Mistakes are made for growth to occure
do not allow them to be mearly a blur
We are all human in our actions and thought
We all have battles, we have fought
Some mistakes are larger than others for sure
The larger the mistake, the greater lessen endured
Have you heard the saying..When it rains, it pours?
Have you been flooded, at your lessons doors?
Remember my friend.. In your flood of mistakes
Your growth is larger,
than a sprinkling makes
I challenge you to simply change your view
The day, week, or month you have faced
will not go away, nor be erased
So what will you say to internal warefare?
Will you sit in your closet,
and in the dark stare
I have a suggestion, I like to share
Take some down time, for your need
Meditate on your actions, and the lessons they hold
Keep in mind, they are there to mold
If you allow your mistakes to pass you by
The same ones will occure,
the more you will cry.
Reflect on the wisdom you have now gained
Respect the fact that yes it rained,
but now you are better and now
you have grown
Now you know, what would have not known
Every single human being makes mistakes
few find them freeing
Now.. what makes you different than the rest?
What makes you able to pass more tests?
Its simple you know,
the more tests you pass
the more growth is acheived
Its my humble opinion, but i feel thats how success is achieved
Do you want to be successful?
But not make mistakes?
Do you want it all now?
Want all the fine breaks?
You will not be successful for long my friend
Your short cut will catch up to you
In the end
Every time you grow from the rain
you become taller
your spirit does gain
So please dont walk away from your mistakes
learn from the down pour, grow and move on
what are you made of?
I believe you are strong!!
