54 Attributes of the Dervish

unit five: globalization of identity

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Online readings:

Taylor, Equality, and the Metaphysics of Persons

Cybernetic Fantasies

Constructed Selves

Frauds, Con Artists, and Charlatans

Psychology of Online Virtual Relationships

Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community

Identity Experimentation on the Internet

Virtual Communities:  Community or Fantasy Land?

Recommended Book:

David Morley and Kevin Robins. 
Spaces of Identity:  Global media, Electronic Landscapes, and Cultural Boundaries

Required Work:

Questions for Reflection

  • Have you known anyone who had an online virtual relationship?  How did it turn out?  Was there any sort of deception involved?   
  • If you had to create  a new identity on the Internet, how would you do it?  Who would you be?  When would you use your identity?
  • How can people share their stories with others on the Internet? 
  • What do you think about the readings -- do you believe that virtual communities are true communities, or are they simply "fantasy land"?

This is a beyondutopia production
copyright 2001 by susan smith nash

your instructor:
susan smith nash, ph.d.