Kemazo: History
        Christopher could see that the Entante Alliance was in trouble.  However, he had heard that imperialism was usually how countries gained back their lost power.  Hopefully, if the Entante Alliance were to sucessfully imperialize a new piece of land it would raise the nationalism within the country.  Chris thought that the perfect place to imperialize would be the swamps of Agland.  This area would provide the country with a place of shade.  When the swamps were taken, Joshua hated how cool the weather was, and soon the Entante Alliance found out that there were misquetios there also.  That was what made Thomas dislike the area.  William didn't have an opinion with the new piece of land.
           Although the swamps were not popular, taking it over was what saved the country. During one of the journies to the swamp, an area with steps and railing was discovered.  Soon afterward, this area, and the strip of blacktop which connected it to the basketball corts were imperialized.  All four members liked this area with the steps, and it was this area that made Joshua excited about being in the Entante Alliance agian.  Because this new area was so liked it became an important political spot.  It became the Supreme Court of the nation.  There, the members of the Entante Alliance voted on important political issues. 
         It turned out that this imperialism made all the members of the Nation nationalist, meaning that they had great pride in their country.  The military also became a very important factor of the Entante Alliance.  Many new weapons were discovered. (These weapons are to remain top seceret.)  And it was a good thing that new weapons were discovered too because on old foe of the the Entante Alliace once again became a problem: The Louder Empire.  At this time the Louder Empire's boundaries almost touched the Supreme Court.  Because the Louders were so near, the Entante Alliance began stockpiling huge suppliles of soda bombs, bottle bombs, and other weapons. A few battles between the Louders and the Entante Alliance occured.  Controll of the grass area next to the Supreme Court went back and fourth between the Lounders and the Entante Alliance.  Not only did the Louders begin having conflilcts with the Entante Alliance, but they also started waging wars with Polelund. 
          Being imperialistic, the Entante Alliance wasn't going to stop invading land with what it currently owned, so they then took another piece of land from Agland:  the three peaks.  Then the Entante Alliance invaded the strip of land west of the T.V. production room.  And after that the land between the child care room and the Administration officie fell prey to the Entante Alliance's Imperialistic ways.  Finally, trashieria was added to the list of imperialized areas as the Entante Alliance killed its ruler, Psycho claw, (one who had become the symbol of warfare) in an attempt to forge perminent peace in the Entante Alliance.
         The great civil war didn't end civil wars, but it just ended the use of large scale weapons during civil wars.  Civil wars in the Entante Alliance continued throught the entire year.  One of these wars was the Three Peaks War.  Since Joshua was the only member of the Entante Alliance withough a peak, he waged a war in an effort to gain one, but he was defeated terribly.  Shortly afther this war a defencive Alliance was created between Polelund and the Entante Alliance.  It said that if the Louders attacked Polelund then the Entante Alliance would help, and if the Louders attacked the Entante Alliance then Polelund would help.  However it also stated that if Joshua attacked either Chris, William, or Thomas Polelund would help, but Polelund never ended up getting involved in civil wars.  With the help of the Entante Alliance, Polelund doubled it's size.  There was also an area in Polelund that the Louders kept trying to take, but eventually it always ended back up with Polelund. 
         As the end of the end of the year drew nearer and nearer, it seemed more likely that the Entante Alliance would remain the school power at least untill the last day of the year.  However, once again a seris of events occured which made the Entante Alliance lose their power, and once again they would get their power back.  Strangely, these events all occured within a few weeks during the end of the year.     