Why do I have hobbies? Hobbies are great for me to wind down from a hard day from work or to get my mind off of life's never ending problems. Without hobbies, I'll would  die of boredom, have no life, or locked in a small room with no way of getting out.  Here are some of the hobbies that do:



I like doing the martial arts because it teaches me some self-defense and plus I am learning techniques that I never I thought I could do.  To develop a habit of these techniques so that you can do them without thinking takes a helluva long time. One of the things I have learned from martial arts is patience and determination.  I admit, doing the same thing over and over again can get boring, even I got bored with it over time.  However, I got past my boredom, I just kept going to class and keep practicing the moves that I learned, hence I learned determination.  I was surprised how much I improved since day one.  I am glad I am doing martial arts right now.


Most of you know about the journal (not diary; I find it annoying when people say diary) that I write in or my Xanga site. Yes I do like writing.  It helps me remember what happened to me in the past and I can record who I was in the past.  I write down the things that happened to me and what I was feeling when those things happened.  I try to write everyday but because I can be so busy, sometimes I can't.  Sometimes, when I can't get to my journal, I get to my Xanga site.  You can read my Xanga site at this link: http://www.xanga.com/enishi37


Yes. I do like reading for fun.  Most of the books that I read are fantasy/sci-fi books. Yes. I have read Lord of the Rings trilogy as well as the Hobbit. Right now I am reading the Icewind Dale trilogy.  I also like to read mags, not just Playboy and Penthouse. 




Another hobby of mine is video games.  Yes, I maybe old now, but I am never too old to be playing videogames.  I have been playing videogames since I was a kid.  I remember I started playing with my dad's old Atari (remember those days) and then I moved up to the Nintendo Entertainment System.  Ah, those were the days. Now I have a PS2 and I still play computer games on occasion.


Legends of the Five Rings is a card game that I play.  something I like to do with my guy friends. Its not one of the best like Magic: The Gathering, which I used to play in high school and early college. I play this about once a month, and it something me and the guys can do to wind down during the week.


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