¤~The Rules~¤

Rule #1 - No hentai. This RPG is rated PG-13. Mild kissing, hugging, and stuff like that is fine. You can also imply things, just can't do anything else in your posts.

Rule #2 - Mild swearing. Damn, shit, and hell are about as far as we'll let it go. Don't over do it though.

Rule #3 - Absolutely no godmodeling! The characters are NOT perfect, and they should not be all powerful. That wouldn't be very interesting now would it? Make sure you actually take hits from people. It's more fun that way anyways.

Rule #4 - For now, you are only allowed to be 2 characters at the most. One good, and one bad.

Rule #5 - No Junkmail! Do not send chain letters, petitions, whatever. This is just plain annoying.

Rule #6 - All gods and goddesses are NPCs the GMs play. If you have a good reason, we might let you play your governing god/goddess once or twice.

Rule #7 - Don't change anything about your character after it is already approved by the GMs. Minor appearance changes are fine, but nothing drastic. Anything else, you have to clear it with us first.

Rule #8 - You should post at least once a week, and right now there is no limit on how much you can post. If for some reason you can't post, contact one of the GMs. We will figure out what to do during that time.

Rule #9 - You are allowed to have relationships and friendships with other characters, but you must discuss it with them first. You do not need permission for crushes though.

Rule #10 - GMs are aloud to edit people's posts slightly if they need to. If a GM does this, they will tell the person who's post they edited.

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