
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 4 14 10 1 1 4 )
 ---sorry missed that
<[^^Silver^^]> "To risky"
 you are real damn tired from all that kicking 
 and didnt seem to get anywhere 
* Darius_the_Grey climbs into the boat regardless of where they are
* ^Ismall^ helps Darius back onboard
<[^^Silver^^]> "Question, does anyone speak Russian?"
<^Ismall^> "Last time I checked I didn't"
<```Kitten> "Nyet Komrade"
 "listen, we don't want to attack the damn boat, they'll just radio in and then we'll get geeked by a chopper
<^^^Venus^> "No, they didn't ask me if I did"
 "just wrap the fragging oars in cloth so they make less noise and row to shore"
<^^^Venus^> "Ok Mr. Darius, calm down"
* ^Ismall^ wraps his oar and clicks his lock off...persay
 "well, I asked someone a while back to do that, I figured I wouldn't have to pass out before one of you listened"
* Darius_the_Grey lays back, incerdibly exhausted
<[^^Silver^^]> "Dar, why don't rest while we row. We can handle it"
 "thanks Sil"
<^^^Venus^> "Well excuse me, I was checking how many people were on board, just in case"
 "no problem, of course there were others in the boat"
 ---OOooo infighting and we havent even got to shore yet! 
* ^Ismall^ rows harder trying to ignore the arguing.
<^^^Venus^> "There were 6 total, 3 in the pilot house and 3 below deck"
 Ismall makes some progress 
<^^^Venus^> ---please don't send a craken after us :)
 "that's fine, but like I said, they would get an alarm off before we... hey, which way are we going?"
<^Ismall^> "Mr. Darius, we didn't do it, ok...please don't get into an uproar we'll attract more attention."
<[^^Silver^^]> "no problem Dar just rest"
<^Ismall^> "Uhhhhm, this way?"
<^Ismall^> "You navigate we'll row."
 and you get a little closer to land 
 ---you are about 3 quarters of a mile from land 
 ---and the boat is paralell with you about 5 yards to your left 
<^^^Venus^> "Does anyone want me to paddle for a while?"
<```Kitten> ---5 YARDS???  AS IN 15 FEET!!!
<^Ismall^> ---am I getting tired?
 ---and yes 
* ^Ismall^ hands the oar to Venus
<[^^Silver^^]> "now we got it, it's getting closer"
 ---in normal boats everyone paddle in this one only one paddles hmmm 
 ---no two were
* ^^^Venus^ takes the oar and starts to paddle
<```Kitten> ---you didnt say how many paddles there were,I figured there were only two paddles.
<^Ismall^> ---how many oars are there?
<[^^Silver^^]> "I suggest we paddle away from the boat"
* ^Ismall^ grabs another oar and continues to paddle
* ^Ismall^ whispers 1"Could I suggest that everyone row, we may get to our destination faster."
* [^^Silver^^] continues to paddle away from the boat
* ```Kitten rows....
* Darius_the_Grey tries to paddle, heading away from the boat
<^^^Venus^> ---everyone is
 you get closer to land 
 bout a quarter of a mile out 
<^Ismall^> ---almost deep enough for the coast guard....6 feet deep.
 ---ok brb 
 ---RP or something 
* ^^^Venus^ keeps paddling
<^^^Venus^> ---brb, sorry
<```Kitten> ----Nah, coast-guard cant handle 2"
 --yeah, you can drown in three feet of water
<[^^Silver^^]> "Row, row, your boat"
<^Ismall^> ---if you are under 6 feet tall you have to get a waiver to join the coast guard
<[^^Silver^^]> "Gently down the sea"
<^Ismall^> ---cause if the boat sinks and you are 6 feet tall you can walk ashore
 "man I am getting too old for this drek"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life is but a dream!"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Your not that old are you Dar?"
* ^Ismall^ rows harder than ever, ignoring the pain and tiredness that he is feeling.
 "well, I feel it"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I just realized, Darius is the only Human
<^Ismall^> "Mr. Darius, just how old are you?"
<```Kitten> ---yea, but Kit makes all efforts to appear human.
 "old to know better, and young enough to kick some ass"
<^Ismall^> "I am 66, which in your timeframe is young."
 ---of course, with his premature grey hair, he looks almost 40
 "and what's with all this 'Mr.' Darius drek"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well everyone calling you Mr. Darius can't make you feel any younger"
 "definatley, I feel even older cause of that"
* Darius_the_Grey grins
* [^^Silver^^] LOL
<[^^Silver^^]> "Age is a state of mind"
* Darius_the_Grey checks to see if we hit land yet
<^Ismall^> "Well, I am Ismall, call me what you will and what would you wish me to call you, just Darius?"
<```Kitten> "Gentlemen, if you are over 20 you're getting too hold for this biz."
 "yeah Darius, that's all, some people call me God, or Savior, sometimes even He-Who-Knows-All, but Darius will do"
* Darius_the_Grey grins
<[^^Silver^^]> "Gee, I just realized we haven't introduced ourselves to Ismall"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm Silver, nice to work with you"
 you pull up on the beach 
<^Ismall^> "As I have said I am Ismall and we will see if it is a pleasure to work again."
 tired as hell 
<^Ismall^> ---Time of day?
 "okay, that's it, no more rowingfor me"
 abbording to your watch 3 AM 
* Darius_the_Grey tosses the oar down and falls down on the sand
* ```Kitten gets out of boat, and helps to drag it onto the beach.
 still dark 
* [^^Silver^^] pulls the Zodiac onshore and shucks out of his dry suit
 and a crisp clear cold siberian night 
<```Kitten> "Uh, who remembered to set their chornometers to rusky time?"
<^Ismall^> "I think that we should seek cover and get a little rest before going on at daybreak."
<```Kitten> ---oh nice.
* Darius_the_Grey "jeez, I just use sun to set my watch"
* Darius_the_Grey holds his wrist up
<[^^Silver^^]> "Good Idea"
 "for instance it is now noon"
 "somewhere in the world"
 there is snow on the ground just off the beach 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Someone want to help me pull this freaking boat to some cover?"
<```Kitten> "Just deflate it."
 ---you may need that boat later 
* ^Ismall^ helps with the boat
 and in the distance you can see the Ural Mountains 
<```Kitten> ---I didnt say shoot it full of holes, I said deflate it.....but ok. 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---any type of cover anywhere
 they kind of look like the snow peaked rockies 
* Darius_the_Grey goes up the beach a bit, guarding against the Russkie soldiers he knows are wating for them
 Silver takes off his suit 
<^^^Venus^> ---sorry back
 and it now standing there in his shorts 
 very cold 
* ^Ismall^ takes the suit off and puts his clothes back on, the ones that he had earlier in his satchel
* [^^Silver^^] hurries up and changes into some warm clothes
* ```Kitten changes into a nice warm russian uniform which I believe was supplied to us.
 you see your bags, with their nice warm snow combat suits 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---That is what I change into
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 7 16 2 1 10 8 )
* [^^Silver^^] looks approvingly at Kitten change
* ^^^Venus^ changes into some dry clothes
* Darius_the_Grey comes bakc and changes into the warm clothes
* [^^Silver^^] pulls on his holsters, holsters his pistols and pulls his jacket on top of them
 you are all suited up and ready to go 
 "so, what now?"
<```Kitten> "Now we go find that proto-type thing."
* [^^Silver^^] checks his bag for any info packs
 you see your intenerary 
* Darius_the_Grey pulls out his proto-type thing detector
* ^Ismall^ checks his itenerary
* [^^Silver^^] takes it out and checks it
<```Kitten> ---do these uniforms look 'new' or 'used'?
 ---they are not uniforms 
 ---just snow suits 
<^^^Venus^> ---cool
<```Kitten> ---yea well they are all the close enough.
 you have to go to a town called Khukantus 
 "okay then, let's go to this town place"
* [^^Silver^^] checks is GPS in the knife against a map
* ^Ismall^ starts walking with his staff, then realizes that it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb
 the GPS says it is about 200 miles due west 
<^^^Venus^> "Ok, which way"
* Darius_the_Grey starts walking wherever Silver says to go
* [^^Silver^^] points West
<[^^Silver^^]> "200 miles that way"
<```Kitten> "A'ight, lets get ourselves a Trabi" (Russian/East German Car)
 "alrighty then, is there anything between here and there? like a town?"
* ^^^Venus^ starts walking in West
* [^^Silver^^] checks the map
 totally deserted 
 "hmmm, this will be fun"
 acorrding to the GPS the town is just over the mountains 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nope, deserted"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets start walking we have some mountains to cross"
 "alright, three people volunteer to be llamas"
<[^^Silver^^]> "LOL"
 ---no one likes sheep? Baah
<^Ismall^> "Naaaaaaaaah!"
 "no seriously, I need three volunteers"
<^Ismall^> "For what?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Kitten you want me to take your bag?"
 "ummm, let's see, four hooves, cloven, so you travel faster, and can navigate mountain terrain"
 "all I need is three volunteers"
 ---I would make then rein deer 
<[^^Silver^^]> "What? you going to change us?"
 ---cause llamas would freeze to death 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Count me out then"
 ---nope, they wouldn't there are llamas raised in the Andes, they have wool
 "fine then, we walk the long way"
<```Kitten> "Lets just hump it to the nearest town and steal someone's car.  Common."
 ---oh come on please make then reindeer 
<^Ismall^> "I packed light."
<[^^Silver^^]> "That'll work fine for me, walking is great"
 you still notice you are tired as hell and need to sleep 
<^Ismall^> "I don't know about you people but I am tired from all that rowing"
 "what nearest town Kitten? that is the nearest town"
<^^^Venus^> ----why don't you warp leif in here and let him turn him into a reindeer :)
<```Kitten> ---I am NOT sleeping in the cold.  Not without shelter!
 ---there are tents in the bags 
 "well, let's walk and fast"
<^Ismall^> "Therefore why don't we find a place to camp and then go at it when we have some rest."
<^^^Venus^> "we should be able to make it, how hard can mountains be"
 "that is a better idea"
<^^^Venus^> "sounds good to me"
 ---there is a small outpost 30 miles out of the way 
 "but a few miles away from the beach, so those PT boats don't see us"
* ```Kitten finds a nice place, and assembles the tent, and grabs a blanket/sleeping whatever and crawls in to go to sleep.
<```Kitten> "Wake me when you make up your minds."
 "sure thing"
 ok Kitten gets in and sleeps peacfully 
* Darius_the_Grey starts walking, so he's away from the beach
<^Ismall^> "Ok, I have to agree with you Darius, lets go away from the beach and then camp."
<```Kitten> ---A little boat isnt going to see one of those low-laying infantry tents, you ever see one?  They are like invisible when you are walking next to em.
* ^Ismall^ walks beside Darius after placing his hat on.
 Darius and Ismall walk about 3 miles and sleep peacefully 
<^Ismall^> ---better to be safe than sorry
* ^Ismall^ camps and hits lock #3
<^^^Venus^> ---Hold up guys we will be right back
<```Kitten> ---sets watch alarm for 0500 hours
 ok you are sleepin til the other 2 get back 
<^Ismall^> ---I have to leave in an hour
 ---ok I will close it up at that time 
<^Ismall^> ---that 4 letter word called WORK
[^Ismall^ SOUND]
<[^^Silver^^]> ---back sorry about that
 ---you guys stay with Kitten? 
 ---or Darius?
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm staying with Kitten, we need sleep"
 ok so you set up your tent and sleep?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---yeah away from the beach
 so you are with Dar and Is 
 and Venus?
<```Kitten> -Nah, he can share mine...its prolly big enough for two.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Where are you Kitten?
<```Kitten> ---On the beach, parrellel to the shoreline to appear like a mound of sand.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Sorry I was distracted
<^^^Venus^> ---back, sorry
<^^^Venus^> ---I'm with Dar and Is
 ---ok Silver and Kitten are together and Ven and Dar and Is are too 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Need some company Kitten?"
<```Kitten> "Sure do, crawl on in.  We can share some body heat and maybe feel comfortable in the mornin."
<[^^Silver^^]> "If you insist" 
 Kitten and Silver fall asleep together 
 and in the middle of the night they are woken by the gentle rumbles of engines 
* [^^Silver^^] crawls in a gets as close as possible to Kitten, to share the body heat of course
<[^^Silver^^]> "Wake up"
 you hear people speaking in Russian 
 then a flare goes up 
 they have obviously found the Zodiak 
* ```Kitten rolls over onto her stomach, and glances out of the tent.
* [^^Silver^^] gathers his gear and looks out
 2 snow patrol vehicles and about 7 men 
<```Kitten> ---How far?  And how well illuminated is the area we are in?
 ---they are about 50 feet out looking around 
 and with the flare it is well lit now 
<```Kitten> ---that is some flare!  I assume they are headed this way?  We are what, 3 feet from the water line?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets get outta here leave the tent"
 ---you are about 10 feet from the water 
<```Kitten> ---and they are headed our way?  Or just milling about at the moment?
 heading your way in a skirmish line sweeping the area 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go, Now!"
<```Kitten> "Ok, lets low crawl it to the water, and we can swim outta here beneath its surface."
* [^^Silver^^] cuts a hole in the side away from them and proceeds to crawl away fromn them
<[^^Silver^^]> "Water is to cold without the suits"
 roll stealth Silver 
<```Kitten> "Fine, lets high crawl it down the beach.  They need to stay slow to cover the terrain.  But we dont want to make a huge silhouete."
<[^^Silver^^]> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 5d6 ( 3 9 4 5 2 )
<```Kitten> ---I assume there is a tree line?
 ---nope but there is a big snow drift 
 you crawl away with no one seeing you 
<```Kitten> ---Ok, I am gunna high crawl it to the snow drift.
 roll stealth 
<```Kitten> ---You know what a high crawl is right?
<```Kitten> ---that defaults to str or athletics?
<```Kitten> 10d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```Kitten 10d6 ( 2 5 1 8 3 4 3 2 4 1 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 2 10 1 3 3 3 )
 a light falls on you and you are seen 
<```Kitten> ---high crawl is head tucked down to your chest, using your elbows to drag your body forward.  You can get a decent speed and you make a lousy target.
 Kitten any reaction?
 or you going to just sit there
* ```Kitten ok, rolls to the left, and gets up and runs while crouched over towards the snowdrift....
 roll quickness 
<```Kitten> 10d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```Kitten 10d6 ( 11 3 5 5 4 3 5 1 1 2 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 5 4 1 2 1 1 )
<```Kitten> 10d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```Kitten 10d6 ( 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 4 2 3 )
 they open up with their rifles 
<```Kitten> ---i hope this has some decent armor value to it.
 and miss you 
 you jump behind the snow drift 
* ```Kitten using the snow drift for temp cover, I look for another point farther away to 'bound' to.
 Silver and Kitten, you n otice shells punching through the drift every now and then 
 their is snow as far as the eye can see 
 no really good cover 
* ```Kitten gets down all the way, placing her cheak to the snow, and pulls herself along hoping that the white camo from her snowsuit will conceal her movements as she slips away.
 stealth or quickness 
<```Kitten> 10d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```Kitten 10d6 ( 8 2 5 3 5 1 2 7 5 1 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 3 8 5 2 5 3 )
<```Kitten> ---Note, I do have my gear with me....
 ---hahahah nope I dont think so 
<```Kitten> ---except the tent of course.
<```Kitten> ---I think I woulda grabbed my pack and pistol belt at least on the way out.  
 ---normally I wouldnt allow it cause you didnt specify and only because you were told was the only reason you thought of it 
 ---but I will allow it this time 
<```Kitten> ---Well I personally woulda just done it out of habbit from training.  
<```Kitten> ---I know, I should specify it...sorry.  
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 2 1 4 4 1 7 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 8 11 5 5 2 5 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 4 3 5 1 4 4 )
 and 3 russians blow up from behind you 
 the other 4 run to their vehicles and drive away 
* ```Kitten gets up and trots away from the scene, about a mile....(7 minute pace)
 and they are now out of site 
 combat over 
* [^^Silver^^] takes off in the direction where Dar and them are at
 Silver makes it to the camp
* ```Kitten slips back towards the area the russian's were, and sees if it is clear to retrieve any gear that may have been lost....
* Darius_the_Grey is waiting for them
* ```Kitten if not, then heads towards the main camp.
 "you are welcome"
* Darius_the_Grey goes back to sleep
 Kitten makes it to you about 45 minutes later 
 she managed to get her tent and all that 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks for the help guys
<```Kitten> ---ok
 you all sleep for 2 more hours 
<^Ismall^> "No problem, M...Darius informed us about that."
 when Kitten's alarm goes off and it is time to get up 
* ^^^Venus^ sleeps
 you get up and it should be day time but nope it is dark 
<^Ismall^> ---neverending night...
* Darius_the_Grey gets up
<^^^Venus^> "Dang doesn't the sun like to visit here?"
 "can we sleep a bit more?"
* ^^^Venus^ stretches
<```Kitten> "No, we need to get moving."
 "fine then"
 you feel the grumble in your stomach 
* Darius_the_Grey stretches a bit then fixes breakfast for himself
* ^Ismall^ eats a little, only for the filling of his stomach not needing the nutrients
* [^^Silver^^] gets up and fixes himself some grub
 you eat the C rations which taste a little better than plastic 
 but not much 
 "hey, tastes like soy-food"
* ```Kitten eats her cardboard like a good little girl
* ^^^Venus^ eats
<```Kitten> "I'm gunna rob a bakery, this is ridiculous."
<^^^Venus^> "Don't suppose anyone has salt?"
 no but you can put snow on your food 
 snow... good 
<^^^Venus^> ---thanks I'll pass :)
 you get done eating and move out 
<^Ismall^> ---watch out for the yellow snow
* Darius_the_Grey looks around for a bakery
 roll intel Dar 
* Darius_the_Grey keeps eating
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 2 2 4 2 2 3 )
 no bakery 
 ----gee thanks :)
 but you see, snow 
 and a couple rein deer 
 "hey look guys, transportation"
* Darius_the_Grey casts stunmissile on one of the deer
<[^^Silver^^]> "Naa, Venison"
 roll it 
 ----2 m
 ---2 mp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 13d6 ( 2 3 4 2 2 7 2 9 5 5 2 1 5 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 8d6 ( 4 11 5 4 1 9 8 3 )
 ---that will CB
* [^^Silver^^] packs up his tent and gathers his gear together
 ---err willpower to resist
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 3 3 7 1 2 3 )
 it fallso over stunned 
 ----drain time
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 4 4 2 3 2 11 3 3 16 14 2 4 )
* ^^^Venus^ makes sure she has all her gear and stuff together in her bag and puts it over her shoulder and gets ready to head out
 ---heh look drained it
<^Ismall^> "Need some help with that Darius?"
 "I am fine thanks"
<^Ismall^> "I mean skinning that deer?"
* Darius_the_Grey goes over to the stunned deer and looks in his pack for some rope to harness it
 "nope, gonna ride it"
 no rope 
 "hmmm, this outta be fun
<[^^Silver^^]> "Oh, that would be a mistake"
 there is some shoe string 
 "yeah your right"
* ```Kitten gets her gear, with a disgruntled look on her face, and gets ready to move out.
* ^Ismall^ readjusts his hat, gets his gear together and prepares for a long walk.
* Darius_the_Grey lets it go
 "wouldn't want to eat it raw, and a fire would probably let someone know we are here"
 it eventually goes away and does what reindeers do 
 you trek for around 6 days crossing the mountain and canyons 
* [^^Silver^^] checks his compass and starts to take point
 when you arrive to the outskirts of the town 
 "okay, so this is where we get the prototype deal right?"
<^^^Venus^> "Lets check it out first"
 the scenery is awesome on the way 
 you check your intinerarys 
* [^^Silver^^] checks the itenarrys
 and you have to meet with an operative named BirdSong 
<^^^Venus^> ---too bad they didn't give us a camera for the scenery :)
 it says that you will not find her, she will find you 
* ^Ismall^ studies the local people then casts mask on himself to blend in
<[^^Silver^^]> "You guys want to wait til night?"
<```Kitten> "Nah, there is nothing out here."
 "that would be good, of course, it's like still night right?"
<^Ismall^> 8d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^Ismall^ 8d6 ( 2 3 1 9 1 4 5 8 )
<```Kitten> "Just a town.  We could just be travellers for all they know."
<^Ismall^> 10d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^Ismall^ 10d6 ( 5 3 2 2 2 4 1 7 3 8 )
<^Ismall^> ---soaked it
 "well, I say we go in, find a pub or bar, or whatever these Russkies call em, and warm up, I for one, am very cold"
*** Shattered-Soul has joined #sixth_world
<^Ismall^> "Lets go, I for one am ready."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay then, lets go if we are all in agreement"
<```Kitten> "Freezing here."
<```Kitten> "I could definatly go for some vodka."
* Darius_the_Grey walks to the town, looking for a bar
 you walk through town and find a bar 
* Darius_the_Grey walks in and sits somewhere
 you sit at the bar and the bartender asks you in Russian what you want 
* Darius_the_Grey points to his ears, acting like he can't hear
* Darius_the_Grey then motions as if he is asking for a drink
* [^^Silver^^] looks around the bar
* ^Ismall^ goes to a table that is vacant and sits alone looking at around, ignoring everyone speaking to him
 it is pretty empty with a few men playing ches 
<^Ismall^> ---hehe good idea Darius
 you get something in a glass 
* ^^^Venus^ walks in and looks around
* Darius_the_Grey looks at it and takes a sip
<```Kitten> "Vodka Comrade."
* [^^Silver^^] goes and sits by Ismall and looks in his bag for a translator or something
 it is beer home made very good beer 
* Darius_the_Grey drinks it, warming up slowly, and drinking very slowly
<^^^Venus^> "Kitten you know how to say water?"
 you get what looks like vodka 
* ^^^Venus^ to the barkeep
<```Kitten> "Nah, I'd try aqua or something similar."
* ```Kitten slams it down, and asks for more.
* ^Ismall^ looks down and whispers 1"Get me a beer."
<^^^Venus^> "Don't suppose you know english?"
<```Kitten> ---I dont suppose we know how to pay for this yet do we?
<^^^Venus^> "Water?"
 Ismall gets what Dar is drinking 
* ^^^Venus^ looks for a sink
 and he leaves the bottle for Kitten 
 he gives Venus a beer 
<```Kitten> "Thanks."
<^Ismall^> ---I gotta go in a few minutes
 you hear someone walk in the door 
* [^^Silver^^] looks at the door
* Darius_the_Grey does not look up, since he is techinically deaf right now
* ^Ismall^ looking down cuts his eyes toward the door
* ^^^Venus^ shakes her head no
 you see a strikingly beautiful woman in a snow suit
 "Hello, I am BirdSong"
