To each of us
there is more than one side
There's the part others see
Then there's the part we hide

The battle is a symphony
that plays in the mind
Some moments are wild
Some moments are kind

The ocean is calm
and then it is raging
Just as our mind
its splender amazing

This concept is strange
to those unaware
All of us have it
just unwilling to share

Goodness and greatness
fill one side of the soul
Darkness and confusion
are the others control

Sometimes the difference
so hard to tell
some say .. one leads to heaven
and the other to hell

I am not sure of this tho
Just can not understand
why God would creat such
complex a creature as man

He made us like this
our brains with its
turns and its twists

If I choose the funner
the other side screams
If I choose the side boring
funner comes out in my dreams

So for now I choose both
I will let you know
If its possible
to allow both to show.
