++Imperial Guard 666th Catachan Demons++


"Emperor's light!!!" screamed the Verudian trooper from the 113th grey brigade, panting, pure fear in his eyes. "Those catachans......they are.....tainted....inhuman! I swear it by the Emperor!!! They were fighting alongside my platoon, they were faceless, nothing, viod of all emotions, the Daemon fire that I have witnessed from the countless battles with Chaos......was in their eyes!!! "Nonsense!!" bellowed Lord Caligula, Warmaster of the Anaris Campaign. "They are amongst the elite, the best fighters the imperium has ever known, who else can we count on against those vile Chaos filth than the 'Daemon-Hunters' themselves?"

Voice recording extract
'the battle of Merkha'

A liitle history....

The 666th Catachan Demons, also more commonly known through Imperium ranks as 'Daemon-Hunters'. Lead by the pious Colonel-Lord Disenwhore, rumoured to be a long lost Inquisitor who had been lost in the warp with the same surname (not many has ever seen his face) The men of the 666th regiment have been trained in harsh environments and of course, their home, the hell-hole known as the Catachan forests. Blinded by their unhealthy faith in the Emperor, the 'Daemon-Hunters' are often seen at the frontline, tearing apart all that is unholy. Often the first and only regiment to offer entering the warp or Chaos infested planets, and their ability to withstand and defeat the wraths of Chaos has led many other commanders and inquisitors to suspect the true nature of the 'Daemon-Hunters' and have been often associated to being 'agents of chaos'. The 666th Catachan Demons have seldom fought alongside other regiments as they were normally shunned upon by other regiments. But at the smae time respected and feared as their fury in battle can be matched only by the Marines of the Adeptus Astartes, or some whisper......the Daemons themselves.

Another splendid army done none other than the paint meister himself. Love the conversions that he has done for his bikes! Those actually play as rough riders. Cool! Other aspects of the army include a very detailed Leman Russ, a little barricade for his heavy weapons teams, a lovely banner for his Command Unit with a large medi-pack.


The gathered might of the Imperial Guard of Melvin

One of the highlights: banner and medi-pack

The Armoured might of the IG

The heavy weapon troops take up position to launch mortars; safe behind sandbags.

The backbone of any IG army

His lovely Ogrns!

More men of the Imperium

Tank riders

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