In times of dark, when fear does creep
Hold my mind, while it weeps

Keep me safe with words comforting and strong
Make for me a plan for then, to help me get along

Unknown is knocking at my door,
Thus, the reason for my fear

Unknown is not alone,
Opportunity, is also there

Help me learn to ride the fear
With all its danger and its doubt

For I know someday,
Fear is something I will live without

Opportunity, will rise to the higher place
And fear will take a back seat, as I move up in this race

For now, I need the strength of eagles to hold me up so high
There are times, there are days, when emotions reach the sky

When I get weak, and nearly fall
It is your love, like the wind, that lifts me to my call

You are not an eagle, though you adore
No, you are their wind, and for me, that and so much more.

Time has past since the first words of this rhyme were formed
I look back and am grateful, for you have been the keeper of my door

When my door was being pounded by fear,
You, my friend, were right there.

When I caved, with doubtful thoughts, you drew your sword
When I cried from emotional exhaustion you reminded me, of my Lord

When confusion tore through my day, like clutter in a whirlwind
You brought calmness to my mind, and using logic, you’d defend

And though you like to think, I’ve done this so far on my own
I know the truth and that is… with you and my God, I’ve conquered that unknown!

Here I am two years later than first few lines of this tale
I am happy in many ways and I am thankful, for you did not bail.

In my life, loyalty was not found in my existence
Then I knew you, the great teacher of persistence

And because this poem was written at the beginning of my change
With you sitting right beside me while my life would rearrange

I want to thank you with all my heart for all you are and all you will conntinue to be
I want to thank you for being what no human has ever been to me

A loyal friend, and teacher as strong as I have ever seen
My prayer for you is powerful, have all you ever dreamed.

Thank you