Hello and welcome to the main index of my webpages.  The following webpages represent a wide variety of things that I am involved in.  This page, itself, will never have very much on it since it's purpose is merely to guide you to where you want to go.  Below is a list of all webpages/sections that I have for you to browse through.  Please have a look and enjoy!  If you have any feedback on them, or anything else, please either sign the guestbook links I have posted or send and email to "BLT_Massages@excite.com" and drop me a line.  Hope to hear from you.

-Brent Trehern
Graduate of the Arizona School of Massage Therapy
There are 5 webpages (that are fast becoming old and out of date) that are listed in this section:  The main page, which talks about who I am, some background info, and more.  A FAQ page intended for people I chat with who aren't the most original with their questions.  A poetry page for fans of poetry to look at some of mine if they like.  There is a page that talks about what I look for in a woman.  And finally, there is a page that talks mostly about the odd things I see in life...traffic, decisions people make, and more...a very amusing page.  The pages are daisy chained together via links are very heavy with graphics and are available upon request only.
About me:
Massage Therapy: Currently, there are u webpages in this section:  Massage Therapy: a short overview, rules concerning receiving a massage, frequently asked questions I receive from clients and those curious about massage, testamonials, how to prepare for a massage, a list of massage services offered, the materials and equipment I use.  These pages are fairly self-explanatory.  They talk about what massage therapy is all about, what its not, rules people must follow when receiving one from me, and to clear up confusion thats some may have.  The pages are not daisy chained together, so hitting the back button may be necessary.  The pages are very light in graphics and material for quick loading.  More webpages will be sure to follow.