runa p'acha:s.(tex)indigenous costume
runa apuqkuna:s.indigenous leaders
kikinyay hayñikuna:s.individual rights
k'irusqa:s.(aym)infant wrapped up tightly
llullu wawa:s.(fam)infant, from new(data)born until two years; child, 0 to 2 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: learning of speech, crawling, ability to stand up and walk); boy, 1 to 5 months old (meaning in Inka times); breast(data)fed child, recently born, in the cradle
wawa:s.(fam)infant; child (referring to the mother); child; kid; baby; small; baby; child; baby; infant, 0 to 3 years old; child in his/her first childhood; child, 0 to 3 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: weaning); child, 0 to 1 year old (meaning in Inka times); breast(data)fed child
unquy qatina:s.(med)infection
chaqra:s.(agr)infertile land
p'aqrapampa:s.infertile soil
mana yupaypaqlla:s.infinity
hatun willana:s.information system
saqisqakuna:s.inheritance; heritance; heritage
t'uksina:s.(med)injection; dye; dye(data)house
Inka:s.(his)inka; ruler; king; governor; inca; son of the sun; a ruling class of people inhabiting the Qosqo valley in the late 1100's to 1532 a. d. (possibly comes from ancient word enqa which means black hole or one who can absorb all the living energies)
qhipa pacha:s.(gra)inmediate future tense (in Quechua: (data)q + riy / (data)k + rina)
hamuq rina pacha:s.(gra)inmediate future tense (in Quechua: (data)q + riy / (data)k + rina, used especially in Ecuador)
mana ima huchata charina:s.innocence
yanapaq wasikuna:s.(neo)institutions; public institutions
kipa:s.instrument (cow horn)
qallwana:s.instrument of wood or bone used by the weavers to press the threads of a tissue together
ch'allana:s.instrument to sprinkle
apuqkuna tantaripacha:s.(pol)(neo)integration period
munaylla:s.intention; will
iñu uchuylla suyukuna:s.(geo)(neo)intercardinal points of the compass
iskay simipi runapanakuy yachachina:s.(neo)intercultural bilingual education
chawpi yunka:s.(geo)intermediate zone between cold and hot climate
hatun tukuypachata kirpaq para:s.(met)inundation; flood
lluklla:s.inundation; flood
rantin p'anqa:s.(fin)invoice
qarpana:s.irrigation ditch
yaku rarqa:s.irrigation ditch
rarqa:s.(agr)irrigation ditch; waterditch; brook; pit; ditch; irrigation canal or sewer
sikya:s.(esp)irrigation ditch; waterditch; brook; pit; ditch; irrigation canal or sewer
isuma:s.(bot)ishmuna (wild forest plant)
mama quchapi tiyaq allpa:s.(geo)island (in the ocean)
Intika:s.(top)island in Lake Titicaca with Quechua(data)speaking population; (Span.) Taquile (after the Catalan aristocrat Taquila)
yarina:s.(bot)ivory palm; palm nut wood used for making spindle whorls
inchik puma:s.(zoo)jaguar; South American tiger
puka puma:s.(zoo)(d2)jaguar; kind of wild cat
watawta:s.jail; prison
asina:s.joke; laughter
waylla:s.(mus)joy; dance; kind of dancer outfitted in bulrush from a green pasture or moist field; happiness; delight
harra:s.(esp)jug; jar
sach'a:s.(geo)jungle; forest; vegetation; mountain; hill; non(data)cultivated forest (including secondary forest 20 years and more after a field had been cleared); forest ecosystems under low human influence, where the main indigenous activities are hunting, extraction of forest resources, and ritual practices
sullk'a:s.(fam)junior; younger; youngster; youngest brother; youngster (term of address to express solidarity at work parties and on ritual occasions)
llachaq apuqkuna:s.jury; judges
qhulla wawa:s.just born
kasha lupuna:s.(bot)kapok tree
yuraq lupuna:s.(bot)kapok tree
lupuna:s.(bot)kapok tree; kind of big tree with a thick stem, its fibres are used to make triplay; white floss silk
qawcha:s.(bot)karwinchu (kind of wild plant, an illa of potato)
waranqa k'isura:s.(uni)kilogram
kawsay sach'a:s.(bot)kind of Peruvian mastic(data)tree
qucha pulla:s.(zoo)kind of South American partridge
tuska:s.(bot)kind of acacia (shrub or tree) with long pods
harka:s.(bot)kind of acacia used for making tools (especially plough bodies), kalchas (haystack trees), for firewood (can also be made into charcoal), fodder (cattle eat the leaves, goats eat the leaves and seed pods), and to dye wool orange brown
pulla(data)pulla:s.(bot)kind of annual plant with lilac five(data)petaled flowers that sprouts without leaves
supay t'ika:s.(bot)kind of annual plant with lilac flowers
muwa(data)muwa:s.(zoo)kind of ant bird
santilika:s.(zoo)kind of ant bird
usa puka:s.(zoo)kind of aphid
hatun charapa:s.(zoo)kind of aquatic turtle of the jungle
tarikaya:s.(zoo)kind of aquatic turtle of the jungle
hatun palanta:s.(bot)kind of banana
kutupalanta:s.(bot)kind of banana
machin palanta:s.(bot)kind of banana
wankana palanta:s.(bot)kind of banana
numya:s.(bot)kind of bean
yana:s.(zoo)kind of bee
kala:s.(zoo)kind of bird
qillita:s.(zoo)kind of bird
wampa:s.(zoo)kind of bird
qaqinqura:s.(zoo)kind of bird that lives in the valleys and in the East
waqwa:s.(zoo)kind of bird; pelican
ruwa:s.(zoo)kind of brown bird
saramama:s.(bot)kind of burnable shrub
chinchir wayta:s.(bot)kind of bush having red or yellow flowers that are considered as the Peruvian national flowers
yuraq wayta:s.(bot)kind of bush whose branches used for spindle shafts
achakana:s.(bot)kind of cactus
pasakana:s.(bot)kind of cactus
pitahaya:s.(bot)kind of cactus
ruq'a:s.(bot)kind of cactus
uluwa:s.(bot)kind of cactus
uswincha:s.(bot)kind of cactus
pitaya:s.(bot)kind of cactus; kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
muta:s.(zoo)(amz)kind of catfish of the Amazon
wasi watana:s.(bot)kind of climbing plant
yuraq yukilla:s.(bot)kind of climbing plant of the jungle whose roots are used in popular medicine against conjunctivitis
waych'a:s.(bot)kind of composite plant
wira(data)wira:s.(bot)(d2)kind of composite plant used against cough; kind of medicinal herb
wira(data)wira:s.(bot)(d1)kind of composite plant; a food shrub for guinea pigs
intimpa:s.(bot)kind of coniferous tree
pisinga:s.(bot)kind of corn; kind of maize
dawa:s.(zoo)(amz)kind of cotinga bird
asnaq wayta:s.(bot)kind of crane's bill (lit. stinking flower, devil's flower. It is not used on the altar)
ayka:s.kind of diarrhoea children suffer from during dentition
mayu chulla:s.(zoo)kind of diving bird
inti anka:s.(zoo)kind of eagle
machin anka:s.(zoo)kind of eagle
pawsi anka:s.(zoo)kind of eagle
pukawiksa:s.(zoo)kind of eatable fish (with a red belly) of the Amazon area
sitari mama:s.(zoo)kind of eatable fish of the Amazon area
yulilla:s.(zoo)kind of eatable fish with very small scales
lluchk'a:s.(zoo)kind of eel
chuchuruma:s.(bot)kind of epiphytic eryngium; spanish moss (epiphytic plant)
puka malagri p'anqa:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of epiphytic plant of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
ayapana:s.(bot)kind of eupatorium, plant leaves used to dye blue
kurikinka:s.(zoo)kind of falcon
k'utu chupa:s.(bot)kind of fern
k'arpa:s.(zoo)kind of fish living in rivers
champirima:s.(zoo)kind of fish of the Amazon
palumita:s.(zoo)(esp)kind of fish of the Amazon
sankatima:s.(zoo)(amz)kind of fish of the Amazon
tanla:s.(zoo)(amz)kind of fish of the Amazon
tiksa:s.(zoo)(d1)kind of fish of the Amazon
uputasa:s.(zoo)(amz)kind of fish of the Amazon
uquña:s.kind of flute
pisilinga:s.(zoo)kind of fox
batan raya:s.(zoo)(esp)kind of freshwater ray of the Amazon
pintuq raya:s.(zoo)(p.esp)kind of freshwater ray of the Amazon
puma raya:s.(zoo)(p.esp)kind of freshwater ray of the Amazon
waska raya:s.(zoo)(p.esp)kind of freshwater ray of the Amazon
munti papaya:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of fruit tree
rukma:s.(bot)kind of fruit tree
usuma:s.(bot)kind of fruit tree
ch'unchu wayta:s.(bot)kind of gentian of the high mountain region
pukamakashka:s.(bot)kind of gentian of the high mountain region
lliwa:s.(bot)kind of grass
matara:s.(bot)kind of grass
wayra china p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of grass of the jungle (main use: ritual)
kila:s.(bot)(d3)kind of grass; dwarf bamboo
pandilla:s.(mus)(esp)kind of happy, dynamic dance around the humisha palm
pallqa p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of hemiepiphytic plant of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
wallu lumpa waska:s.(bot)kind of hemiepiphytic plant of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
bituti waska:s.(bot)(p.amz)kind of hemiepiphytic plant of the jungle (main use: ropes)
nanampi waska:s.(bot)kind of hemiepiphytic plant of the jungle (main use: ropes, medicinal)
ansa waycha:s.(bot)kind of herb
puka itana:s.(bot)kind of herb
sach'a t'ula:s.(bot)kind of herb
uluypiña:s.(bot)kind of herb
uqi qura:s.(bot)kind of herb
uqu qura:s.(bot)kind of herb
urqu kisa:s.(bot)kind of herb
waqrilla:s.(bot)kind of herb
ch'aqra:s.(bot)kind of herb used for firewoof
panta(data)panta:s.(bot)kind of herbaceous plant of the high mountain region
yarita:s.(bot)kind of herbaceous plant of the high mountain region
supi p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of herbaceous plant of the jungle (main use: medicinal, ritual)
rumip'anqa:s.(bot)kind of herbaceous shrub of the jungle (main use: kitchen)
siwanku p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of herbaceous shrub of the jungle (main use: medicinal); kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sikuwaka:s.(zoo)kind of intestinal parasite
siwna:s.(bot)kind of jungle palm tree, 17(data)30 m high
silkillu apa:s.(bot)kind of jungle tree, 17(data)30 m high
urku tukuta:s.(bot)kind of jungle tree, 17(data)30 m high
yuraq wapa:s.(bot)kind of jungle tree, 17(data)30 m high
waranqa sisa:s.(bot)kind of jungle tree, 6(data)10 m high
saqmana:s.kind of knuckle(data)duster of metal
pichana:s.(bot)kind of leguminous plant
tara:s.(bot)kind of leguminous tree; plant, fruits used in Bolivia to dye yellow, same plant used in Qosqo and in Inkawasi to dye black and in Huancayo to dye gray; plant that gives a very strong black dye when mixed with clay
llikawaska:s.(bot)kind of liana giving medicinal water against eruptions
ayawaska:s.(bot)kind of liana of the Amazon region, used together with samiruka (chaqruna) for a hallucinogenic beverage; ayahuasca; kind of liana of the jungle (main use: medicinal, ritual); vine of the soul
kali(data)kali waska:s.(bot)kind of liana of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
mullupu waska:s.(bot)kind of liana of the jungle (main use: medicinal, ropes); cat's claw
yuchu waska:s.(bot)kind of liana of the jungle (main use: ropes)
umita:s.(mik)kind of meal
saqta:s.(mik)kind of meal; plate of food with papa lisa
alli wapa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
allqu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
api wapa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
awru p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
ch'ulla chaki p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
challi p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
charapa p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
chukchuq p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
dunduma:s.(bot)(amz)(d1)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
dunduma:s.(bot)(amz)(d2)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
hawchansu yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
inta p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
irki p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
k'usillu kambiya:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
k'uyka p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
kuntisyun p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
kunuwa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
kurarina:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
llaka p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
llustinta:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
mariya p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
matiri p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
misapu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
nasapu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
nina kuru pahu p'anqa:s.(bot)(d1)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
nina kuru pahu p'anqa:s.(bot)(d2)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
pasu yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
pillchi waska:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
pinchana qiwa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
punki p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
puqunaqi yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
qupa yura; qupa p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
ruki p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sach'a sapallu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sach'a sinti qara:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sach'a uchan p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sinkra p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sinti yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
situli p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sukuba:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
t'uksi p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
tawaku p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
tiyatina:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
tiyatina p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchan p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchpa wapa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchu chikta:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchuylla mati kara:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchuylla p'anqa siya:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
umiti yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
urqu chiri wayusa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
wampula yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
waska siya:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
yaku tukuta:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
yami p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
yawar p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
kawpanka:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle used to treat headache, as well as snakebites
yawati k'aspi; yawati p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle used to treat headache, as well as snakebites; kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
qupa p'anqa:s.(bot)(d2)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle, tree whose cooked leaves are eaten to relieve headaches
chini kuru pahu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle, whose young leaves are used against skin infections caused by stingy insect larvae
ankilla p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle; kind of epiphytic plant of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
chikta:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle; tsicta; kind of tree of the jungle (main use: food, medicinal)
kanuwa hamp'atu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuwadorian jungle
akatuwawa:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
chaqru p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
kamalunka:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
kampana ayawaska:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
kanililla:s.(bot)(esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
llawsawaska:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
lubu chupa:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
lusiru ayawaska:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
misk'i p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
murquwaska:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
puka lupuna:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
puma sach'a:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
raqu ayawaska:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
sach'a runa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
shapaka:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
silu ayawaska:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
truynu ayawaska:s.(bot)(esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
wambisa chaqruna:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
wayra runa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
yana ayawaska:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
nana pichana p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle used to treat herpes by applying the heated bark to infected areas, while the aromatic leaves are rubbed on the forehead and strongly aspirated to treat headache
samiruka:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle, used together with ayawaska for a hallucinogenic beverage
chaqruna:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle, used together with ayawaska for a hallucinogenic beverage; chakruna
aya uma:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle; cannonball tree
klawuwaska:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle; clove vine
qatawa:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle; possumwood; sandbox tree; dynamite tree
amasisa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle; swamp immortelli
ñukñu pichana:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle; sweet broom
kumala:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle; virola
anku sach'a:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest
asna p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest
insira:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest
pitumpa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest
chiri wayusa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest used in popular medicine against arthritis and cold, it is a powerful abortive
wayra p'anqa:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest used in popular medicine against arthritis and cold, it is a powerful abortive
q'utu chupa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest used in popular medicine against gonorrhoea
ikuha:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant, main uses: arthritis, lung disorders, diarrhea, malaria, rheumatism
kupaywa:s.(bot)(amz)kind of medicinal plant, main uses: lung disorders, skin disorders, fungus, scars, std's
hirgun sach'a:s.(bot)(p.esp)kind of medicinal plant, main uses: snake bite prevention, anti(data)viral, anti(data)bacterial
yana(data)yana:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant; kind of shrub
muña:s.(bot)kind of mint; sweet smelling sage brush; kind of medicinal herb
pampa t'ika:s.kind of minute plant with yellow flowers on the ground
muchka:s.kind of mortar (for grinding)
q'asampa:s.(zoo)kind of myriapod
p'ata kichka:s.(bot)kind of opuntia
wiñaywayna:s.(bot)kind of orchid
wiririma:s.(bot)kind of palm tree
champira:s.(bot)(amz)kind of palm tree of the jungle
unqurawa:s.(bot)kind of palm tree of the primary rain forest
humisa unsa:s.(bot)(amz)kind of palm tree used as carnival tree
pupa:s.(bot)kind of parasitic climbing plant
qala:s.(zoo)kind of parrot
bumbuna:s.(zoo)(esp)kind of pidgeon
qichalita:s.(zoo)kind of pidgeon
nuwa:s.(bot)kind of plant
pawka:s.(bot)kind of plant
uchpa(data)uchpa:s.(bot)kind of plant
ullanta:s.(bot)kind of plant
wankartipa:s.(bot)(d2)kind of plant
ayur sach'a:s.(bot)kind of plant of the jungle used as medicine against bronchitis
kukuna:s.(bot)(amz)kind of plant plant cultivated in the fields, its fruit is used against diabetes and high blood pressure, contains much vitamin c
chunta paqpa:s.(bot)kind of plant similar to the agave used to gain ropes
punwa:s.(bot)kind of plant species with soft wood
ñaqch'a qiwa:s.(bot)kind of plant used as comb
achira:s.(bot)kind of plant with broad leaves and yellow flowers; plant like the potato; plant, seeds used in red dye
nak'a(data)nak'a:s.(zoo)kind of poisonous snake of various colours; coral
papa hiwara:s.(bot)(esp)kind of potato
quwi lulun papa:s.(bot)kind of potato
kaywa:s.(bot)kind of pumpkin
achuqcha:s.(bot)kind of pumpkin; achogcha; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
pikuwa:s.(bot)kind of purple(data)flowering herb
tikira:s.(bot)kind of quebracho tree
maka:s.(bot)kind of radish(data)like plant used as food crop and medicinal plant; pepperweed
chuqa:s.(bot)kind of rush; reed; reed plant that grows near shore of lakes; reeds
tutura:s.(bot)kind of rush; reed; reed plant that grows near shore of lakes; reeds
wiririma:s.(zoo)kind of sea shell
china t'ula:s.(bot)kind of shrub
hapa(data)hapa:s.(bot)kind of shrub
piki pichana:s.(bot)kind of shrub
t'ankar kichka:s.(bot)kind of shrub
thumana:s.(bot)kind of shrub
wachanqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub
sach'a uqsa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: canoe planks, fishing, hunting, roof)
manturu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: dye, medicinal, wood)
chincha p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: fishing, food, roof)
hatun malagri p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
pasmu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
wawanu p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
uchuyan p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: medicinal, hygienic paper)
yana maqana p'anqa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: roof)
lukata:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: roof, food)
q'illu akwa:s.(bot)kind of shrub of the jungle (main use: wood)
pichanilla:s.(bot)kind of shrub used for making brooms
achiwa(data)achiwa:s.(bot)kind of shrub whose leaves are used for blue dye
chinchirkuma:s.(bot)kind of shrub, used for heart diseases
maych'a:s.(bot)kind of shrub; arnica; plant with yellow flowers
taqsana:s.(bot)kind of shrub; holy thistle; plant, roots used in yellow dye
ch'illka:s.(bot)(d1)kind of shrub; plant used to dye yellow; plant used to dye yellow or greenish(data)yellow
kawallu qaracha:s.(med)(p.esp)kind of skin disease
qilla:s.(zoo)kind of small bee
wita:s.(zoo)kind of small fish
kata:s.(zoo)(esp)kind of small parrot
qalankata:s.(zoo)kind of small parrot
kasha waska:s.(bot)kind of small tree of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
ampalaqwa:s.(zoo)kind of snake
chiqyaq waqta:s.(zoo)kind of snake with green back
khiwila:s.(zoo)kind of snake with yellowish skin
añawaya:s.(bot)kind of spine plant with yellow flowers
chuña:s.(zoo)kind of stalking bird related to the crane
wachapa:s.(zoo)kind of stork
k'ayara:s.(bot)kind of succulent shrub; kind of plant from which the teeth for combs are obtained, the tallitos are dried in the sun, the points are burned and then soaked to make durable. This type of peine is more like a brush, pequeña escobita, than a comb
chulilla:s.(zoo)kind of swallow
sicha:s.(zoo)kind of tangara bird
chawata:s.(zoo)kind of terrestrial turtle of the jungle
tala:s.(bot)kind of thorny tree with hard wood and green(data)yellowish flowers
kamatala:s.(bot)kind of tree
lima(data)lima:s.(bot)kind of tree
mahu mansana:s.(bot)kind of tree
phanka:s.(bot)kind of tree
rata(data)rata:s.(bot)kind of tree
sach'a q'ira:s.(bot)kind of tree
t'asta:s.(bot)kind of tree
tala pispa:s.(bot)kind of tree
wankar tipa:s.(bot)(d1)kind of tree
wilka:s.(bot)kind of tree
phukuna wapa:s.(bot)kind of tree of the Ecuadorian jungle, up to 30 m tall, with brown flowers, medicinal plant
awa:s.(bot)kind of tree of the Ecuadorian jungle, up to 30 m tall, with light green, fragrant flowers, medicinal plant
mara:s.(bot)kind of tree of the Meliaceae family
pusiwa:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: food, nest for chuntakurus of the jungle (larvae), wood, firewood, roof, animal food)
chila:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: kitchen, medicinal)
kupa yura:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
sirkillu yura:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: medicinal, Barniz, music)
lustunta:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: medicinal, animal food)
chunta tawna:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: ropes)
waywacha paparawa:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: shampoo, animal food)
pukuna wapa:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: wood)
tankarana:s.(bot)(amz)kind of tree of the jungle where the ants of the same name live, the pocochons' nest hang from their branches
patikina:s.(bot)(amz)kind of tree of the jungle; dumbcane
qiwuña:s.(bot)kind of tree whose bark easily peels off; native tree with peeling bark, used for firewood; plant used to dye brown; plant used to dye beige
tipa:s.(bot)kind of tree whose bark secretes a brown(data)reddish resin after being wounded
unka:s.(bot)kind of tree whose very hard wood is used for tools
chachakuma:s.(bot)kind of tree whose wood is used for furniture, healing plant
tupa:s.(bot)(amz)kind of tree with soft and light fibres, its wood is used for rafts, its soft flowers are used for mattresses and pillows
unkucha:s.(bot)kind of tuber plant of the Araceae family
maswa:s.(bot)kind of tuber plant; mashua
sira(data)sira:s.(zoo)(reg)kind of wasp
wala puka:s.(zoo)kind of wasp
witalta:s.(zoo)kind of water bird
uchukilla:s.(bot)kind of white maize with small, brilliant grains
ch'unqa:s.(bot)kind of wild plant
wachuma:s.(bot)kind of wild plant
chupika qiwa:s.(bot)kind of wild plant whose increasing presence on the filed shows the necessity of fallow
sara phiña:s.(bot)kind of wild plant, star plant of maize
papa phiña:s.(bot)kind of wild plant, star plant of potato
q'illu sisa:s.(bot)kind of yellow blooming herb
allin kana:s.kindness
ullawanka:s.(zoo)king vulture; carrion vulture
qhapaq llaqta:s.(pol)kingdom; empire
kuchuna:s.knife; shears; scissors
p'itana:s.(tex)knitting(data)needle; pickup stick for pallay (jump over)
khipu kamana:s.knot string craft; calculation with knot strings
sabida:s.(esp)know(data)all; prig
pachaq kuraka:s.(his)kuraka who took care of the poor (in Inka times)
hatun mama:s.(pol)kuraka's wife
qhupu wasa:s.(med)kyphosis
tuna:s.(geo)ladera; inclinaci¢n
wislla:s.ladle; spoon
wita:s.ladle; spoon; dipper
palla:s.lady; respected woman
wachwa:s.(zoo)lake duck
Qhariqucha:s.(top)lake in Ecuador (province of Imbabura); (Span.) Caricucha
Warmiqucha:s.(top)lake in Ecuador (province of Imbabura); (Span.) Huarmicucha
Impaqucha:s.(top)lake in Ecuador (province of Imbabura); (Span.) Laguna de San Pablo
Yanaqucha:s.(top)(d1)lake in Ecuador (province of Imbabura); (Span.) Yanacucha (<black lake)
Yanaqucha:s.(top)(d2)lake in Peru (province of Cajamarca), biggest gold mine of the American continent; (Span.) Yanacocha (<black lake)
Chinchayqucha:s.(top)lake in the Department of Jun¡n (Peru); (Span.) Chinchaycocha; Lake Jun¡n
qucha:s.(geo)lake; puddle; pond; pond; lagoon
micha:s.lamp; lamp as a physical thing; electric light; electricity; energy
k'anchana:s.lamp; lantern
inchipala:s.(zoo)lampyris; firefly
kuru k'ancha:s.(zoo)lampyris; firefly
kañapa:s.(agr)land burnt down and cleared (for pasture)
musuq allpa:s.(geo)land in permanent renewal; land or forest (data) always (data) new; natural regeneration and relaxation; permanent renewal of the forest made possible by maintaining unchanged certain resources like soil, forest and fauna
qullqi with silver deposits
allpa:s.(geo)land; earth; dust; ground; soil; terrain; dirt
chakra:s.(agr)land; farm; field; agricultural plot or field; field in the rainforest area just cleared (initial open field, first three years after clearing) with cassava as the leading crop
pampa:s.(geo)land; plain; floor; ground; valley; ground; plain, flat terrain
lluqlla:s.landslide; alluvion; flood
achkina:s.lantern; lamp; something shining
miklla:s.(uni)(neo)lap (unit) (+/(data) 30 lb.)
p'uti wisa:s.large belly
p'uñu wisa:s.large belly
luru sinqa:s.large conk
machu harra:s.(p.esp)large jug
papa runa:s.(bot)large potato; long, thin, yellow potato
chinchi pila:s.(zoo)(p.esp)larva of a bug
qirisa:s.(zoo)larva; fly egg
pallanka:s.lasso throw
tuqlla:s.lasso; trap; trick
chana wawa:s.last(data)born child
qhipa:s.lateness; delay; late yield
mandasqa simikuna:s.(p.esp)laws
kamachikuykuna:s.laws; legal norms
wachaq wallpa:s.(zoo)laying hen
yakupa:s.(tex)laze cord behind the lease stick
qillakuna:s.laziness; idleness
qilla:s.laziness; idleness; moon
qilla runa:s.lazy man
qallpachakra:s.(agr)leached(data)out land, which needs fallow
hilaqata:s.(pol)leader of a part of an ayllu; mayor; foreman; boss
kuraka:s.(pol)leader of a whole ayllu; mayor; cacique; chief; indigenous chief; province governor in Inka times; Inca administrator who inherited the office; representative of the gods; native official during colonial times
uma:s.leader; guide; head (of a group)
chala:s.(d2)leaf covering the corn cob
qarwa:s.(zoo)(d1)leaf worm, larva of a beetle
pusapa:s.(tex)lease stick; second, smaller rod behind the shed rod used to control order and tension of the warps
qara wayaqa:s.leather bag
qara p'acha:s.leather clothing
qara waska:s.(tex)leather rope
uta:s.(ana)leather; skin
yachachina k'illa:s.lecture(data)hall
yawar ch'unqa:s.(zoo)leech
chanka:s.(ana)leg; calf
siki chupa:s.legless cripple
uta:s.(med)leishmaniasis (a tropical illness feared by Madre de Dios miners)
pinsa qaracha:s.(med)leishmaniasis (a tropical illness)
irwaluysa:s.(bot)(esp)lemon grass
titiqaqa:s.(zoo)leopard; puma
pisiyasqa:s.(mat)less than
yachana:s.(d1)lesson; class; school
yachaykuna:s.(d1)lesson; contents
kachariq qillqasqa:s.letter
sanampa:s.letter (litera)
chaski qillqa:s.(neo)letter (mail)
qillqanancha:s.letter (of the alphabet)
qillqa:s.letter; letter (both meanings); writing; scripture; book; sign
hatun llulla:s.liar; swindler
qillhuñuy kallanka:s.(neo)library
rumi qara:s.(bot)lichen (on rocks, lit. rock bark)
sach'a qara:s.(bot)lichen (on trees, lit. tree bark)
k'umpuna:s.lid; cover
kirpana:s.lid; cover
ñawi qara:s.(ana)lid; eyelid
llulla:s.lie; liar; falsehood; deceit
rawk'ana:s.light tool to earth up potatoes; Andean hand hoe, used for most agricultural work
k'ancha:s.light; brightness
illapa:s.(met)lightning; ray
illa:s.(met)lightning; ray; reflected or artificial light; precious stone; jewel; hidden treasure; tree or rock hit by a lightning considered sacred; enlightenment
tinkuy pura:s.limit
awkikuna:s.lineage; ancestors
simi hita:s.(ana)lip
simi qara:s.(ana)lip
simi punta:s.(ana)lip; lips
hita:s.(ana)lips; lip
lisa:s.(zoo)(amz)lisa; kind of fish
uyarikuna:s.listener; spy
sullk'a ruk'ana:s.(ana)little Finger
ñañu ruk'ana:s.(ana)little Finger
chanrara:s.(mus)little bell; handbell
saqsa:s.little bell; handbell; fringe
wawita:s.little boy
uchuylla wamra:s.little child
wawa ruk'a:s.(ana)little finger
mak'unkura:s.little green fruit from the potato plant
saqra:s.(d4)little hole
phawchi runa:s.(mit)little nature deities inhabiting running water: streams, creeks, and waterfalls
pitila:s.little; a little; a bit coals
sunqu yana:s.liver
musk'a:s.livestock feeding bowl made of stone or wood beings
ararankha:s.(zoo)lizard; grass snake; type of lizard
llaka:s.(med)llaga (a kind of severe, very red and purulent pimples)
qarwa:s.(zoo)(d2)llama; camel(data)like animal
llama:s.(zoo)llama; camel(data)like animal; sheep
chaqnana:s.load carried by mules
chaqna:s.load; light freight carried on an animal's back
qita:s.(geo)loam; clay; mud
antakuru kuyuchina:s.(neo)locomotive
puna:s.(geo)lofty region; elevated, cold plain; altitude level in the Andes from 4000 to 5000 m; highland plateau in the Andes
sapalla kana:s.loneliness
kuysu p'acha:s.(tex)long dress with train
yallimanya:s.(mat)long leg of right triangle
chapana:s.look(data)out; platform of cane or twigs, attached in a tree, serving as look(data)out for hunting
k'umpinakuna:s.(tex)loom and utilities to weave fine cloth
awanakuna:s.(tex)loom and weaving utilities
machana:s.(tex)loom bar
tukukuna hullcha:s.(tex)loom bar; warp beam
kakina:s.(tex)loom bars
shimpa:s.(tex)loom bars
awa:s.(tex)(d2)loom; backstrap loom
maki awana:s.(tex)loom; backstrap loom
allwina k'aspikuna:s.(tex)loom; loom with warp
sira:s.(tex)loop; eye (loop)
qhallincha:s.loose woman
llika(data)llika awasqa:s.(tex)loose, badly woven tissue; woven web
aqhapaq kuraka:s.(his)lord of chicha (Inkan official)
machu (data)lla:s.loudmouth
ukhu usa:s.(zoo)louse of the human body; white louse; impassioned love
chiri kana:s.low temperature
llañu rikra:s.lower arm
ñawpa marq'a:s.(ana)lower arm
ñawpaq marq'a:s.(ana)lower arm
muk'una:s.(ana)lower jaw
wirp'a:s.(ana)lower lip; lips; lip
ura simpa:s.(tex)lower loom bar
urin saya:s.(pol)lower region of an ayllu; lower part of a community, lower moiety (contrasts with hanansaya)
wiqaw wasa tullukuna:s.(ana)lumbars
q'ira:s.(bot)lupin species
llipt'a:s.lye; condiment for coca; substance made from vegetable placed in the mouth when chewing coca leaves (it causes the release of the cocaine drug); ash and lime; ball of vegetable ash, especially quinoa or qañiwa, placed in the mouth when chewing coca to release the coca?s alkaloids
kumasiwa:s.(bot)(amz)macawood; cumaseba; kind of medicinal plant, main uses: anti(data)arthritic, shamanism, aphrodisiac
macha(data)macha:s.(bot)machamacha (big, fern(data)like plant of the cold and humid regions, has fruits similar to the black grape, hallucinatory and nauseating, poisonous after eating it excessively)
lunla:s.(k)mad woman
siñura:s.(esp)madam; lady; wife
ikara:s.(spi)magic chant; transmission of power, energy and knowledge of a supay (deity of the forest) through sacred objects with the yachac (wise man, healer, shaman) as intermediary to empower the recipient (Kichwa of the Ecuadorian Amazon)
saqra:s.(d3)magic; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry
khiña:s.main belt; beam that supports the side walls
Waqaypata:s.(top)main square of Qosqo (Plaza de Armas in Cuzco)
parwa:s.maize bloom
pakurma:s.(bot)maize carbon fungus
khusku sara:s.maize damaged by moths
sara(data)sara:s.maize field; corn field
hura:s.maize germinated for making chicha
Quniraya:s.(mit)male deity (wak'a) in the tales of Waruchiri (cf. Quniraya Wiraqucha); (Span.) Cuniraya
Paryaqaqa:s.(mit)male deity (wak'a) in the tales of Waruchiri, defeater of Wallallu Qarwinchu and of the sinning Yunkas; (Span.) Pariacaca
Tamtañamqa:s.(mit)male deity (wak'a) in the tales of Waruchiri, lord of Anchiqucha, father of Chawpiñamqa; (Span.) Tamtañamca
Quniraya Wiraqucha:s.(mit)male deity (wak'a) in the tales of Waruchiri; (Span.) Cuniraya Huiracocha; (orig.) Cuniraya Viracocha
mana fuwirsarina:s.(med)(p.esp)male impotence
sapa:s.(spi)male priest of the 6th level; one whose physical body can be seen by others to literally glow with light
malwa:s.(bot)(esp)malva; kind of plant used in popular medicine against inflamations
wayapa:s.(fam)man (male adult) of middle age, neither too young nor too old (Quechua archetype)
warmi who beats his wife
qhari woman
qaracha:s.(phymed)mange of plants, a general term describing scab(data)like symptoms, general symptom label for any condition with dry or leathery scales or scabs on plants, including fruit (hosts: peaches, figs, others)
uywa qarana:s.manger
yuka:s.(bot)(esp<taino)maniok; kind of plant with edible root
hina:s.manner; truth
makirurasqa:s.manual work
qhatu; commerce
sawa:s.marriage; matrimony
chamqa:s.mashed maize; grinded maize; chopped maize
sullu papa:s.mashed potato
ñut'u papa:s.mashed potatoes
ñawi pakana qara:s.mask
saynata runa:s.masked; dancer
willay kancha:s.(neo)mass media
yachayta taripana:s.(fil)mastering of knowledge
mata(data)mata:s.(zoo)(amz)mata mata turtle; kind of turtle
yupay kamana:s.(neo)mathematics
yupana:s.(d1)mathematics; numbers
mukirña:s.(esp)mature young woman; grown up; now a woman
pawqarpata:s.meadow; garden
waylla:s.(geo)meadow; lawn; turf; green pasture; moist field
waylla(data)waylla:s.meadows altering with trees
pacha manka:s.(mik)meal prepared in an earth pan; public meal offered by the authorities to the people
chatasqa:s.(mik)meal prepared of dried meat and rice
ima kana:s.(fil)meaning
apariy kancha:s.(neo)means of transport
tupuy akna:s.measurement
aycha:s.meat; body; flesh
chawpi kakuna:s.(neo)media
willachikuqkuna:s.(neo)media (of communication)
willaq (of communication)
hamuna pacha:s.(gra)mediate future tense (in Quechua: (data)shaq, (data)nki, nqa, ...)
hamuq pacha:s.(gra)mediate future tense (in Quechua: (data)shaq, (data)nki, nqa, ...)
unay hamuna pacha:s.(gra)mediate future tense (in Quechua: (data)shaq, (data)nki, nqa, ...)
unay qhipa pacha:s.(gra)mediate future tense (in Quechua: (data)shaq, (data)nki, nqa, ...)
hampi qura:s.medical herb
qhana:s.medical plant
wamanripa:s.(bot)medical plant of the Andes
chuchuwasa:s.(bot)medical plant of the Andes and the rainforest, it is told by elders that it is necessary for being heald to take a part of the plant where the sun rises (chuchu) and one where the sun sets (huasha); aphrodisiac liquor (medicine)
purapura:s.(bot)medical plant used against partial paralysis
hampina:s.medicine; drugs; medicaments
tupuna:s.medida; measuring instrument
taqanqa:s.medium(data)sized pitcher for carrying water
rimaq pampa:s.meeting place; assembly; auditorium; lecture(data)hall
tanta:s.meeting; gathering
yuya:s.memory; reason
ñutqu p'istuq llika:s.(ana)meninges
yawarikuna:s.(med)menstruation period
yuyay chinkay unquykuna:s.(med)mental illnesses; dementia
qhapaq saylla:s.(geo)(neo)meridian
misa:s.(tri)mestizo woman
akilla:s.metal beaker; bowl; vase; high quality wide(data)mouthed vase
pawa:s.method; order; system
paway yachaqa:s.methodology
chawpi tuta:s.mid night; midnight
chawpi ruk'ana:s.(ana)middle finger
sunqu ruk'a:s.(ana)middle finger
atiysapa:s.p.mighty; powerful; rich
lichira:s.(esp)milk cow
kutana:s.mill; grinder; rammer for mortar
waranqa wata:s.(tmp)millennium
waranqa ch'iqta kisura:s.(uni)milligram
t'illwa:s.(uni)millimetre; millimeter
qhuya runa:s.miner
allpapachapi tiyaq chuqikuna:s.(geo)mineral resources
uchuylla pacha:s.(uni)(neo)minute
shalla:s.minute stone
rirpuna:s.mirage; fata morgana
phiñakuna:s.misfortune; calamity
misaylarya:s.(bot)mishailaria (small plant with colored(data)spotted flowers); Kitaraqsa
siñurita:s.(esp)miss; young lady
panta:s.mistake; error
qhapa:s.(zoo)mite; any very small arthropod (aphids and others)
chhama:s.mixture of coarse and fine elements; badly ground flour
haku wallqa mich'akusqa:s.(tex)mode of using haku as bundle to carry small things, knotted opposite ends on both diagonals, arm inserted between knots and bundle lifted onto shoulder
haku pikatasqa:s.(tex)mode of wearing (both men and women) haku for protection against cold or rain, with two points of one end tied across the chest and the shawl hanging loose over the back
haku buhanda:s.(tex)(p.esp)mode of wearing (by men) haku doubled and tied around neck
haku shukutasqa:s.(tex)mode of wearing (by women) haku like a scarf with ends tied under chin
hakun umachasqa:s.(tex)mode of wearing (by women) haku on head, folded several times with ends loose and hanging back
hakun uman watasqa:s.(tex)mode of wearing haku (usually by older women/widows), wrapped around head and tied at back
haku waska:s.(tex)mode of wearing haku by men for support, doubled several times diagonally and tied around waist
hakun illawasqa:s.(tex)mode of wearing haku to carry goods where it is tied across the chest as in pikatash and the lower two corners tied around the hips
musuq pacha:s.modern age
misk'i q'ita:s.molasses of chicha; must of chicha
chankaka:s.molasses; brown sugar
q'ita:s.molasses; overripe; spoiled
kutapa phurmula:s.(neo)(p.esp)molecular formula
sapa killa:s.monthly
wañu killa:s.moon on the wane
wañunayaq killa:s.moon on the wane
killa:s.(ast)moon; the female living energy or consciousness of the moon, oftened referred to as mama killa, mother moon
qaya(data)qaya:s.(bot)mora herb
paqariq ch'aska:s.morning star
pachapaqariq ch'aska:s.(ast)morning star; Venus
wara:s.morning; dawn; morning hours
tutamanta:s.morning; morning
siq'i yapaykuna:s.(gra)morphology (grammatical, in Quechua, by adding suffixes)
isku chapusqa:s.mortar (to mason)
qulluta:s.mortar stone; clapper
rumi millma:s.(bot)moss
unqina:s.(bot)moss; kelp
kisma:s.mother(data)in(data)law; a man's mother(data)in(data)law
mama:s.(fam)mother; madam
qurwara:s.(myk)mould; mold; rust
muqa:s.mould; rust
pula:s.mould; rust
Impapura:s.(top)mountain in Ecuador (and province of the same name); old name of Ibarra (capital of the province of Imbabura); (Span.) Imbabura
Qurupuna:s.(top)mountain in Peru (in the Department of Arequipa, was a female deity); (Span.) Coropuna
uma:s.(geo)mountain peak
urqu hawa:s.mountain peak
kaksaskancha:s.(geo)(ecu)mountain range
sirka:s.(geo)mountain; hill
wañuqkunamanta yana p'acha charina:s.mourning dress
ukucha:s.(zoo)mouse; rat
simi millma:s.(ana)moustache
qallcha:s.mown cereal heaped up with ist stalks
asna charapa:s.(zoo)mud turtle; kind of turtle
mullaka:s.(bot)mullaca (climbing plant of humid regions whose stalks are used as ropes und whose small, purple, sourish(data)sweet fruits heal scorbute. The right hand is twisted before use.)
kutinchisqa yupaykuna:s.(mat)multiple numbers
waqaychasqa aya:s.mummy
chullpa:s.(aym)mummy; ancient artifact; round tomb; stone house(data)like prehispanic graves, still visible in the Lake Titicaca region
sinchi aycha:s.(ana)muscle
sumpuña:s.(l.esp)musical instrument like panpipes
takimanta yachaykuna:s.(neo)musicology
sitqa:s.(bot)mustard (its leaves and flowers are used for tasty hot(data)pots, but lilac(data)flowering mustard is not appreciated as vegetable); also any type of vegetable
ñuqa wiñ age
sunqu aycha:s.(ana)myocardium
Wayrapata:s.(top)name of a town in Bolivia
Puna:s.(top)name of town near Betanzos (Bolivia)
qhipa kunka:s.(ana)nape of the neck; neck
wasa uma:s.(ana)nape of the neck; neck
walthana:s.nappies; napkins; diapers
hananta:s.nappy; napkin; diaper
mayt'una:s.nappy; napkin; diaper
aka wara:s.nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch
iltacha:s.nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch
sikicha:s.nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch
waracha:s.nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch
p'intuna:s.(tex)nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch; shroud; pall
laranqa:s.(bot)naranjilla (kind of bittersweet plant); kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
aqa:s.(d2)narrow pass; defile; notch
aqcha:s.narrow pass; defile; notch
usana kallwa:s.(tex)narrow weaving sword
k'aspi kunka:s.narrowneck
sinqa t'uqukuna:s.(ana)nasal cavities
qhuña:s.nasal mucus; slime; snot; booger; mucous; snot
mama llaqta:s.nation; home land; one's people
Piruw suyu qhawaq kamasqakuna:s.(neo.per)national defense system of Peru
mama llaqtap siminkuna:s.(neo)national languages
hatun wankurikuna:s.(neo)national organizations
kawsa marka runa:s.(neo)nationalities
kutama:s.(geo)natural pyramid
allpa pachapi tiyaqkuna:s.natural resources
pachamamapi tiyaqkuna:s.(neo)natural resources
iwila:s.natural shampoo (Plant)
sallqa:s.(geo)nature; wilderness; lofty region; mountain region; altitude level in the Andes from 3500 to 4000 m; suni; puna (in central Peru, also above 4000 m)
kunka:s.(ana)neck; throat
musuq rumi pacha:s.(neo)neolithic
kharka:s.(d2)nervousness; fear
sika thapa:s.(zoo)nest of caterpillars (egg and pupa cases) in molle and thaqu trees
mama:s.(fig)nest; home
ch'ipa:s.(d1)net used to carry things; string bag; bundle compressed and interweaved
yana kisa:s.(bot)nettle of blackish colour
kisa:s.(bot)nettle; minor nettle; bramble
musuq p'acha:s.(tex)new dress
pachallan p'acha:s.(tex)new dress
pachan p'acha:s.(tex)new dress
chayraq moon
iti moon
musuq killa:s.(ast)new moon
musuq town; slum
lluqsiq wawa:s.(fam)new(data)born child
uña wawa:s.(fam)new(data)born child
wamaq p'acha:s.(tex)newly purchased dress
qillqasqa raphra:s.(neo)newspaper
willay p'anqa:s.(neo)newspaper
p'unchaw qillqa:s.(neo)newspaper (daily)
tuta:s.night; darkness
chuchu punta:s.(ana)nipple; teat
ñuñukuna:s.(ana)nipples; teats; tits; female breast; bossom
ch'iya:s.(zoo)nit; louse egg; larva ladies in Inka times; elected virgins
iñaka ñust'a:s.(his)noble lady; aristocrate woman; Inka lady
laqya:s.noise; din
ch'aqwa:s.noise; din; shouting; yelling; discord
thasa:s.noiseless fart
wiraqucha:s.non(data)indian; white man; gentleman; white person
suti rimana:s.(gra)noun
kawsay rikch'a:s.(neo)novel
yupay milqa:s.(mat)numerical scheme
Dyuspa akllankuna:s.(cri)(p.esp)nuns