A hearty greeting to all of you! Thanks for giving time to my site ( a virtual "Me, Myself and I" ) . Hope this site will be able to give you an insight to the methodically insane,complex and neurotic Ginza alias libra-devil .


Please do take a tour through the site at your own risk! Unravel the enigma in me by browsing at the PROFILE section.Stimulate yourself visually with some cool pics at the photo GALLERY. Get hopefully inspired by some of my poems and songs in the REFLECTION section. Get linked to some of my favourite sites in LINKS. Get updated with whats happening around the world in NEWS. And lastly but not the least-don't forget to leave your witty and saucy comments in the GUESTBOOK.


Happy tour !



Copyright © 2003 by Ginza Vualzong.All rights reserved.

mail me: vginza@mail.com


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