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Backstage Steve Farrell was doing some warm ups when approached by General Manager Ian Loveless.  Loveless told Farrell that he had been wrong to stop him from wrestling so was going to give him a chance to get himself back on the active roster.  He told the Nature Boy that if he won his upcoming match then he would he back on the roster.  Farrell asked who his opponent was and Loveless told him he is Steve Farrell and he shouldn't have to prepare, Farrell then walked off for his match. 

'Nature Boy' Steve Farrell  Vs.  Sparxx w/Alexander A Loveless
As soon as Sparxx approached the wrestling area Farrell dived at him with a flying clothesline to take him down.  The Naitch then unleashed a number of right-hand shots to the face of Sparxx but then missed a clothesline and ended up being back body dropped.  Sparxx then connected with a big boot to the face and then lifted Farrell up and delivered a big sidewalk slam.  Veteran Steve Farrell would not stay down and nearly knocked Sparxx out with a left hand punch to the side of the face.  Farrell then hit his trademark flying knee drop followed up by a side suplex, he then attempted to lock on the figure four but was kicked away by Sparxx.  The dead man was on a come back trail and delivered a nice vertical suplex followed up by a big scoop slam, Farrell bounced back in to life only to flop down again.  Steve Farrell's old tactics of a low blow came in to play and he kneed Sparxx in the head with both knees and then made the cover but Sparxx got up.  Farrell then signalled the end and attempted to piledriver Sparxx but this time was on the receiving end of a low blow.  Sparxx then lifted Farrell up and dropped him on his head with his trademark tombstone, it was lights out and Sparxx collected the three count and win.
Winner - Sparxx (pinfall)

Commissioner X-Con made his way out and started to talk about the attack on him last week.  X-Con was clearly in pain as he held his hurt back threw out the promo.  The Commish spoke about how out of order Richard Carey and Titan had been by injuring him last week after the handicapped match.  Titan and Carey then made there way out and attempted to intimidate the Commish by getting in his face.  X-Con went on to say that he had noticed Carey had been playing with his hair a lot since he got his new haircut, this lead to the ultimate challenge.  Much to the crowds delight X-Con challenged Richard Carey to a hair vs. hair match at Great British Bash with the loser being shaved bald!  After some whispering between Carey and Titan a very worried Richard Carey accepted the challenge and then hit an RKO on X-Con before leaving.

Plague  Vs.  Havoc w/Cassie
As Havoc entered for the match he was attacked from behind by EWE Hardcore champion Plague.  The title was not on the line during this match so it was a normal one on one contest.  Plague locked up with Havoc once they made it to the ring, the hardcore champion locked is a wristlock but the powerhouse Havoc just pushed him away.  The two then had a test of strength, which Havoc was clearly going to win.  From the test of strength Havoc lifted Plague up on to his shoulders and in a great display of innovation delivered a sidewalk slam.  The powerhouse then attempted a suplex but Plague blocked it and hit a snap suplex of his own, he followed it up with a well-timed slice of the dice.  Plagues tried to keep Havoc down weakening him with a front face lock and once the powerhouse got to his feet Plague used a head scissors type move to take him back down.  It was only a matter of time before Havoc hit back and he did by delivering a spinebuster followed up by three power bombs, but somehow Plague kicked out.  Plague missed a clothesline on Havoc and ended up taken out the referee.  Strangely Plague climbed the crates and attempted to hit a 450 but Havoc moved just in time.  Havoc took advantage of the situation and dragged Plague back on to the crates where he then delivered a deadly tombstone, the referee git up and counted to three as Havoc had a huge victory.
Winner - Havoc (pinfall)

Backstage Steve Farrell approached Psycho Kid and the two shook hands and said how great it was to see each other again.  The two had a little chat and caught up and joked about how neither of them was on the EWE active roster.  Farrell then told Psycho Kid to do the right thing when he referees the NAW championship match between Titan and Ozzy Mayhem on the Main Event.

Misco walked up to General Manager Ian Loveless and asked him for a cruiserweight title shot against Rage.  Ian Loveless said it sounded like a good idea but it would be saved for the Great British Bash.  Misco liked the sound of the idea but then Loveless added that Misco first must defeat Richard Carey in a match that's up next.  Psycho Kid then came up behind Ian Loveless and started to mock him, telling him to sort his life out.  PK added that he would be in Misco's corner because no doubt Titan would be out there with Richard Carey. 
Misco w/Psycho Kid  Vs.  Richard Carey w/Titan
This was a must win match for Misco if he was to go on to the Great British Bash for a cruiserweight title match.  The two locked up and exchanged wristlocks and then Carey took Misco down with a snap mere followed up by a big kick in the back.  Carey then connected with a flying head scissors meanwhile on the outside Titan and Psycho Kid went face to face and Titan then pushed PK who replied by pushing Titan on to his backside.  Misco bounced back in to life and delivered a pulling piledriver, which was nearly enough to hand him the win.  After hitting a modified fisherman's suplex Misco then climbed high and missed a 450 splash allowing Carey to make a comeback.  On the outside Carey hit his trademark frog splash then downed a dazed Misco with an RKO.  It looked to be over but both Carey and the referee were distracted by a Titan and Psycho Kid brawl on the outside.  Misco was up to his feet and Carey attempted another RKO but Misco blocked it and downed Carey with a Kryptonite Crunch and it was another for the three count. 
Winner - Misco (pinfall)

In the Commissioners office - X-Con complained about how his bin was out of shape after Crowcain had must of sat on it.  Ian Loveless then walked in and started to mock X-Con and the two started to argue before X-Con demanded that Loveless left the office.  Loveless wouldn't leave and when X-Con insulted him he slapped him across the face.  X-Con was about to hit the General Manager back but Ed of Security ran in the office and attacked X-Con.  Ed held X-Con down as Loveless pulled out a knife and held it to X-Con, the GM said all X-Con had to do was resign as commissioner and he wouldn't get hurt.  A very scared X-Con said that his resignation would be on Dave Spielberg's desk first thing in the morning.  Loveless seemed pleased and left the office with Ed, X-Con was left on the floor in distress as youngster Scott Smith then came in and checked if he was ok.  Could this really mean the end of X-Con as the Commish?

Meanwhile Alexander A Loveless walked up to Cassie and tried to persuade her to go with him.  Cassie wasn't having any of it and A Loveless started to say that Havoc wasn't a real man and she shouldn't be with him.  Havoc then came up behind Loveless after he had heard Cassie shouting in distress, Loveless then backed off making a joke of it all. 

MAIN EVENT - NAW Championship Special Guest Referee Match
Titan © w/Carey  Vs.  Ozzy Mayhem  <Psycho Kid Special Guest Referee>

One of the biggest prizes in the business was on the line in this match, the NAW championship, a title with so much prestige and history.  The two stars locked up intensely but then broke the tie up and backed away from each other before locking up again.  This time Ozzy powered Titan down from the tie up in to a pin position but then the two backed off again.  They went to tie up again but this time Titan kicked Ozzy in the gut then power slammed him.  Titan followed up with a big leg drop across the throat and then dragged Ozzy up by his hair but Ozzy started to fight back with some strikes to the head of Titan.  The two then stood tall but Titan kicked Ozzy in the head but it seemed to have no effect so he connected with a nice drop kick to take the challenger down.  Threw out the match whenever Ozzy pinned Titan, Psycho Kid counted fast clearly showing he was 'doing the right thing' as former NAW championship holder Steve Farrell told him.  Ozzy took Titan over to the ladders and climbed up connecting with a tornado DDT.  In a great display of power Ozzy then lifted Titan up for a stalling vertical suplex but it still was not enough to keep the champion down.  Ozzy then hit a sidewalk slam and pinned Titan but Richard Carey came in the ring and broke the pinfall.  PK then rushed over to Carey and told him to stop interrupting and then attempted to send him away.  Mayhem then cross-bodied Titan but was caught and Titan reversed it in to a spinning rock bottom.  The two soon after started to brawl and exchange strikes with each other but then Titan countered with a piledriver only to see Psycho Kid supposedly collapse.  Titan rushed over to PK and as he turned around Ozzy Mayhem connected with an MKO right to the face.  Ozzy covered Titan and was sure to be new NAW champion as Psycho Kid counted 1 then 2 but then suddenly stopped before 3.  PK stood up and walked away and Ozzy got up and grabbed him but then Titan came from behind Ozzy and delivered the hook gage.  Titan pinned Ozzy and PK rushed over and made a quick three count as Titan retained the NAW Championship.
Winner - Titan (pinfall)

After the match PK raised Titan's hand and Carey then came to join in the celebrations.  The crowd were stunned as PK then joined Titan and Carey in stomping down on Ozzy Mayhem who was helpless.  Psycho Kid then welcomed everyone to 'EWE is shit' and again embraced with Carey and Titan as the three raised their arms with Meltdown then going off air.
EWE Meltdown 18 - Sunday 3rd October 2004