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    • Jennifer Lopez
      "love dont cost a thing"
      You think you gotta keep me iced
      You don't
      You think I'm gonna spend your cash
      I won't
      Even if you were broke
      My love don't cost a thing
      Think I wanna drive your Benz
      I don't
      If I wanna floss I got my own
      Even if you were broke
      My love don't cost a thing

      When you rolled up in the Escalade
      Saw that truck you gave to the valet
      Knew that it was game when you looked at me
      Pulling up your sleeve so I could see the Rolley bling
      Saw you later in the corner booth
      Raising up a toast so I would notice you
      But your heart's a mess
      Think you outta know
      Doesn't matter if you're balling out of control

      [2] - All that matter's is
      That you treat me right
      Give me all the things I need
      That money can't buy yeah

      [Repeat 1]

      When I took a chance
      Thought you'd understand
      Baby credit cards aren't romance
      So you're tryna buy what's already yours
      What I need from is not available in stores
      Seen a side of you that I really feel
      Doing way too much, never keep it real
      If it doesn't change, gotta hit the road
      Now I'm leaving, where's my keys?
      I've got to go

      [Repeat 2]

      [Repeat 1]

      A thing, a thing, a thing
      Yeah, yeah, yeah
      You think the money that you make
      Can substitute the time you take
      Take the keys here to my heart
      Then you can win my heart, and get what's in my heart
      I think you need to take some time
      To show me that your love is true
      There's more than dollar signs in you
      Then you can win my heart, and get what's in my heart

      [Repeat 1 till end]

    • celine dion
      "because you loved me"
      For all those times you stood by me
      For all the truth that you made me see
      For all the joy you brought to my life
      For all the wrong that you made right
      For every dream you made come true
      For all the love I found in you
      I'll be forever thankful baby
      You're the one who held me up
      Never let me fall
      You're the one who saw me through through it all

      You were my strength when I was weak
      You were my voice when I couldn't speak
      You were my eyes when I couldn't see
      You saw the best there was in me
      Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
      You gave me faith 'coz you believed
      I'm everything I am
      Because you loved me

      You gave me wings and made me fly
      You touched my hand I could touch the sky
      I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
      You said no star was out of reach
      You stood by me and I stood tall
      I had your love I had it all
      I'm grateful for each day you gave me
      Maybe I don't know that much
      But I know this much is true
      I was blessed because I was loved by you

      You were my strength when I was weak
      You were my voice when I couldn't speak
      You were my eyes when I couldn't see
      You saw the best there was in me
      Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
      You gave me faith 'coz you believed
      I'm everything I am
      Because you loved me

      You were always there for me
      The tender wind that carried me
      A light in the dark shining your love into my life
      You've been my inspiration
      Through the lies you were the truth
      My world is a better place because of you

      You were my strength when I was weak
      You were my voice when I couldn't speak
      You were my eyes when I couldn't see
      You saw the best there was in me
      Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
      You gave me faith 'coz you believed
      I'm everything I am
      Because you loved me

      I'm everything I am
      Because you loved me

    • mariah carey
      There's a hero
      If you look inside your heart
      You don't have to be afraid
      Of what you are
      There's an answer
      If you reach into your soul
      And the sorrow that you know
      Will melt away

      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you'll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

      It's a long road
      When you face the world alone
      No one reaches out a hand
      For you to hold
      You can find love
      If you search within yourself
      And the emptiness you felt
      Will disappear
      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you'll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

      Lord knows
      Dreams are hard to follow
      But don't let anyone
      Tear them away
      Hold on
      There will be tomorrow
      In time
      You'll find the way
      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you'll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

      Take me back in the arms I love
      Need me like you did before
      Touch me once again
      And remember when
      There was no one that you wanted more

      Don't go you know you will break my heart
      She won't love you like I will
      I'm the one who'll stay
      When she walks away
      And you know I'll be standing here still

      I'll be waiting for you
      Here inside my heart
      I'm the one who wants to love you more
      You will see I can give you
      Everything you need
      Let me be the one to love you more

      See me as if you never knew
      Hold me so you can't let go
      Just believe in me
      I will make you see
      All the things that your heart needs to know

      I'll be waiting for you
      Here inside my heart
      I'm the one who wants to love you more
      You will see I can give you
      Everything you need
      Let me be the one to love you more

      And some way all the love that we had can be saved
      Whatever it takes we'll find a way

      I'll be waiting for you
      Here inside my heart
      I'm the one who wants to love you more
      You will see I can give you
      Everything you need
      Let me be the one to love you more

    • britney spears
      "from the bottom of my broken heart"
      "Never look back," we said
      how was I to know I'd miss you so?
      Loneliness up ahead,
      emptiness behind
      Where do I go?

      And you didn't hear
      all my joy through my tears
      all my hopes through my fears
      did you know, still I miss you somehow?

      From the bottom of my broken heart
      there's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
      you were my first love,
      you were my true love
      from the first kisses to the very last rose
      from the bottom of my broken heart
      even through time may find me somebody new
      you were my real love
      I never knew love
      'til there was you
      from the bottom of my broken heart

      "Baby," I said,
      "please stay.
      Give our love a chance for one more day"
      we could have worked things out
      taking time is what love's all about

      But you put a dart
      through my dreams
      through my heart
      and I'm back where I started again
      never thought it would end
      From the bottom of my broken heart
      there's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
      you were my first love,
      you were my true love
      from the first kisses to the very last rose
      from the bottom of my broken heart
      even through time may find me somebody new
      you were my real love
      I never knew love
      'til there was you
      from the bottom of my broken heart
      You promised yourself
      but to somebody else
      and you made it so perfectly clear
      still I wish you were here

      From the bottom of my broken heart
      there's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
      you were my first love,
      you were my true love
      from the first kisses to the very last rose
      from the bottom of my broken heart
      even through time may find me somebody new
      you were my real love
      I never knew love
      'til there was you
      from the bottom of my broken heart

      "Never look back," we said
      how was I to know I'd miss you so?

    • robert frost
      "a dream pang"

      I had withdrawn in forest, and my song
      Was swallowed up in leaves that blew alway;
      And to the forest edge you came one day
      *This was my dream) and looked and pondered long,
      But did not enter, though the wish was strong:
      you shook your pensive head as who should say,
      'I dare not--to far in his footsteps stray-
      He must seek me would he undo the wrong.'

      Not far, but near, I stood and saw it all
      behind low boughs the trees let down outside;
      And the sweet pang it cost me not to call
      And tell you that I saw does still abide.
      But 'tis not true that thus I dwelt aloof,
      For the wood wakes, and you are here for proof.

      "A Prayer in Spring"   

      Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
      And give us not to think so far away
      As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
      All simply in the springing of the year.

      Oh, give us pleasure in the orcahrd white,
      Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
      And make us happy in the happy bees,
      The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.

      And make us happy in the darting bird
      That suddenly above the bees is heard,
      The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
      And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

      For this is love and nothing else is love,
      To which it is reserved for God above
      To sanctify to what far ends he will,
      But which it only needs that we fulfill.

    • edgar allan poe

      "A Dream Within A Dream"

      Take this kiss upon the brow!
      And, in parting from you now,
      Thus much let me avow--
      You are not wrong, who deem
      That my days have been a dream;
      Yet if hope has flown away
      In a night, or in a day,
      In a vision, or in none,
      Is it therefore the less gone ?
      All that we see or seem
      Is but a dream within a dream.
      I stand amid the roar
      Of a surf-tormented shore,
      And I hold within my hand
      Grains of the golden sand--
      How few! yet how they creep
      Through my fingers to the deep,
      While I weep--while I weep!
      O God! can I not grasp
      Them with a tighter clasp?
      O God! can I not save
      One from the pitiless wave?
      Is all that we see or seem
      But a dream within a dream?


      There are some qualities--some incorporate things,
      That have a double life, which thus is made
      A type of that twin entity which springs
      From matter and light, evinced in solid and shade.
      There is a twofold Silence --sea and shore--
      Body and soul. One dwells in lonely places,
      Newly with grass o'ergrown; some solemn graces,
      Some human memories and tearful lore,
      Render him terrorless: his name's "No More."
      He is the corporate Silence: dread him not!
      No power hath he of evil in himself;
      But should some urgent fate (untimely lot!)
      Bring thee to meet his shadow (nameless elf,
      That haunteth the lone regions where hath trod
      No foot of man), commend thyself to God!
    • henry wadsworth longfellow

      "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls"

      THE tide rises, the tide falls,
      The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;
      Along the sea-sands damp and brown
      The traveller hastens toward the town,
      And the tide rises, the tide falls.

      Darkness settles on roofs and walls,
      But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls;
      The little waves, with their soft, white hands,
      Efface the footprints in the sands,
      And the tide rises, the tide falls.
      The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls
      Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;
      The day returns, but nevermore
      Returns the traveller to the shore,
      And the tide rises, the tide falls.

  2. SONGS
    • love songs
      because of you
    • rnb    
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