Famous Five

Chapter 3



Julian kicked George under the table hard. George frowned at him.

"Well I think your island is safe and sound George. Why did you ask?" said Aunt Fanny.

"Nothing mother" George mumbled.

When they went to wash their hands Julian whispered to George, "George, your mother is already worried with us staying here, why do you want to trouble her more. We will find out ourselves about your island". George did not say anything and went off to her room.

"Who wants to play snap?" called out Aunt Fanny. "Me!" shouted everybody except George. "Where is George?" asked Aunt Fanny.

"She is up in her room Aunt Fanny" said Julian.

"Well she does not want to play?" asked Aunt Fanny.

"I don't think so" said Julian.

After playing the game snap Aunt Fanny said "Now up to bed all of you its really late."

When Anne went up to the room where she and George shared, she could not see George's face. "I think George was really sleepy and cold that she put the rug on top of her face" thought Anne and she too slept.

Around midnight Anne got hot and went to open the window which ovelooked the sea and George's island. When she opened the window she saw a small boat in the sea. It was a full moon night and she could see clearly. "Oh George!" she exclaimed "I can see a boat in the sea heading to your island," she said but there was no response. Anne went and removed the rug but George was not there.

Anne was really surprised and went out of the room to tell it to Julian. When Julian heard it he got angry and said, "That idiot George - I know she has gone to find out what's happened to her island. I told her we will go together but will she listen, no. Come on Dick and Anne we need to go and find George. Get dressed quietly - we should not wake Aunt Fanny or Uncle Quentin. Come on," he said.


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