Internal Table
1) How do you insert a BLANK LINE in an Internal Table.
2) What r required before Control break Statement.
3) Define : Control Break Statement.

4) Sort itab by f1 f2.
At New F1.
Write: f1,f2,f3

What is the output?

5) How do you modify a Particular Field of a Given Row?

6) Give DIfferent Kinds of Internal Table.
7) Clear, Free, Refresh, Collect
Interactive Report

1) Give Events in Sequential.
2) Till how many List we can drill down?
3) Is the basic list deleted when the new list is created?
4) What is meant by hotspots ?
5) In which system field does the name of current gui
status is there ?
6) What is meant by hide area ?
7) How do you pass a Value from one List to Another List?
8) How can we set page headers for other lists?

How to call other programs?

Dialog Programing
0)Events in sequentially.
1)What are “field” and “chain” statements ?
2)What is "AT Exit-Command" ?
3)What are the different message types available in the ABAP/4 ?
- E – Error
- W – Warning
- I – Information
- A – Abnormal termination
- S – Success

4)can u tell The commands through which an ABAP/4 module can “branch to”
or “call” the
next screen are 1.___________ , 2.___________ , 3.____________ ,
- Set screen ,
Call screen , Leave screen , Leave to screen .
5) What is the difference between SET SCREEN and CALL SCREEN ?

6) What is LUW or Database LUW or Database Transaction ?
7) How do you Display a Report Thro' Dialog Programming?
leave to List-Processing.

8) How do you Change Attributes of the Objects Dynamically?



1) Write the BDC table structure.
2) What are the function modules for callingBDC program?
3) Difference between Session & Call Transaction?

By Ramani N.