
This was a stupid idea... I've got so much to warn....

1. Okay. First things first. I will cuse, use profanity, be perverted. That's me. If you've got a problem with it, leave.

2. If you've got a problem with homosexuality (that's two men or two women doin' more than just bein' friends), I would HIGHLY recommend leaving NOW. It would be completely STUPID to stay on this site if you're homophobic.

3. If you're seriously religious..er..if you're seriously religious I think you'd be leaving due to number two, but if you've decided to stick around, I'm an athest, so... You get the idea.

4. If you're republican... I might mention a little about it, but ya know... I'm a serious democrat. PRO-CHOCIE ALL THE WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

5. I believe everyone's entitled to their own opinion. So am I. I'm not going to tone myself down for nobody, so just get ova it. I don't really need a bunch of fudgeing flames comin' in my inbox everyday, kay? I get enough mail already and I don't need the trash.

6. If you're seriously imature enough to send me flames and be pissed cause I am who I am.... There's no help out there for you.

Still wanna continue???