Awaruna:s.(tri)(p.awahu)Awahu (autodetermination), Shuar(data)speaking ethnic group in the departments of Amazonas and Loreto (Peru); (Span.) Aguaruna
qhichwa runa:s.(tri)Quechua people; Quechua(data)speaking indigenous person
Napuruna:s.(tri)Quechua(data)speaking ethnic group in the region of the Napo river (department of Loreto/Peru, and neighbouring Ecuador); (Span.) Quechuas del Napo
Chancharuna:s.(mit)a son of Paryaqaqa in the tales of Waruchiri; (Span.) Chancharuna
sayaq runa:s.(fam)adult
qatiq runa:s.animal driver; drover; mule driver
mana warmiyuq runa:s.bachelor
yaku runa:s.(mit)bad mythical man living in the rivers
millakuy runa:s.badman; bad person
mana p'inqakuq runa:s.beggar
runap q'upan runa:s.beggar
iñiq runa:s.believer
hatun runa:s.big person
muru ukucha runa:s.(ant)big thief
yana people
uma runa:s.boss
q'apiruna:s.(bot)canary wood; kind of medicinal plant, main uses: anti(data)bacterial, diabetes, antioxidant, antifungal stomach, shamanism
uchpa runa:s.childless person
karuna:s.cloth put on burro's back for protection
llaqta runa:s.common people
llaqtayuq runa:s.common people
kuraq runa:s.(pol)community elder; man who has completed the cargo progression and becomes a community elder, informally sought after for advice by younger men
achka runa:s.crowd
ch'unku runa:s.crowd
sach'aruna:s.(mit)daemon of the forest
mink'a runa:s.delegate
khuchi runa:s.disgusting person
t'una runa:s.dwarf; small person
ukhu runa:s.egocentric person; melancholic person
chakra runa:s.farmer; peasant
manchayruna:s.p.great authority
waqaychaq runa:s.(mil)guard; man on guard; watchman
hampiq runa:s.healer
awqa runa:s.hostile person; enemy
allpa runa:s.(zoo)iguana species
sach'a runa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
wambisa chaqruna:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
wayra runa:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle
chaqruna:s.(bot)kind of medicinal plant of the jungle, used together with ayawaska for a hallucinogenic beverage; chakruna
papa runa:s.(bot)large potato; long, thin, yellow potato
qilla runa:s.lazy man
phawchi runa:s.(mit)little nature deities inhabiting running water: streams, creeks, and waterfalls of middle age, neither too young nor too old (Quechua archetype)
saynata runa:s.masked; dancer
qhuya runa:s.miner
kawsa marka runa:s.(neo)nationalities
machu runa:s.old man
tayak runa:s.(tri)old people of the rainforest, ancestors of the Kichwa of Sarayaku; (Span.) Tayac
wakcha runa:s.orphan without family
llaqtantin; llaqtantin runa:s.people as a whole; union of peoples
sach'a runa:s.(tri)people from the forest; savage
Inkap mich'usqan runa:s.(his)people mixed by the Inka
k'apa runa:s.person happy at work
runa:s.(fam)person; people; human; human being; man; indigenous; Quechua Indian; indigenous Andean person; American Indian; man (male adult); husband
kawpaq runa:s.politician
chuqi runa:s.(his)praise of the worker who is tireless until old age
quri runa:s.(his)praise of the worker who is tireless until old age
pampa runa:s.(d2)prostitute; whore
purun runa:s.savage
chiqanpi runa:s.(ant)stranger; foreigner
karu llaqtamanta runa:s.stranger; foreigner
chayraq runa:s.stranger; foreigner; greenhorn; Spaniard in colonial Peru
upa runa:s.(k)stupid person
waqra runa:s.sullen; surly; morose; grumpy; shy; unsociable
chaqruna:s.swing; rocking chair
suyu runa:s.(his)tributary vassal
turuna:s.(bot)turuna (Andean tree with big spines and hard wood, its yellow, round, bitter fruits are eaten by bats and birds. Frequently planted in hedges)
chikan llaqta runa:s.unknown; stranger; foreigner
maqanakuy runa:s.warrior
wayna runa:s.young boy
malta runa:s.young man