It happens in threes so it’s been told
Some live till they are young and some till their old

It’s part of living, just one last thing
Live until you feel death and it’s sting

We live and we watch as others pass on
We question to ourselves when will my time come along

It’s a pernicious idea to sit and wait
To wonder when death will be your fate

A valetudinarian is one who won’t stop
They keep thinking of their health or it’s lack or it’s lot

Your cerebration should not be of deaths time
For the thinking of your own death would be a mind crime

Though it is a veritable fact yes indeed
That we will all die and from this world be free

To meditate on that fact would change your quality of living
Then you’d just live to die and have no apprise to the existing

Let me just explicate an idea for you
Yes we all die but what with your life will you do

Go on and live full with the knowledge in hand
That you never know, when in heaven you’ll land

As you say goodbye to ones you love
Make them proud of you as they look on from above

Live today like it could be your life’s end
But, remember to comport yourself as if a long future is your friend

I abjure the idea that I should live in fear of dying
For how on earth would my life be worth trying

We all will die, this is a known fact
But we live for the living with the hope to give back

So, when I go, I hope to leave behind
Something for the living in their mortal mind

Those who have gone before me, I believe they can see
I believe my grandfather is looking down upon me

I believe he is praying that I make good choices
And, I believe in my God and the sound of angels’ voices.
