Listening to the Walls Talk
This is project intended to record the history of our houses, neighbourhoods and ancient buildings.
Hopefully you will learn something
and also enjoy yourself.
Here are a few pictures and I will tell you more about them very shortly.
Bye for now!
near my current house Back view of my first school
Right now I live in this part of the village. Most of the houses are very old and they have been rebuilt and redecorated. You can't see my house but it's right there on the left of the picture. When I was a child growing up I spent most of my time at school. I used to like meeting my friends over there. We would play around the village for hours after school ended and then sometimes my father would come and look for me. Then I was grounded for a week of so!
Next to the school
"Roman" house
This was the house that used to stand in the back of my school. One of my schoolmates used to live there. Actually I think that he still lives there with his wife and children.
Every time I look at the playground next to the school I think about all the games we used to play.
Back then girls used to play together but
boys would always keep an eye on us! And us on them! ;-)
On my way to school I passed in front of this very old building. Back when I was a child we used to say that this house was built by the Romans! Now I know it can't be true but back then I used to believe it.
It was also said that
there was a secret passage from that house to another house up the hill. In case of an invasion then it could be used as a safe way out.
To this day I don't know if that story was true or just another one of our fantasies!