

You can find the assignments for this course here. More assignments will follow as we go along.

# Description Deadline/e-mail Evaluation in
1a Write about 1 A4 about yourself (job, hobbies, etc)
(see example about lecturer)
4-april 2002 lesson 2
2a Write about 1 A4 about :
Albeda College in general;
the faculty of technology in particular;
your job in more detail.
3a Write a letter, fax or memo to a school or other organization in which you introduce yourself and Albeda College en ask if they would be interested in a video conferencing session about .... (you name it)    
4a Prepare a 5/10 minute lecture/speech about the Dutch educational system. Use a visual aid (blackboard, flap-over, overhead sheet, powerpoint, etc.)    
5a Write a summary about one of the aspects of education in Britain (your teacher will provide a brochure).    
5b Present your summary to the rest of the class.    



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Last update: 05-07-02    
