Session Start: Thu Aug 12 22:22:06 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to 'downtimerun.txt'
 so what did you do today?
 Not much worked
 Got in trouble, AGAIN!
*** Maddix is now known as ^^Silver^^
*** lessCorruptGM has joined #shadowmask
*** Endradi is now known as Shimmers
*** LessCorruptBot has joined #shadowmask
 Ok you all are sitting in your places of residence relaxing 
*** lessCorruptGM is now known as Quentin_M
*** NotSoCorruptGM has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** ^^Silver^^ is now known as Guest50302
*** Shimmers is now known as [^^Silver^^]
* Quentin_M walks into his Gun Shop and takes the covers off of all the tools
<[^^Silver^^]> ---whoops
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Shimmers
 ---lol nickserv blows 
*** Guest50302 is now known as [^^Silver^^]
<[^^Silver^^]> ---It sure does
* Quentin_M begins work on 2 pistols
<[^^Silver^^]> ---What day of the week is it?
 ---What day do you prefer?
 --- Quentin_M 8d6 ( 2 4 3 7 2 1 1 4 )
 --- Quentin_M 8d6 ( 3 2 7 4 4 5 2 11 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Depends, how long will it take to get Muscle Aug. put in?
 ---How bout um a week 
 First Gun takes me a week to complete 
 Second takes me Three days 
* Shimmers is exercising to "Thighs of Steel, Advanced course"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---okay
 --- Quentin_M 8d6 ( 4 11 11 3 1 2 3 7 )
 Full Compliment of ammo 3 days 
* [^^Silver^^] goes around his apartment cleaning getting ready for the big move coming up
 ---Want to cell her and have her move in now?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sure then lets make today, Friday 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>You ready to move your stuff in?
 >>>Oh hey baby I am just getting my stuff boxed up 
 >>>I was thinking...... Wouldnt you like to get a nice big house?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Uh, sure. Lets get your stuff moved in first then we will go house hunting. Okay?
 >>>Ok The moving men will be there any moment now to start 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>At your place?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Cool, I'll be there in a bit
 >>>Ok no rush though I am so excited for this 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>So am I. Do you think we need anymore help?
 >>>I am sure we could only use more help.... We have been together this long and I still dont know what you do for a living....
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Tell you what, I'll call up some chummers to lend a hand, and we will have a long talk tonight. Sound good?
 >>>Sure does babe you are so good to me
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>I try to be. I only want to do good by you babe
 >>>*giggles* I will see you in a few
 >>>Til Then 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>CLICK
* [^^Silver^^] calls Quentin
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
* Quentin_M takes one of his completed weapons to the firing range of his Country estate
 >>>*BOOM* hello? *BOOM*
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Everything ok, Quent?
 >>>Oh hey *BOOM* Just constructed 2 new side arms for when we play our games
 >>>How bout you?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Cool, can you spare some time to lend a chummer a hand?
 >>>Always *BOOM* (much swearing off the phone0 *CLICK* *BOOM* What you need?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Nothing much, could use a few extra hands to move Natasha into my place
 >>>Moving into your place?
 >>>Way to go man I am proud of you 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Thanks, I figured it was time to
 >>>I will be out there whenever you need me 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Great, could you call Shimmers and meet me at  as soon as you can?
 >>>Sure Can *BOOM*
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Thanks
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
* Quentin_M being satisfied with his craftsmanship puts the 2 new weapons in his side holsters and goes inside
 >>>Ring Shimmers Ring 
* [^^Silver^^] changes into a pair of jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt hops on his bike to head to Natasha's
* Shimmers answers slightly out of breath
 >>>Working out i see 
 >>>Want to go help Silver move his woman in?
 >>>Yeah, well after my stay in the hospital don't want to get flabby
 >>>What do you mean by 'woman'?
 >>>I was thinking about that myself, I need a vacation 
 >>>Girl Friend is what I mean 
 >>>Yeah sure I'll help. Let me shower and change first
 >>>Ok he tells me to go 
 >>>Okay you wanna pick me up or should I take my bike?
 >>>I will pick you up it saves on fuel 
 >>>See you in a few 
 >>>Okay see ya in a while. here is my addy 
 >>>Ok CLICK 
* Quentin_M showers and looks for some clothing that doesnt look like he is gonne mug someone
* Shimmers showers and changes into a pair of blue-jean shorts,a mid-night blue tank top,and puts on her makeup
* Quentin_M puts on a pair of jeans tennis shoes a white tee shirt and a black real leather jacket
* Quentin_M dawns his new creations and drives to Shimmers' place
 ok Silver you are at Nat's apartment 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---is the movers there yet?
 ---yep and they are moving 
 ---her boxes into a truck type vehicle 
* [^^Silver^^] goes inside an hands her the dozen red roses that he picked up on the way
<[^^Silver^^]> ---forgot to mention that 
*** LessCorruptBot is now known as ``Natasha``
* ``Natasha`` takes the roses looking surprised
<``Natasha``> "Oh you are so sweet"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Anything for you babe"
* [^^Silver^^] gives her a long kiss
* ``Natasha`` is wearing a yellow sun dress and her hair is tied back in a french braid
* ``Natasha`` returns it
 ---Poor Poor bot LOL 
 ok I am in front of Shimmers place 
 *Knock Knock*
<[^^Silver^^]> "You look beautiful today"
<``Natasha``> "Thank you!" *smile*
* Shimmers opens the door
 "are you ready to do?"
 "Perfect timing just got ready"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You are extremely welcomed"
 "Do you realize how long it has been since I was wearing clothes like these?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What can I do to help?"
 "Not really but I can imagine"
<``Natasha``> "Keep me company :) Let your friends do the work, Now I want to hear about what you do"
* Quentin_M motions Shimmers to his car
* Shimmers gets into the car
* Quentin_M drives to the o ther place
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure, where can we talk?"
 "Nice to see you recovered well"
 "Thanks, you to"
<``Natasha``> "In the Bed Room that has already been cleared"
* ``Natasha`` walks in there and sits on a box
 "So, what is his girlfriend like?"
 "I really do not know her"
* [^^Silver^^] walks in and sits next to her
 "Just saw her once or twice we never really talked"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What do you want to know?"
<``Natasha``> "Everything"
 "Well at least you've met her, I didn't even know he had one"
 "I gues it is a whirlwind love at first sight kind of thing"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay lets see. I was born in Seattle, but my parents were killed in a botched Lone Star raid when I was young"
 "Okay, anyone else dating that I should know about?"*giggles*
<``Natasha``> "Thats so sad" *kisses your cheek*
 *Laughs hard and doesnt seem like he does it too often* "No no one that I know of"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well that was a long time ago. If it wasn't for my foster father, Jared, I don't think I would have made it"
<``Natasha``> "I am glad you did or we would have never met"
 "You know, this is the first time that we have gotten together that has not been job related. Its kind of weird"
 "Yeah it feels good not to be driving somewhere with a friend and not having to kill someone"
 ---er minus the second not 
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm glad to. Jared really helped me out. You two should meet sometime"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You two are the most important people in my life right now"
*** Quentin_Ma has joined #shadowmask
 "Yeah, you're righ. You know, you have a nice laugh"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---what happened?
*** ```Natasha has joined #shadowmask
 ---Got dropped 
 ---as per usual 
 "Thanks I havent used it in a long time"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Again, whassup with that
 ---My ISP blows both my right and left nut
*** ``Natasha`` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 "By the way, are you packing?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
*** Quentin_M has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 "Yeah, are you carrying any weapons?"
* Quentin_Ma pulls 2 guns out from under his jacket and puts them in the back seat
 "Not anymore"
 "Okay that is better. Just try it for a day"
 "After you have killed as many people as I have things seem to be less funny than they were before"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---did you get my last comment to Natasha?
 ---nope what was it?
 "Yeah, I know, but you should always look to the bright side you are not alone"
 "True but it does feel that way sometimes" 
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm glad to. You two should really meet sometime, you are the most important people in my life right noe"
<```Natasha> "I would be very happy to meet him, now what is your job?"
 "Just remember, you always have your friends, and I'm one of them"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well I am an 'independent contractor' of sorts. People hire me to help them with problems"
<```Natasha> "Oh so you are like a psychiatrist?"
 *Smiles a toothy grin* "Thanks"
* Quentin_Ma pulls into the place
 "Well here we are"
 "You are welcome"
* Quentin_Ma gets out and opens Shimmers' door
<[^^Silver^^]> "No not a phychiatrist. Do you know what a 'Shadowrunner' is?"
 "lets see what these two are up to"
<```Natasha> "A Shadow runner? You are a killer?"
* Quentin_Ma knocks on the door
* ```Natasha runs up and answers the door
<```Natasha> "Hello, Who are you?"
* Shimmers follows
 "I am Quentin Mardock, This is Shimmers"
 "We are friends of Silver and are here to help"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Natasha, these are my friends"
<```Natasha> "Are they Shadow Runners too?"
 "Hi, please to meet you"
 "No I am a freelance photographer"
* Shimmers turns to Quentin
* Quentin_Ma looks at Shimmers
* Quentin_Ma shrugs
 "No I am an exercise instructor"
<```Natasha> "Oh, Would yo ulike to shoot me sometime?"
* Quentin_Ma smiles vervously
 "I hope not"
* [^^Silver^^] shakes his head
* Shimmers giggles
 "I think he is more scenery"
* Quentin_Ma takes off his jacket and starts moving boxes to the truck
* Shimmers shrugs at Quentin
<```Natasha> "Now I want to know more about your job Silver"
 "So where do you want me to help?"
<```Natasha> "Just carry boxes for me please"
 "Sure no problem?"
* Shimmers moves closer to Quentin
* ```Natasha whispers to Shimmers "Why did he tell her?
<```Natasha> ---woops 
* [^^Silver^^] motions for Natasha to follows
 ---you get the idea 
* ```Natasha follows
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Haha, easy to do isn't it?
 "I have no idea. Maybe we should steer clear for a bit"
 "I am just gonna move boxes then get out of here"
<[^^Silver^^]> "As I said Natasha, I am not a killer. I am mainly Tactical help"
 ---you are gonna regret me losing the weapons when the moving men are really terrorists 
 "Just don't leave me here by myself, with them"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
 "When I leave you can come see my estate"
<```Natasha> "Have you killed people?"
 "Sounds like a plan. Lets hurry up"
* Quentin_Ma takes off his tee shirt and works harder
<[^^Silver^^]> "Unfortunately yes, but only in self-defense"
<```Natasha> "I am glad you were honest with me instead of lying"
<```Natasha> "Why do you do it?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well, I could never lie to you. It is the only thing I know how to do"
<```Natasha> "If I wanted you to change would you?"
* Shimmers glances over
<[^^Silver^^]> "I really don't know"
<```Natasha> "I would hope not, I love you just the way you are"
 ok by this time all the boxes are done 
* Quentin_Ma walks to the room where Silver is
<[^^Silver^^]> "If you wanted me to I would, I just don't hope you put me in that situation"
 "We are done"
* ```Natasha looks at Quentin
<```Natasha> "Where did you get that scar?"
* Quentin_Ma looks at his torso
<[^^Silver^^]> "Cool Lets go unload and get something to eat"
 "Well you know hos difficult some models can be"
* Shimmers walks in
 "Good call"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Meet us at my place"
* [^^Silver^^] gives them the addy
 THe moving men pull away from the place 
 "Ok be there in a secong"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Natash
<[^^Silver^^]> "Are you ready?"
* ```Natasha grabs his jacet and shirt and walks to the car
<```Natasha> ---DAMN IT 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
<```Natasha> "Yes I am"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
<```Natasha> "Want to go get a real house?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well lets move you in first. And tommorrow we will go looking"
<```Natasha> "Ok"
* [^^Silver^^] heads to the car
<[^^Silver^^]> ---whoops
* ```Natasha walks to her car
* Shimmers walks to Quent's car and gets in
 "I cannot believe we got sucked in to this too:
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'll follow you Natasha"
<```Natasha> She drives to her place 
* Quentin_Ma hits the gas and goes
 "Exactly how much did they move?"
 "all of it, Those moving men are good"
* [^^Silver^^] follows on his bike
 "I hear they are freelance killers for hire on the side"
 "no, how much did Silver and Natasha move?"
 "How much stuff? I dont think any"
* ```Natasha arrives at the apartment
 "I hate lying to her, but what was he thinking?"
 "She could be a.... liability"
 "You are the best looking instructor I ever saw"
 "Maybe not. maybe she will take up home decorating"
 "Thank you. It must have been one hell of a model to do that to you, considering you do scenery"
 "Yeah a Polar Bear in the arctic"
* Quentin_Ma shivers
* [^^Silver^^] walks her up to the door and carries her accross the threshold
 roll str 
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 5 4 4 1 8 3 9 )
 ---Damn it 
 ---I wanted to have some fun 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---damn she's the bot to?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---to bad, so sad
* ```Natasha giggles and nuzzles your neck as you carry her across
* Shimmers giggles at his last remark
* Quentin_Ma pulls in
* ```Natasha gets to her feet
<```Natasha> "Oh my this needs a woman's touch"
* Quentin_Ma gets out opening Shimmers' door again
<[^^Silver^^]> "It sure does. But don't decorate to much if we are going to move again"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---brb
 "thank you sir
 "madame" *bows* 
 "so you think they've settled down?
* Quentin_Ma starts moving boxes more quickly
 "I hope so I dont want to get violent on a day off"
 "Maybe you should get Silver and have him help us this is his girls junk
 "I have moved a lot and I am sore and tired I want to go home"
* [^^Silver^^] goes to help
 ok after about an hour and a half we are done 
 "Man he owes us for this one
 *nods* "He can take my next bullet for me"
* [^^Silver^^] walks up to Q and Shimmers
 "Hey is everything working out?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You guys want to get something to eat? My treat?"
* Quentin_Ma looks at Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yeah everything is cool"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Natasha
 "You should see the 2 new cameras that I made they are great"
* Shimmers shrugs
 "Sure I am in"
<```Natasha> "Yes it would be quite fun"
<```Natasha> "Lets dress up and go someplace fancy"
 "Where are we going? I need to change first"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where so you want to go?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---do even
<```Natasha> "Ummm how bout Charnie's Off 5th?"
<```Natasha> "It is real expensive but the food is really good"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sounds good, how about you guys?"
 "Would you two rather have a romantic dinner alone?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Consider it payment for helping. We would love to have you come with us"
 "Alright I will go"
 "Me to"
 "I need to change into something more apropriate
<[^^Silver^^]> "Good lets meet there at about 7 okay?"
 ---3:30 currently
 ---what time is it now?
 "Okay see you there"
* Quentin_Ma walks to his car
* Shimmers walks to Quentins car also
 "So where you want to go?"
* [^^Silver^^] close the door and locks it
 "We can go look at your estate, but I need to get home to shower and change for tonight"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Natasha
 "Alright sounds good"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where do we begin?"
* ```Natasha looks back (Bot Getting nervous)
* Quentin_Ma drives to his place opening the gate with his security code
<```Natasha> "We could go look for houses not"
 ---now even 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets do that in the morning. We have to unpack and get ready for tonight"
* Quentin_Ma drives into his estate, it is a large farm kind of place with horse barns a machine shop his main house his target range His Guest cottage attached to the main house by a long corridor

Session Time: Fri Aug 13 00:00:00 1999

* Quentin_Ma motions around
 "This is what my work is all about"
 "Wow, great place. You must be a great photographer"
<```Natasha> "Ok sweetheart"
 "I am told that I take great shots"
* [^^Silver^^] starts to unpack boxes
 "There is a swimming pool and a spa behind the house"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm glad that we did this"
<```Natasha> "Me too"
* ```Natasha begins to un pack as well
 "I've heard that someplace before"
* Quentin_Ma gets out of the car and opens Shimmers' door
 "Oh where?"
* [^^Silver^^] and Natasha unpack until 5:30 then take a shower together
* ```Natasha is well satisfied by the shower
 "Oh, here and there, somewhere"*smiles*
 ---Q is about 7 runs away from being a street legend
 "So what would you like to do now that we are here?"
 "I don't know, could I get something to drink, maybe, then a tour.
 "Certainly Come on in"
* Quentin_Ma walks into his house
* Shimmers follows Quentin into his house
 "What would you like?"
* Quentin_Ma escorts her to his bar
<[^^Silver^^]> ---about how much would a house cost?
 ---Squatter low Med high Luxury?
 "What do you recommend?"
 "I know just the thing"
* Shimmers takes a seat at the bar
* Quentin_Ma goes down into the cellar and comes out with a bottle of Champagne popping it and pouring him and Shimemrs a glass
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Well, I'm at middle lifestyle now so I will go to high lifestyle for her
 ---Ok say 400k 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---can I make payments?
 ---how much you have now?
 "thank you"
 "Most welcome"
* Quentin_Ma drinks
<[^^Silver^^]> ---420,500¥
 ---Ok we will make it an even 350 
* Shimmers takes a sip
 ---you could get a loan perhaps 
 it tastes good 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Who would loan me the money?
 "This place seems so empty with just me"
 "This must be a good year, it's good.
 ---Quentin would if you asked nicely 
 "1976 and thank you"
 "Would you care for that tour now?"
 "So how bout that tour?
* Quentin_Ma laughs
 "Want to do it by horseback?"
 "I'm not much of a rider, horses that is.
 "That is ok I only have one. You can ride with me"
 "Ok, but we need hurry some so we're not late
 Ok you take a ride of the grounds having a fabulous time 
 "Oh, and no jumping over anything while I'm on the horse
* Quentin_Ma rides it back into the stable
* Quentin_Ma gets off and offers his hand
* Shimmers takes his hand
* Quentin_Ma helps her off
 "Want me to take you home now?"
 "Or I could get ready now and then take you home and wait there"
 "Ok, I'd hate to make you make 2 trips.
 "Feel free to go wherever you like"
* Quentin_Ma takes a shower
* Shimmers goes and waits in the living room looking at whatever kind of decor he has
 Around the house you see some guns on the walls some old some new and you see many pictures of Quin in various places 
* Quentin_Ma gets dressed in one of his best suits and walks out
 "I am ready to go"
 "Thank you" *grin-
* Quentin_Ma drives Shimmers to her place
 "You've got alot of guns are you also a collector
 "Sort of, they are kind of like trophies"
 "Just things I have picked up in different areas of the world that I have been"
 "Always on the move huh?"
* Quentin_Ma nods
 "That was until I found a place to call home
 "I was thinking, Would you like to go on vacation with me?"
 "You have a beautiful home"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how much for middle?
 "Thank you, seems empty sometimes though"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I'll go High
 ---ok I will dream something neato up 
 "I could use one what did you have in mind?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Think 'less then 350,000¥
 "It is a small resort in Tahiti right on the water, I am going to buy a small cabin there"
 ---How much you want to spend?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how about 300,000¥
 "Sounds good"
 ---Ok I will dream something up 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---thanx
 ---are we there yet?
 ---yeah been there for quite a while 
 "excuse me I've got to get ready. Make yourself at home"
 "Ok Thank you"
* Quentin_Ma sits down
* Shimmers goes into her bedroom to shower and get ready
* [^^Silver^^] and Natasha get dressed to go
* Shimmers comes out wearing a midnight blue evening dress, low cut, and clinging to her body
* ```Natasha puts on a Black Sheer Cocktail dress that hugs her figure and does her hair in a way that um looks good
* Quentin_Ma winks
 "Very nice"
* [^^Silver^^] puts on his best suit and a white button-up shirt, and black boots w/a Colt Manhunter tucked in his right boot
 "Thank you. Shall we go?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You look stunning"
 "Yes we shall"
* Quentin_Ma drives to the place
* [^^Silver^^] stares in delight
<```Natasha> "As do you handsome"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thank you. Shall we go?"
<```Natasha> "Lead the way"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall we take your car?"
<```Natasha> "Yes, you drive"
* ```Natasha hands Silver the keys
* [^^Silver^^] takes the keys and escorts Natasha to her car
* [^^Silver^^] opens the door for her
* ```Natasha straightens her dress and sits down with a thank you
* [^^Silver^^] closes her door and gets in the drivers side
* [^^Silver^^] drives to the bistro
* Quentin_Ma walks in the door of the place holding it for Shimmers
* Shimmers enters
* Shimmers looks around for Silver and Natasha
 "Reservation for Mardock please"
 "Do you see them?"
 you pull up 
 he looks at a computer 
 "Right this way he says"
 ---er he says 
* [^^Silver^^] opens up Natasha's door and offers his and
<[^^Silver^^]> "mylady"
* ```Natasha puts his hand under his arms and walks in
<[^^Silver^^]> ---his hand under his arms?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
 ---Oh you know what I mean 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I know just giving you a hard time :P
* Shimmers follows Quentin
* Quentin_Ma pulls her chair out and sits down
* [^^Silver^^] escorts her to the door
<[^^Silver^^]> ---and opens it
* Shimmers sits down gently
 ok the waiter guy knows who you are and takes you to the table 
 "Thank you"
* [^^Silver^^] hold out the chair for Natasha
* ```Natasha sits down with a thank you
* [^^Silver^^] pushes in her chair and sits across from her
 the waiter asks 'What would you like to drink?'
<[^^Silver^^]> "You are welcomed"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I would like a Long Island Iced Tea. Natasha?"
* ```Natasha thins
<```Natasha> "I would like a Rum and Coke please"
 "Give me a StrawBerry Daquirri please"
 'and for the lady?'
 "White wine please"
 he nods and retrieves the orders 
* Quentin_Ma browses the menu drinking his drink
* [^^Silver^^] looks at the menu
<[^^Silver^^]> "What do you suggest Natasha?"
<```Natasha> "I enjoy the Lobster platter" 
* Shimmers glances at her menu
 'may I take your orders now?'
<```Natasha> "Yes I will have the lobster platter"
* [^^Silver^^] discreetly checks the prices
<```Natasha> ---50¥ for the platter 
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'll have the same"
 "I would like the Filet Mignon please"
 "I'll have the 
 "Chicken Premavera with no onions please"
 'excellent choice'
 ---anyone want to do some combat?
 ---Yeah, yeah. hehe
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry that was me
 ok just as we get our orders 5 thugs walk in demanding money 
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Quentin
 "I have my new cameras...."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Natasha just stay calm. I'll take care of this"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how far are they
 ---20 feet 
* Quentin_Ma reaches into his jacket
* Quentin_Ma pulls out the 2 Quentin Special Pistols
* [^^Silver^^] gets up and walks cautiously to the closest one
 "Freeze kids you really want to try this?"
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 2d6+8 ( 13 )
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shimmers could you watch after Natasha?"
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+11
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+11 ( 26 )
 "Yeah, be careful you two"
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 1d6+6 ( 11 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 1d6+6 ( 11 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 1d6+6 ( 8 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 1d6+6 ( 10 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 1d6+6 ( 10 )
 Silver act 
 ---how far am I from him?
 ---about 25 feet 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry how far am I from him
 ---15 feet 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I charge him and do a jumping side kick to his head
 roll quick then Unarmed 
<[^^Silver^^]> 10d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 5 2 1 22 1 4 2 2 3 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 9 9 3 3 5 1 5 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 3 1 5 5 )
 He is knocked out on the ground 
* Quentin_Ma crosses his arms really neatoish and fires at a different person with each weapon
* [^^Silver^^] comes down in a crouch looking for his next target
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 5 3 3 5 1 5 5 3 8 3 13 9 1 16 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 5 5 2 2 2 1 5 1 5 4 2 3 5 5 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 4 3 4 4 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 1 5 1 1 )
 they both die quite horribley 
 Go SIlver 
 ---2 up
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sweep the next guys legs out and chop to the neck
 roll it 
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 5 11 11 4 1 2 2 )
 2 times 
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 3 10 9 3 2 4 2 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 3 1 1 4 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 4 2 5 5 )
 You sweep his legs then you feel his wind pipe collapse under your assault 
 The last remaining guy fires at 
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 1d6 ( 1 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 3 7 10 4 7 4 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 5 5 5 10 3 2 )
 ---I swear.....
* Quentin_Ma takes a shell in the thigh M wound
 go Silver 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---you just can't catch a break can you
 ---yeah I know 
 go Silver 
 one remaining 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---strike the wrist with the gun and backhand the face
 roll unarmed twice 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---4cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 2 8 3 4 1 11 5 4 5 1 10 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 17 3 4 3 1 4 4 9 7 2 5 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 4 2 3 4 )
<```Natasha> --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 4 5 4 1 )
 you break his wrist and practically smack his face off 
 Combat Over 
* Quentin_Ma limps over to the table tossing a 500 stick down
 "I say that maybe we should leave"
* [^^Silver^^] knocks the gun away and tells the maitre d' to call the cops
* [^^Silver^^] goes to Natasha
<```Natasha> "Oh babe you were wonderful I was so scared"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I think we should leave, sorry"
* Quentin_Ma nudges Silver, and whispers "Man you are wounded"
 "You want me to take care of that?"
 ---I hate it when I mistype 
 "Wait til we get out"
* Quentin_Ma limps to his car quickly
* [^^Silver^^] takes Natasha's hand and leads her out
* Shimmers follows closely behind Quentin
* Quentin_Ma gets i n and steps on it
* Quentin_Ma looks at his leg
 "That was disheartening"
 "You okay?"
* ```Natasha gets in the car
 "I, have had worse"
* [^^Silver^^] gets in and head to there apartment
* [^^Silver^^] calls Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>He okay?
 >>>Yeah, he'll be okay
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Tell him I'm sorry, and that I owe him another one
 >>>Will do, bye
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well Quentin will be okay"
<```Natasha> "That is good"
<```Natasha> "Does this happen all the time?"
* Shimmers tells Quentin what Silver said
* Quentin_Ma nods
 "Well thanks Silver"
<[^^Silver^^]> "No, it doesn't this just happened to be bad luck"
 "Want to stay at my house tonight?"
<```Natasha> "I would hate to see what horrible luck is...."
 "Well I don't want to leave you alone. So I guess I can stay"
<[^^Silver^^]> "No, you don't want to see what horrible luck is"
* Quentin_Ma drives to his house and limps into the house and crashes on his bed
<```Natasha> "Would you tell me some stories sometime?"
 "Think you could help me out here?"
* Shimmers casts Heal on Quentin Force 4
<[^^Silver^^]> "Anytime"
<```Natasha> --- Shimmers 6d6 ( 1 2 7 4 3 3 )
<```Natasha> --- Shimmers 10d6 ( 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 1 3 4 )
 M drain you feel real tired but you heal my leg all but a deep cut 
 "You can sleep wherever you want"
 "You need anything wake me up"
* Quentin_Ma strips down and sleeps
 "And thank you"
* Shimmers leaves him to rest and goes to the living room turns on the TV and lays on the couch
* [^^Silver^^] takes Natasha home
 ---you live in the same place 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I know mis typed it it should say to our home
* Shimmers drifts off to sleep watching tv
* ```Natasha walks in and lays in bed from all of the days excitement
* Quentin_Ma comes out during the night and carries Shimmers to his bed and covers her up and he sleeps on the couch
* [^^Silver^^] takes off his clothes, packs away his gun and lays next to her
<[^^Silver^^]> "Some day huh?"
<```Natasha> "Yeah I am not used to this kind of thing"
<```Natasha> "I thought your friend was a photographer?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sorry, I know this a lot to take in at one time. I'll do what I can to help you along"
<[^^Silver^^]> "He is. Among other things"
<[^^Silver^^]> "We sometime work together"
<```Natasha> "So he is a runner?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well yeah, he doesn't like to advertise it. None of us do"
<```Natasha> "Well night babe"
* ```Natasha kisses Silver and goes to sleep
* [^^Silver^^] returns the kiss and goes to sleep holding her
<```Natasha> And thats game?
<```Natasha> or want to get the house real quick?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sure
 Ok next morning 
* Quentin_Ma wakes up with a tremendous crick in the neck and strectches out
* [^^Silver^^] wakes up early and fixes Natashas breakfast in bed
<```Natasha> "I cannot get over how sweet you are"
* Shimmers sleeps on
* [^^Silver^^] blushes
* ```Natasha eats
<[^^Silver^^]> "I try"
* [^^Silver^^] fixes himself some
* Shimmers starts to stretch, sits up, looks at her surroundings wondering
* Quentin_Ma walks to his room and watches her
<[^^Silver^^]> "So you still want to house hunting?"
<```Natasha> "Yes do you?"
 "Good Morning."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yep"
 "Good Morning" *smile*
* [^^Silver^^] turns on the trid to catch a weather report
 "How is your leg"
<```Natasha> Sunny High of 72! 
 "Very good, I am going to go sit in the spa want to come?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "It'll be a great day for a ride."
<```Natasha> "Good where do you want to start?"
 "Kinda spur of the moment, I didn't bring anything to wear"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I don't know let me check the comp."
* Quentin_Ma laughs to himself for a moment
* [^^Silver^^] jacks into his computer and checks out the real estate listings
<```Natasha> first thing you see is Redmond Barrens 
<```Natasha> RealEstate Listings 
* Shimmers stands, goes to mirror, checks out her reflection, and shakes her head
 "I have a pair of swimming shorts and a shirt if you would like to wear that"
 "You got a brush?"
 "Why are you shaking your head?"
 "Of course"
* Quentin_Ma gets one
* [^^Silver^^] keeps searching
<```Natasha> ---LOL good 
<```Natasha> You find a nice place in Renton 
<```Natasha> And a nice one in Seattle Proper 
 "That'll work"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---anything else in my price range?
<```Natasha> ---you find a nice one a little Suburb where crime is low 
* Quentin_Ma gets her the shorts and the shirt
 "my hair is a mess, my makeup is smeared, and my dress is wrinkled. Not a pretty picture"
* [^^Silver^^] jacks out
 "You are stunning my dear"
<[^^Silver^^]> "There is a nice one in the Suburbs we can check out"
<```Natasha> "Lets go look at it"
 "Thank you"
* Shimmers gives Quentin a kiss on the cheek
* Quentin_Ma almost blushes
 "Now get out while I change"*smiling*
* Quentin_Ma takes her arm and pulls her in for a kiss on the lips then turns and walks out
<[^^Silver^^]> "you want to take the bike?"
<```Natasha> "Yes it sounds fun"
* Shimmers closes the door, raises her eyebrows, and smile a little smile to herself
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well, lets get dressed and go"
* ```Natasha showers and puts on a pair of tight jeans and a form fitting tee shirt and heads to the bike
* Quentin_Ma gets into a pair of shorts and sinks into his hot tub
<[^^Silver^^]> ---btw, what does she look like. I never asked
 ---ummmmmmmm hmmmmmm 
 Even or odd?
* [^^Silver^^] changes in to jeans and a t-shirt, and joins her
<[^^Silver^^]> ---c'mon
 About 5'8 125 pounds athletic figure Red Hair about Shoulder Length Green eyes 
* Shimmers walks to the hot tub holding the shorts up, because they are two big
<[^^Silver^^]> ---thank you :)
 ---7' Troll Beauty@ 
* Shimmers gets in the hot tub
* Quentin_Ma looks at her grinning
<[^^Silver^^]> ---The first one yeah :)
 "If you somehow lost those it would not bother me a bit"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---The second one, I don't know
 "I bet you wouldn't"
 "So when do you want to go to Tahiti?"
<```Natasha> we arrrive at the house 
<```Natasha> It is a 2 story with a pool out back 
* [^^Silver^^] helps her off the bike and follows her to the house
<```Natasha> Pretty old 
<```Natasha> 4 bedroom 3 bath 
<```Natasha> Fire Place 
<```Natasha> Nice Kitchen 
<```Natasha> Just a neato place 
<```Natasha> "Oh I love it"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how much
 "Well I have nothing else planned So anytime is good for me"
* Quentin_Ma looks around
 "How bout today?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nice place"
 ---um roll Charisma 
<[^^Silver^^]> 5d6
<```Natasha> --- [^^Silver^^] 5d6 ( 5 2 11 1 4 )
 after some haggling you get the price to 250k 
<[^^Silver^^]> "We'll take it. Will cash do?"
 'all at once?"
 'Of course cash will do'
 'Just slot the stick'
<[^^Silver^^]> "Of course all at once."
* [^^Silver^^] slots the stick
 'congrats you just bought a house' 
<```Natasha> "Oh thank you baby"
 You all move in 
 And find that there is a very friendly ghost in the attic named Floyd 
 " How about next weekend I want to do some shopping for this trip."
 Who watches over the place 
 "Ok I will be ready"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You welcome baby"
* Quentin_Ma relaxes and slyly takes Shimmers' hand in his
<[^^Silver^^]> ---nice touch with the ghost
 ---I k new you would like it
 Now Game off?
 Or anything else?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---no nothing else I did enought damage to my credstick so far :)
 Shimmers anything else?
*** ```Natasha has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
 Game Off 
*** Quentin_Ma is now known as CrimsonBaron
 Praise the Lord 4 karma each 
*** Shimmers is now known as Endradi
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Maddix
 that was longer than expected 
 but was a lot of RPing too 
 I thought for sure you were going to undress her for bed]
 Nah that isnt his style 
 the game went great
 Really enjoyed it, it was cool
 We needed the fighting cause well I didnt want the boredom factoer to get too deep 
 it was cool, I got to show off to Natasha without drawing a gun
 And I got to test the 2 new weapons 
 I like the ghost it opens the door for more story ideas
 I was thinking that too 
 Silver will have to free his spirit 
 I got to be a regular person, so to speak
 Well I got to go to bed you two going to talk for awhile?
 Sure if she wants to 
 okay I'll set up the chat room on ICQ for you
 I'll talk
*** Endradi has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
Session Close: Fri Aug 13 01:56:07 1999
