I think it is very important for those who know me to understand what has sustained me In my life and the struggles I have faced, so I am creating a page and dedicating it to the one responsible for supernaturally keeping my mind and my spirit in tact through it all.
Those of you who have spent time getting to know me realize my challenges and some of my strengths and yes even my weaknesses.  I want to say something to you about my sustained strength.  As a little girl I was shown a God who loved me so much that he would never ever leave me alone to deal with anything.  I know a God who is passionate about His love for me, who never leaves me nor forsakes me, no matter what I do.  I know a God who kept me at peace when destruction surrounded me.  I love a God who shows me the important things.  I respect a God who gives me peace which passes all understanding to keep my mind and soul on eternal grace.  I admire a God who gave me the greatest gift ever to give..(His Son)  I serve a Lord who gave the greatest gift ever to give.(His Life) I am thankful for a Lord who through all of my trials taught me that they can serve a huge purpose for me if I let them.. James chapter 1 and verse 1 says.."Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds.. knowing full well that the testing of your patience develops perserverence" I think that is the first verse I ever memorized and it was easy to do.. I needed those words as I need many of Gods words.. Through everything I have been through these last few months.. I did lose site in some ways.. I saw the Christians in my community judge me and even ex in-laws pushed me away from God.. fact is.. God is not a God who wants His people judging and being critical of others.. It is the love of the Father that draws men to repentance, not the criticism of His children.  I want to say to my God and Lord I love you and I thank you for always always being there for me when no human being was.
Reflecting on His amazing abilities
Some Links I go to from time to time
Home page
Sky dive
Inspirational site
About Me
I am an average girl with a supernatural God and awesome friends