Aymara:s.(tri)Aymara people; people that live in the area surrounding Lake Titicaca; Aymara language
Chuqi waqra:s.(ast)Celestial Man, Shepherd, Hunter (constellation)
Pukara:s.(ast)House or Castle (constellation)
Urqurara:s.(ast)Orion (Andean constellation)
Saraqsara:s.(ast)Plough (Andean constellation)
Wara(data)wara:s.(ast)Plough (Andean constellation)
Wayarara:s.(ast)Snake (Andean constellation)
Yachayniyuq Palawra:s.Word of Wisdom
iskay palawra:s.a few words
akulliy hura:s.about 10:00 am; time of break from morning's work to chew coca
purun qura:s.adolescent
qara:s.(bot)agave (a very useful plant, its stem is used for wood or as tube, its leaves for fibres, its fruits are eaten, its sap is used for liquor, its trunk as seat)
chiqyaq qara:s.(bot)agave of turf(data)green color growing in the puna and on the coast
nañapura:s.among sisters
sarara:s.(zoo)(amz)anhinga; kind of bird
añapira:s.(zoo)ant species; ant
yunta wataray ura:s.(p.esp)approximately 4:00 pm
yunta watay ura:s.(p.esp)approximately 8:00 am
Puka Pukara:s.(top)archeological site near Qosqo, was an administrative and military centre, from which it was possible to control the Inka road to Qosqo; Puka Pukara (<red fortress)
sikra:s.(tex)bag (crocheted); sack or purse; round bag of cabuya fiber, looped netting made with needle(data)looping
balsamu qara:s.(bot)(p.esp)balsam bark (lit.); kind of medicinal plant of the jungle used for skin sores, as a febrifuge, antiparasitic, expectorant or stimulant
llaphara:s.banner; standard; flag
yura qara:s.(bot.ana)bark
sapra:s.beard; hairs of the body; pubic hairs
apanqura:s.(zoo)(d1)big spider; tarantula
kikin yawar qillupura:s.biological familiy
mama kuchara:s.(p.esp)bis spoon
ch'irwara:s.biting frost; bleeding of skin due to coldness
yana magic
yana sara:s.(bot)black maize; black corn
suwaq'ara:s.(zoo)(d2)black vulture
qaqa rara:s.boulder
anqara:s.bowl; big bowl; anything having to do with calabazas
ullqu wamra:s.boy
pukllakuq wamra:s.(fam)boy, 5 to 9 years old (meaning in Inka times); boy who plays, serves his parents and is disciplined, looks after his younger brothers and sisters and helps at home; child, 5 to 9 years old (meaning in Inka times); child who plays, serves his/her parents and is disciplined, looks after his/her younger brothers and sisters and helps at home
tuqllakuq wamra:s.(fam)boy, 9 to 12 years old (meaning in Inka times); boys who hunted little birds, was educated in working, grazed animals, carried firewood and straw, spun, carried out his parents' and authorities' orders
ch'apra:s.(bot.ana)branch; twig
rikra:s.(bot.ana)branch; twig
pura:s.(reg)breeding(data)place (of animals)
k'ara:s.burn (sensation); burning sensation; hate
waka p'ura:s.(zoo)calf
suwiq'ara:s.(zoo)carnivorous bird; raven
pukara:s.castle; tower; fort; fortress; ancient altar
tayta kura:s.(p.esp)catholic priest
khara:s.cattle dung; dried manure
k'akra:s.ceramic; ceramics
k'aphra:s.ceramic; ceramics
wamra:s.(fam)child (ca. 5 years); child; kid; adolescent; child, 4 to 6 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: haircut, help at housework, care for younger brothers and sisters, grazing cattle, autonomy in mobility and care for oneself, beginning of school); child, 1 to 5 years old (meaning in Inka times); girl (meaning restricted to girls in Wanka and San Martin Quechua); young man or boy (male meaning in Ecuador)
lluq'aq wamra:s.(fam)child, 1 to 2 years old (meaning in Inka times); child who crawls (data) his/her education is done exclusively by his/her mother
llullu wamra:s.(fam)child, 1 to 5 years old (meaning in Inka times); child who already plays and explores his/her immediate environment
raka k'akara:s.(ana)clitoris
sura:s.(mik)corn (germinated); maize (germinated)
sara:s.(bot)corn; maize
warmi wakra:s.(zoo)cow
tara:s.cradle of a herding sling
yananara:s.(bot)currant; kind of shrub
sinchi phukuq wayra:s.cyclone
khunu wayra:s.(geo)cyclone; whirlwind
qhanra:s.(mit)daemon; bad spirit
anqara:s.(ana)death's head; skull
chunka ch'iqta k'isura:s.(uni)decigram
k'illi wara; k'illa wara:s.(tex)design of small falcon
supay chakra:s.(mit)devil's garden (refers to a jungle area resembling a chacra (data) e.g. an agricultural plot (data) without human intervention. This is believed by local people to be a power(data)spot, and ayahuasca rituals held in this place are believed to deliver powerful and vivid visions to the participants)
chhulla para:s.(met)dew
huchhara:s.digit trade; direct commerce; labor provided by renters to hacendados on a monthly basis in exchange for a small wage
ñawra:s.diversity; variety; multiplicity
mayu ura:s.downstream
chiraw para:s.drizzle; mist; breeze; breeze; drizzle; fog; mist
iphu para:s.(met)drizzle; mist; fog
ch'awkra:s.dry stick; dry branch
rinri wira:s.ear wax
allpa qara:s.(geo)(neo)earth's crust
chura:s.elegant woman
sach'a qura:s.(bot)epiphytic plants
rinri qara:s.(ana)external ear
qhichipra:s.(ana)eye(data)lashes; eye(data)lash; eyelashes
ñawi qhichipra:s.(ana)eye(data)lashes; eye(data)lash; eyelashes
uyapura:s.face to face
wira:s.fat; butter; lard; oil; suet; grease; tallow; wax; fat (grease)
paska rikra:s.(uni)fathom
tayra:s.(zoo)(amz)ferret; tayra
huk iskay palawra:s.few words
chawa chakra:s.(agr)field not cleared by burning (on black soil, which is much more fertile than clay)
muntira:s.(esp)flat, black woolen hat with upturned brim worn by women
patara:s.fold of quinua flour
killapura:s.(ast)full moon
pura:s.(ast)full moon
aqchaqara:s.fur; pelt
qura:s.(bot)(d2)germinated maize
qaysa wamra:s.(fam)girl
waminra:s.girl of 10 to 14 years
warmi wamra:s.(fam)girl, 4 to 6 years old
pukllakuq warmi wamra:s.(fam)girl, 5 to 9 years old (meaning in Inka times); girl who plays, serves her parents, takes care of her younger brothers and sisters, helps at home and in preparing chicha
maki qara:s.(tex)gloves
suydra:s.(esp)god mother
sumaq sara:s.good corn; good maize
khuchi wira:s.grease; fat; lard
saqra para:s.(met)hail
aqcha qara:s.(ana)hairy skin; hairy leather
uma qara:s.(ana)head skin
pachak k'isura:s.(uni)hectogram
qura:s.(bot)(d1)herb; weeds; weed; plant; weed; growth; grass
ura:s.(uni)(esp)hour; time
hatun wayra:s.hurricane
machu wayra:s.(med)illness caused when a person's body is invaded by the bone, or essence of a machu (spirit of an ancestor)
limbu wayra:s.(med)illness caused when a person's body is invaded by the soul or essence of a limbu (dead unbaptized baby)
wayra:s.(mit)illness(data)bearing wind or air, caused by cold, gases, fumes, wind, and evil entities, such as limbu or machus; illness that travels in the air
chaqra:s.(agr)infertile land
hatun tukuypachata kirpaq para:s.(met)inundation; flood
harra:s.(esp)jug; jar
waranqa k'isura:s.(uni)kilogram
qaqinqura:s.(zoo)kind of bird that lives in the valleys and in the East
wira(data)wira:s.(bot)(d2)kind of composite plant used against cough; kind of medicinal herb
wira(data)wira:s.(bot)(d1)kind of composite plant; a food shrub for guinea pigs
matara:s.(bot)kind of grass
uqi qura:s.(bot)kind of herb
uqu qura:s.(bot)kind of herb
ch'aqra:s.(bot)kind of herb used for firewoof
tara:s.(bot)kind of leguminous tree; plant, fruits used in Bolivia to dye yellow, same plant used in Qosqo and in Inkawasi to dye black and in Huancayo to dye gray; plant that gives a very strong black dye when mixed with clay
hawchansu yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
pasu yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
puqunaqi yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sach'a sinti qara:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
sinti yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
uchuylla mati kara:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
umiti yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
wampula yura:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the Ecuadorian jungle
insira:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest
champira:s.(bot)(amz)kind of palm tree of the jungle
achira:s.(bot)kind of plant with broad leaves and yellow flowers; plant like the potato; plant, seeds used in red dye
papa hiwara:s.(bot)(esp)kind of potato
tikira:s.(bot)kind of quebracho tree
tutura:s.(bot)kind of rush; reed; reed plant that grows near shore of lakes; reeds
k'ayara:s.(bot)kind of succulent shrub; kind of plant from which the teeth for combs are obtained, the tallitos are dried in the sun, the points are burned and then soaked to make durable. This type of peine is more like a brush, pequeña escobita, than a comb
sach'a q'ira:s.(bot)kind of tree
mara:s.(bot)kind of tree of the Meliaceae family
kupa yura:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: medicinal)
sirkillu yura:s.(bot)kind of tree of the jungle (main use: medicinal, Barniz, music)
sira(data)sira:s.(zoo)(reg)kind of wasp
chakra:s.(agr)land; farm; field; agricultural plot or field; field in the rainforest area just cleared (initial open field, first three years after clearing) with cassava as the leading crop
machu harra:s.(p.esp)large jug
qallpachakra:s.(agr)leached(data)out land, which needs fallow
rumi qara:s.(bot)lichen (on rocks, lit. rock bark)
sach'a qara:s.(bot)lichen (on trees, lit. tree bark)
ñawi qara:s.(ana)lid; eyelid
tinkuy pura:s.limit
simi qara:s.(ana)lip
chanrara:s.(mus)little bell; handbell
uchuylla wamra:s.little child
mak'unkura:s.little green fruit from the potato plant
saqra:s.(d4)little hole
sira:s.(tex)loop; eye (loop)
llañu rikra:s.lower arm
q'ira:s.(bot)lupin species
siñura:s.(esp)madam; lady; wife
ikara:s.(spi)magic chant; transmission of power, energy and knowledge of a supay (deity of the forest) through sacred objects with the yachac (wise man, healer, shaman) as intermediary to empower the recipient (Kichwa of the Ecuadorian Amazon)
saqra:s.(d3)magic; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry
khusku sara:s.maize damaged by moths
sara(data)sara:s.maize field; corn field
hura:s.maize germinated for making chicha
ñawi pakana qara:s.mask
hampi qura:s.medical herb
purapura:s.(bot)medical plant used against partial paralysis
lichira:s.(esp)milk cow
waranqa ch'iqta kisura:s.(uni)milligram
wara:s.morning; dawn; morning hours
qurwara:s.(myk)mould; mold; rust
Impapura:s.(top)mountain in Ecuador (and province of the same name); old name of Ibarra (capital of the province of Imbabura); (Span.) Imbabura
aka wara:s.nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch
qillqasqa raphra:s.(neo)newspaper
saqra:s.(d2)old and ragged pumkin container
Kupara:s.(top)old community near Waruchiri, resettled by the Spaniards to the reduction of San Lorenzo de Quinti (in the Department of Lima, Peru); (Span.) Cupara
Qhara(data)Qhara:s.(top)old name of Sucre / Chuqichaka (capital of Bolivia); department of Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
sumaqyachiq yura:s.ornamental plant
chakra:s.(tex)pallay motif (belt design, meaning: field)
pukara:s.(tex)pallay motif in weaving (fortress); Carnival parade model with first fruits of harvest
antara:s.(mus)pan flute; cane panpipes
samay ura:s.pause; break
tullu qara:s.(ana)periosteum
pachatira:s.(mit)perverse deity
allpa wira:s.(neo)petroleum
khuchi qara:s.pig skin; pig leather
tara(data)tara:s.(bot)plant full of very thin leaves; kind of herb
qayara:s.(bot)plant like Isabela but smaller
pachamara:s.(bot)plant used to dye orange
turu qara:s.(bot)plant with rope(data)like bark
yura:s.(bot)plant; any plant; shrub; bush; tree; medium(data)sized plant; bushy growth; stem; physical body
pullira:s.(tex)(esp)pleated skirt worn by cholitas; full, short skirt made from synthetic fabric worn by the cholas of southern Peru; traditional skirt
miyuwayra:s.poisonous gas; poison gas; carbon dioxide (as greenhouse gas)
papapa chakra:s.(tex)potato field (belt design of small, longitudinal rectangles)
sipra:s.potato peel
waynandira:s.prostitute; whore
llika wira:s.(ana)protective body fat; peritoneum
sunqu pura:s.(p.esp)pure heart
kulli sara:s.purple corn; black maize or very dark purple maize, mixed with cochineal and used to dye purple (morado)
rumi chakra:s.quarry
waqra(data)waqra:s.(bot)(aym)quisca(data)quisca; plant giving purple dye purple dye from its fruits
achura:s.(mat)quote; rate; ration; daily rations
puka sara:s.(bot)red maize; red corn
antawara:s.reddish clouds seen in morning and evening
wiru chakra:s.reed; reedy area
ch'awara:s.rope made out of chaguar fibres; hemp(data)like fibers from chawar leaves
tiyu chakra:s.sandy field
ch'apra:s.(bot)scrub; brush
qura(data)qura:s.scrub; undergrowth
chira:s.(bot)seed of a red pepper species
ranqhira:s.(p.esp)seller (woman) where one buys usually
kasira:s.(esp)seller of what is usually sold (woman); host (woman)
bulyadura:s.(ast)(esp)shooting stars (lit. lasso with three balls at the end, thief (data) provenience: Misminay)
rikra:s.(ana)shoulder; arm; wing
yukra:s.(zoo)shrimp; river shrimp
sultira:s.(esp)single woman; unmarried woman
t'ipi sintura:s.(p.esp)size of wasp
sintura:s.(esp)size; waist
aycha qara:s.(ana)skin
qara:s.(ana)skin; leather; bark; peel; bark (tree); hide; bark; skin; hide; pelt
sik'imira:s.(zoo)small ant
talankira:s.small shack with a sleeping and a cooking level
wawa kuchara:s.(p.esp)small spoon
iskalira:s.(esp)stairs; ladder
muqra:s.sterile woman
machura:s.sterile; unfruitful (woman, female animal)
asnawayra:s.stinking wind
chanra:s.(geo)stone desert
ranra(data)ranra:s.(geo)stone desert
ranra:s.(geo)stony terrain
llukllapara:s.(met)storm causing inundations
sunsira:s.(esp)stupid, foolish action
ruphay sapra:s.sun rays
saqra:s.(mit)supernaturally powerful being who lives underground and who is generally thought to be evil (represented by snakes, lizards, toads, and animals that live underground); negative and destructive energies subject to the laws of the Creator and under the control of the Children of the Sun, the Inkas, have limited power, well(data)controlled from pre(data)Inka times to arrival of the Spaniards because the people lived in harmony with the laws of the universe, with the Spanish invasion, were liberated and joined forces with the Spaniards, thus enabling the latter to destroy the Inkan Empire
ch'ura:s.(geo)swamp; bog
hamp'ara:s.(neo)table; altar; table used in rituals
tankara:s.(zoo)tangara; kind of bird
wakra:s.(zoo)(d2)tapir; Amazon tapir; Brazilian tapir
kara:s.(bot)the only tree of the puna
Sinak'ara:s.(top)the overlighting mountain deity of the Q'oyllor Rit'i festival
atara:s.(tex)thick blanket sewn together out of many cloths
pallqira:s.three(data)branched slingshot
ch'ira:s.tool used to dig potatoes (also lank'ana)
chakarira:s.traditional dance
pilla t'asra:s.(mat)trapeze
pilla t'asranira:s.(mat)trapezoid
sach'a qara:s.(bot.ana)tree bark
suwaq'ara:s.(zoo)(d1)turkey vulture; carnivorous bird
Apu Sinak'ara:s.(mit)tutelary mountain spirit of the Qoyllor Rit'i festival
iskay kimsa patara:s.(tex)two or three folds
t'ara:s.two paired things
ch'umpi sara:s.type of brown corn
qhaqya sara:s.(bot)type of mixed color corn
raqra:s.(geo)valley; crack; crevice; opening; gorge; canyon; gully; ravine; small canyon
ura:s.(ana)vulva; vagina
sirk'irara:s.warty person
ch'uspi wira:s.wax
sach'a wira:s.wax
muyuq wayra:s.whirlwind
kuli wayra:s.whirlwind; eddy
yuraq sara:s.(bot)white corn
waltaku sara:s.white corn with large grains
ritiwayra:s.wind energy
wayra:s.(met)wind; air
likra:s.wing; feather; shoulder
millmasapa qara:s.woolly skin
qillqara:s.writing; book
q'illu sara:s.(bot)yellow corn; yellow maize