To My Daughter

Daughter, I know your life can be a little hectic sometimes. That's why I want you to have this message. You see, this way ... you can read whichever version you have time for:

        The "mini-novel",

        The convenient wrap-up, or

        the three little words that say it all...

Daughter, You can read this...
I like to think beautifull thoughts. And there might be a thousand things to think of, but given the choice... I often think, lovingly, of you. I must have done that on a million different occasions. I hope it helps to know that you're in my heart in such a wonderful way. It always helps me to know that there is someone in this world with shom I share SO much. Someone I care about more than my words could ever say: YOU.
I know your days are busy, but I hope that they are giving back to you as much as you give to them. And I know that there are moments when things could be better, but I hope you'll remember that good things come to good people, and that - without a doubt - you are one of the best. There are so many wonderful things about you. But I think that the loveliest thing of all, at least to me, is that you do the things you do...  with love.  That's just the way you are. You give life a gleam that most people carry a glimpse of.

Or chosse this...
If you've only got a minute or two, you can read this now, and spend some private time with the rest of the message when you get a chance. For now I just want you to know how much I've been thinking about you. I hope you're as happy as I want you to be.  Beyond the busy days and the hectic times of life, I always want you to remember, Daughter; when it comes to hopes and wishes and dreams, the very best are for you... from me.

Or the three little words that say it all...
I love you!

Vir: Engelize
Tahitian Love Palm

Tahitian legend tells of a brave warrior who journeyed to the outermost island in a quest for a gift to win the heart of a beautifull maid. In a remote and exotic cove he found a single palm laden with sweet red fruits shaped like a heart.

Taking a single seed, he journeyed back to his beloved. Closing her hands gently around the seed with his, he said:

"I bring you this gift, the seed of the Love Palm. Plant it with me in the rich earth. As it takes root, so may our love take root. As it grows strong and tall, so may our love grow strong and tall. And as it bends before the winter storm, but does not break; let it remind us that love, too, does not break before the storms of life."
Liewe Kabouter

Jy was my kabouter waarin ek so vas geglo het. In hartseer tye het ek by jou kom sit, sommer om met jou te gesels en jou te vertel wat maak my hart so seer. Jy het my dan stil aangekyk met jou blou oe en ek het geweet dat jy verstaan.
Soms as ek oorgeloop het van vreugde het ek dit ook met jou gedeel. Jy het my dan styf in jou sterk arms geneem om vir my te wys dat jy ook in my vreugde deel
Nou is jy weg, Kabouter.
Jou blou oe en sterk omhelsing is nie meer daar om my te troos nie.
Ek salueer jou, Kabouter, vir alles wat jy vir my beteken het.

Vir "Kaptein"
More, More (met Hans Strydom en Cybil Coetzee)

Vir die wat nog die storie onthou...
'n Uittreksel daaruit:

Party van ons leef in more. En wat het ons daarvan as ons doodgaan? As ek moet doodgaan, al is dit more, of volgende week of volgende maand, dan moet ek minstens weet: Vandag het ek geleef, gister het ek geleef. Wat ek ondervind het kan niemand wegvat nie. Maar drome? Wat is drome? Dis rook in jou hand.
Maar wat maak jy as jy vandag nie kan kry wat jy wil he nie? Wat maak jy as jy in 'n realistiese wereld leef of waar al jou begeertes onmoontlik is?
Hoekom kan ons nie tevrede wees met die bietjie wat ons nou het nie. Ons wil altyd alles he, dadelik.  Die lewe is nie so nie. Hy is soos 'n grafiek met hoogtepunte en laagtepunte. Ons wil net hoogtepunte he, maar as ons grafiek ne uit maksimums bestaan, dan kry ons net 'n reguit lyn. Dan is 'n hoogtepunt niks besonders nie, dis bloot deel van 'n reguit lyn. Dan het jy van jou lewe 'n roetine gemaak, iets sonder afwisseling en sonder opwinding.

Tussen vandag en more is daar geen brug nie. Of jy vat vandag, of jy vat more. Dis twee werelde wat altyd onversoenbaar sal bly."
'n Grenslose verset teen die kettings waarmee ek gebind word, staan op in my jog hart. My nagte word 'n slapelose worsteling met my lot en my beddegoed opgebondel en deurmekaar en klam van die sweet van my liggam en van my trane.
My hart is moeg en my kniee deurgestaan voor my bed. Laag gebuig bring ek nagte deur in smeekgebed met my Skepper.
Die onversetlike muur wat my vaskeer, word meer as wat ek kan verduur. Die bitterheid in my hart word soos die van aalwyne. Onmag maak my vol. Ek word soos 'n skip wat ber aan sy ankertoue.
