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Recollections of my Childhood

I was born in the seventies, grew up in the eighties and studied all my life in the nineties till now. I grew up in the kampong during a time when children enjoyed more of their childhood.... carefree and innocent. I was the only child and grandchild on my father's side of the family until five years later when my brother was born.

Come, take a stroll with me and let's walk together through the past.......

That's me! The baby that my youngest uncle is carrying.

My first cousin, who's born a few months after me. That's my auntie and great grandmother.

That's my 1st cousin, who's accompanied me through the bulk of my childhood.

  The camera must have been a 
great invention at that time
Learning to walk                 Staring at the camera

A standard vehicle for most toddlers

Celebrated my 1st birthday in the kampong
The cake must have been pretty delicious.

This is my 2nd birthday.
Can't wait to taste the cake.

Trying to look innocent, but the cream
on my face gave me away.

Two of my favourite bears and my dog

My cousin's birthday

They are my two other cousins.
The one in diapers is now in the army

On the left is my 2nd cousin, currently in EE 3rd year (NUS) and
the one on the right is my 1st cousin, currently in Arts honours year (NUS)

That's my granny on the left and my youngest aunt on the right.
The one at the centre is my brother. Cool posture isn't it?

The one on the floor is my 3rd cousin, currently with the army.
The one standing up is my brother, my second cousin, me, and my first cousin.

As time goes by, more and more of my cousins are born.

The three of us born in the seventies.

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