F.A.C.T.S. Directory

Formerly Known As
Drug Busters

The War on Drugs in Chimayo, New Mexico
and northern New Mexico, USA

Index to Articles
Updated Material

From the Front Line of America's War on Drugs!

Update Index 2002 News & Stories:
Easier to use Index to the War on Drugs in northern New Mexico

Welcome to the new format and name change. There has been a lot of new material and information added since this page first went up over a year ago. Once the reader starts exploring the new and updated material, and other information contained at the new, F.A.C.T.S. Directory; The UR-Busted Files, formerly known as Drug Busters NM, it will become apparent to the reader why the name and format were changed.


What Started the Initial Drug Busters Campaign in Chimayo and Northern New Mexico
Formerly titled: "About Drug Busters"
Originally published March 1999

We are two concerned parents and caring individuals, living in a small community located in the blue sky and aspen filled high terrain, of northern New Mexico. You would start to believe, from that description, that this place is almost as close to living in paradise, as one can get. That sadly is, and has not been the case, for a large number of years now. Paradise has become anything but paradise!

The community that we live in and the northern part of our State, has literally been taken hostage, by the influence and debilitating effects of the Mexican Mafia, and their highly connected drug dealers in this area. There is hardly a home or business in our area that has not been broken into or stolen from. The area where we live, for as small a population that it has, continues to have one of the highest heroin and cocaine overdose death rates in America. The area that we live in, has in the past and continues to be used, by the Mexican Mafia as a central staging area for the distribution of heroin, cocaine, and other harmful drugs, to all areas of the United States. Many of the hard drug dealer's in this local area alone, are currently dealing a pound of cocaine or heroin per day. Our area has quite literally become a proverbial "hole in the wall" hideout, for both the criminals and the purveyors of organized criminal activity. Federal fugitives from justice consider this area ideal to hideout in, a safe zone where they can safely conceal themselves, and then continue to pursue, and operate their criminal enterprises.

Mexican nationals are used routinely as "mules," in the transportation of hard drugs from Mexico to this area of the United States. These unwanted criminals then stay in the United States, and further pursue their criminal activities, and some of those criminal activities, includes the calculated, outright, and cold blood murder of United States citizens.

Our greatest fear in this area, is not a nuclear accident, or the fear of nuclear fallout dropping in on us from the nearby Los Alamos Weapons Laboratories. What does worry us the most, is the continual and immediate fear of living in the "Ground Zero" area of fallout, from the Mexican Mafia and their drug dealers, and the effects of the distribution of the poison that they continue to sell. This is what continue's to worry us the most!

Defy the Mexican Mafia and their drug dealers in this area, and you could wind up in an apple orchard or an arroyo, with a bullet in the back your head. The practice of murdering off, and intimidating with fear, those who oppose the drug dealers and the Mexican Mafia, has become a very successful set of intimidation tool's.

Recently an 18 year old area man was carjacked not far from his home. The carjackers, then drove this young man to the 660 foot high bridge spanning the Rio Grande Gorge, and with the young man fighting and kicking for his last breath of life, the carjackers threw him screaming headlong over the top rail of the bridge, into the cold dark void of night and death. But the young man would not die so easily. As he was being thrown over the top rail, the already cold and beaten young man reached out and grabbed onto the railing and clung on. The carjackers did not run, they coldly stopped and looked at each other, it was late and there was no one on the road, so they turned and stomped on the hands and fingers of the young man, smashing them into a bloody pulp until he could no longer hang on, and finally the young man let go and was swallowed up by the dark of the night and the gorge. The State Police recovered the young man's body the following day. A week later the young man's car was found and recovered in a bordertown in Mexico. It has been revealed that the carjacking and theft of the vehicle was part of a larger scheme involving, you guessed it, hard drugs. The only fault of the young man, was that he was inadvertently in the wrong place at the wrong time, and for that he was coldly and brutally murdered.

If that tragic and horrible murder scenario above, which really did happen, does not have a tendency to invoke fear into the hearts and minds of the people, then I don't really know what else would. Holding sway over the people through fear is holding the people hostage. People are scared where we live, and incidents like the one above, only feed the fear that the people already have.

Most people still remain afraid, and if you ask any of the local population, any specifics about where drugs come from, about the only answer that you'll get is, "Look all around you, it's everywhere!" The sad truth is, is that they are absolutely right, the hard drugs are everywhere! But as to the specifics of where exactly the drugs come from, when asked, the people turn and walk away from you and will not answer you. Living in constant fear of being murdered, or severely injured by the drug dealers and the Mexican Mafia, has totally taken over the place of doing what is right for most people living here. Survival and living here, has become very basic for people around here, it has become a matter of staying alive!

We both had been getting fed up with the hard drug situation in our area, long before this, having both worked as volunteer EMT's in our area, and having witnessed first hand the ravage that hard drugs inflict's on a person and a community. It was suggested to us then, to be restrained and not to make waves over our displeasure with the major drug issue that was going on in our area. We were told that there were those in power who would not look favorably at us, and there would be problems created for us.

Drug Busters, the UR Busted Files is our response, to the unwarranted and unwanted intrusion of the Mexican Mafia and their drug dealers, into the lives of our community and the area that we live in. Drug Busters is our response to all the other people across America who are wondering what to do about hard drugs and crime in their communities and on their streets? Our answer is to fight back, and to help us get rid of all the hard drug dealers who continue to destroy the lives of our family, friends, and neighbors. Drug Busters is our contribution to the effort to defeat the enemy, in America's War on Drugs.

The only thing that we have to start Drug Busters and our campaign with, is faith and courage, and the encouragement of friends telling us in their own way, not to quit. At this point that is enough, more than enough. The following was taken from a newspaper story, written by DANIEL J. CHACON, that appeared in The Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Thursday, March 4, 1999. The story which is entitled, Chimayó couple takes aim at drugs, is about a flyer that my wife and I posted, in our campaign and struggle to rid the community and area that we live in, of the death like grip that the Mexican Mafia and their drug dealers hold on this area. This quote from the Santa Fe New Mexican, pretty well sums up how we feel about the situation of hard drugs and drug dealers, "Where do you move to get rid of the problem? Mars? The moon? Outer space? If you keep running away from the problem, you're never going to solve it."

The story about the flyer's we posted in our community, and our campaign against hard drug dealers, was initially broken by, The Rio Grande Sun, the local newspaper in Espanola, New Mexico, on Thursday, February 25, 1999. The Rio Grande Sun simply had placed a reduced copy of our flyer, alongside a front page cover story about a meeting, that had been conducted on the problem of hard drugs in our area.

Both my wife and I have given short televised interviews about the issue of hard drugs in our area, and why we posted these flyers and became involved in taking on the hard drug dealers in our area. CBS affiliate, KRQE-TV Channel 13, Albuquerque, NM, aired one interview on Friday, February 26, 1999, at 5:30 PM. The other interview was aired on Sunday, March 7, 1999, at 10 PM, and was conducted by NBC affiliate, KOB-TV Channel 4, Albuquerque, NM.

[NOTE: At the time that this web page was being finished, we received word from the State Police in our area, that they had discovered what they were taking seriously, as a potential "Death Threat" aimed at us. If the Mexican Mafia and their drug dealers believe that this type of intimidation will scare us off, then they need to understand this very clearly; my wife and I will not waver from our commitment to rid our community and streets of hard drugs and those that sell them. If anything, this threat has only further strengthened our resolve to get drug dealers out of our community!]

Why are my wife doing what we are doing, and why are we attempting to form this organization called Drug Busters? Why are we putting ourselves in harm's way, and why do we continue with this campaign, in face of the almost insurmountable obstacles and dangers that we continue to face? There is only one answer and result that we are concerned with.

"You have to do what you have to do to save lives."

That is the reason and being for Drug Busters, and our campaign to clean up our communities and streets across America. We are doing what has to be done, in order to get rid of the plague of hard drugs and drug dealers in this Nation. Anything less than that, and we truly are shirking our responsibilities to our fellow man, and to ourselves. We either destroy the drug dealers and their vile poison, or they destroy us, it's just that plain and simple, there is no middle ground to the War on Drugs!

Our message to the Mexican Mafia and to their drug dealers is plain and simple!
We want the drug dealers and their hard drugs out of our communities and off of our streets, and we don't want them as neighbors or as parts of our communities. They have worn out their welcome with the people of America! To the rest of the dealers and purveyors of hard drugs in America, you won't have to wait long for your turn, because Drug Busters is coming for you next!

Do you have more questions, Email Us Today!

The War on Drugs in northern New Mexico Index

Original Articles

What Started the Campaign


The Effort To Clean-Up
Chimayo & northern New Mexico


The Flyer That Started it All

Getting Drugs Out of Your Communities and Off Your Streets! 


The War on Drugs

The United States Senate Drug Hearing in Espanola, New Mexico, March 30, 1999 - A Denial of Constitutional Rights!

Let's Play Is It or Isn't It A Part of the Official Congressional Record? How Congress Steals Our Right to be Heard!

Important New & Updated Material




It's Now Official -
Official Incompetence Prevails in War on Drugs in New Mexico





The General Weflare of the
Masses of People Ranks Second!
The Attitude of New Mexico's
United States Senator's

Northern New Mexico: A History of Corruption

Operation Overdose


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