
The following test is divided into two sections. You should complete the entire test within 35 minutes. (File no. Seconday Form 1-3 1A)             

Cut and paste the following text onto your Word File, (2) print it out and (3) bring it to your next lesson.

Comprehension (50 marks)

Read the following comprehension and answer the following questions in full sentences:

The popular fast-food chain McDonald's will increase its prices by an average of 1.7 to 2.0 percent from July 1st, its managing director Joesph Lau said on Monday. After calculations, the largest price increase would not be greater than one dollar. A small packet of fries after the price adjustment would cost $ 5.60, up 10 percent from its current price. The price rise is not related to the company's new waste re-cycling program - but rather to a rapid rise in the market price of food. For instance, according to Mr. Lau, the price of pork has risen by 40 percent, dairy products more than 75 percent and rental costs between 20 to 70 percent. He added that last year's 18 percent wage increase had also boosted the company's overall costs.

1. What is the meaning of the word "chain"?

2. What is the main reason for the price increases?

3. List three different types of "waste" products that come out of McDonalds.

4. What is another word for "wage"?

5. How will the price rise affect you?

(15 marks)

Fill in the blanks using either The PAST TENSE or THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE:

Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela (call) (1) ______________. She said she (call) (2) _____________ me on her cell phone from her biology  classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she (wait) (3) ______________ for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (talk) (4) _____________ to me. I couldn't believe she (make) (5) __________ a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on. She said her biology professor was so terribly boring that several of her friends and her fellow students (sleep, actually) (6) ______________ in class.

Some of the students (talk) (7) ______________ about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her (draw) (8) ______________ a picture of a beautiful horse. When Angela (tell) (9) ______________ me that she was not very satisfied with the class environment, I(mention) (10) ____________ that my biology professor was actually quite good and (suggest) (11) ______________ that she switch to my class.

While we were talking, I (hear) (12) ______________ her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I (hang)  (13) ______________ up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I (cut) (14) ______________ vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (be) (15) ______________ Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

Composition (50 marks)

Write a letter replying to the followingfletter form your friend:

Dear Chris,

How are you doing? I have just started my summer holidays and I am now working at McDonalds. I don't really like it because I have to work 8 hours a day and the salary is not very good. Also, my manager, who is a University student always seems to want to scold me for no good reason. But I have to do this job because I want to buy myself a PSP. It is not an easy job but it is going to be worth the effort in the end.

What about you? What are you planning to do this summer? Tell me all about it.

