Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1961): 'The Martyr' i African Literature: An Anthology of African Texts, Haase, 1973. 10,2 ns. NOVELLE
Rettig, Patty (2001): 'Ngugi wa Thiong'o: Biography' under The Little-Known Literaries. 0,7 ns. BIOGRAFI
Dikeni, Sandile (1995): 'African Worker's Lullaby'. (Inklusive kort biografi) 1,8 ns. DIGT
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1986): Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature, James Currey, s. 10-12. 4,8 ns. TEORI
Buhlmann, Rene (1993): 'The Making of a City: New York' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 9-15. (Skrevet af dansker) 0 ns. HISTORIE
Dokumentarprogrammet New Yorks værste dag - minut for minut. (I uddrag) 0,3 ns. TV-PROGRAMUDDRAG
Friedman, Thomas L. (2002): '9/11 Lesson Plan' i The New York Times, 4/9-02. 2,6 ns. AVISARTIKEL
Hansen, Ole Toft og Allan Poulsen (1996): 'On Analysing Novels and Short Stories' i Crossing Rivers, Six Transcultural Writers in Britain, Systime, 1996, s. 6-11. (Skrevet af danskere) 0 ns. TEORI
Cahan, Abraham (1899): 'Katie and Leah' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 21-23. 2,2 ns. ESSAY
Fisher, Rudolph (1933): 'Miss Cynthie's Arrival' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 51-54. 3,3 ns. NOVELLEUDDRAG
Sedgwick, Edie (1968): 'The Siege of the Warwick Hotel' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 82-86. 4,6 ns. SELVBIOGRAFI
Acker, Kathy (1979): 'New York City in 1979' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 96-97. 2,3 ns. ROMANUDDRAG
Ebb, Fred (1977): 'New York, New York' i Imudigo's Melodibog, Imodigo, s. 34. 0,7 ns. SANGTEKST
Bono (2000): 'New York'. 1,8 ns. SANGTEKST
Freedland, Jonathan (2002): 'What really changed' i The Guardian, 4/9-02. 4,3 ns. AVISARTIKEL
Whitman, Walt (1867): 'City of Orgies' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, s. 17. 0,5 ns. DIGT
Shanley, John Patrick (1982?): Welcome to the Moon. 11,9 ns. DRAMA
Frølund, Mogens (1999): 'Beyond the Seas: Discovery and penal colony' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 11-17. (Skrevet af dansker) 0 ns. HISTORIE
Mudie, Ian (19??): 'This Land' i Australia Fair? An Anthology of Australian Texts, Gyldendal, 1990, s. 12-13. 1 ns. DIGT
Wright, Judith (1970): 'Australia 1970' i Australia Fair? An Anthology of Australian Texts, Gyldendal, 1990, s. 14. 0,8 ns. DIGT
Frølund, Mogens (1999): 'The Last Country God Ever Made: About those who had been there for a long time' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 52-57. (Skrevet af dansker) 0 ns. HISTORIE
Astley, Thea (1974): 'Heart is Where the Home is' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 87-92. 12,4 ns. NOVELLE
Pascoe, Bruce (1986): 'Flour for Your Grave' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 93-97. 7,4 ns. NOVELLE
Watson, Maureen (19??): 'Memo to J.C.' i Australia Fair? An Anthology of Australian Texts, Gyldendal, 1990, s. 70-71. 1,4 ns. DIGT
Baynton, Barbara (1902): 'The Chosen Vessel' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 182-187. 9 ns. NOVELLE
Frølund, Mogens (1999): 'The Earth Abideth Forver: About those who came and took possession' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 132-138. (Skrevet af dansker) 0 ns. HISTORIE
Skrzynecki, Peter (19??): 'Feliks Skrzynecki' i Australia Fair? An Anthology of Australian Texts, Gyldendal, 1990, s. 15-16. 1,9 ns. DIGT
Carey, Peter (1994): 'Crabs' i The Grass was Greener, Systime, 1999, s. 208-217. 17,4 ns. NOVELLE
Madsen, Finn (1985): 'A Short History of the Vietnam War' i Vietnam in Our Hearts, Systime, 1985, s. 5-9. (Skrevet af dansker) 0 ns. HISTORIE
Davis, George (1973): 'Ben' i Vietnam in Our Hearts, Systime, 1985, s. 35-37. 3,7 ns. NOVELLE
Jones, James (1974): 'Viet Journal' i Vietnam in Our Hearts, Systime, 1985, s. 93-95. 2,9 ns. DAGBOG
Maclear, Michael (1981): 'Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War' i Vietnam in Our Hearts, Systime, 1985, s. 109-115. 7,6 ns. HISTORIEUDDRAG
Sky News (2003): 'Bush's Speech', 29/1-03. 0,2 ns. TV-PROGRAMUDDRAG
117,7 ns.
Hornby, Nick (1995): High Fidelity, Indigo, 1996 / Penguin, 2000.
Ekstra (ej gennemgået på klassen):
Brawarsky, Sandee (2002): 'Deep in the Night, When You Can Walk in Beauty' i The New York Times, 23/8-02. 7,6 ns. AVISESSAY
Leman, Rhea (2002): Holy Shit. 2 ns. TEATERFORESTILLING
Riis, Jacob (1892): 'The Story of Kid McDuff's Girl' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 18-21. 4,7 ns. ESSAY
Henry, O. (1906): 'Squaring the Circle' i New York City: The Making of the Urban Individual, Systime, 1993, s. 24-31. 5,2 ns. NOVELLE
Moore, Michael (2002): Bowling For Columbine. 4 ns. DOKUMENTARFILM